3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

flewychan escreveu:
limevan escreveu:
flewychan escreveu:
Can anyone look and see what else i can upgrade/change in my skill tree?


you're linking my old pob?

oh my , im terribly sorry..


^ . ^
the PoB's missing a jewel, can you export a fresh copy so we can look your profile through more accurately?

[edit] i pulled up the POB based on your current character and it's level 89, so there are passives that you're pathing towards but haven't got the levels to apply them yet. this is likely why there was no jewel in the PoB you've provided. we'll assume that you're level 95 with the passives already in place for the next section.

1. Proliferation. I don't see ignite prolif support linked to EA, the implicit on your gloves or a cluster jewel for this. Is this intentional? If you're purely bossing, this shouldn't be an issue.

2. Spell Suppression. Anything below 100% is scary. You just need a hit to bypass this and it will do double damage and be likely to kill you.

3. Polaric Devastation. Bless the implicit to 25%, and even catalyse it further to get an easy 28% elemental damage? it's very cheap to do so.

4. Flasks. 3 unique flasks, and all with enkindling applied. You're gonna have a truckload of damage when they are active, but there will be problems once they drop off. Again, this makes me think that you're doing bossing content, since it looks like a very bursty setup.

5. Awakened Unbound Ailments. I believe this support gem is better suited in cases where you can stack ailments (like poison). Since ignite doesn't do this, we're better off with empower. A quick and dirty comparison of your ignite DPS shows that using awak Unbound Ailments gives 23%, empower3 gives 32%, while empower4 gives 45%.

6. 3,233 life might be a tad low given how your Armour is sitting at 14,438. Consider investing more in life, or switch out some flasks for defensive ones for armour and evasion.

7. Hit Chance. 93% is a little lacking, try to gear more for this. If you get sanctified relics with accuracy on frenzy charge, or % global, it can help!
Última edição por limevan#7271 em 15 de jan de 2023 03:41:46
Action Speed in this case increases our Movement Speed and Totem Placement Speed, but not Attack Rate. In your case, the Action Speed implicit has already been taken into account by PoB.

Thanks thats new info to me.

Having good attack speed is very useful, but once we're at the threshold of compromising on ignite damage, it might be better to strike a balance. Going beyond 2.75 Attack Rate is probably for setting Divergent EA up, but before doing that, it's best to get Ignite capped first.

I agree but, as I mentioned in a previous post, the breakpoints are under laboratory conditions so in a real map/boss enviroment you hardly ever have all 6 ballistas up and shooting/hitting the same target simultaneously. Thats why I decided to go for more AS. I actually have no idea wether this is good and what a good balance between attack rate and ignite modifier is.

I also dont know how important the stack potential value is.
Última edição por VigorDracul#2148 em 15 de jan de 2023 03:34:26
^ . ^
the PoB's missing a jewel, can you export a fresh copy so we can look your profile through more accurately?

[edit] i pulled up the POB based on your current character and it's level 89, so there are passives that you're pathing towards but haven't got the levels to apply them yet. this is likely why there was no jewel in the PoB you've provided. we'll assume that you're level 95 with the passives already in place for the next section.

1. Proliferation. I don't see ignite prolif support linked to EA, the implicit on your gloves or a cluster jewel for this. Is this intentional? If you're purely bossing, this shouldn't be an issue.

2. Spell Suppression. Anything below 100% is scary. You just need a hit to bypass this and it will do double damage and be likely to kill you.

3. Polaric Devastation. Bless the implicit to 25%, and even catalyse it further to get an easy 28% elemental damage? it's very cheap to do so.

4. Flasks. 3 unique flasks, and all with enkindling applied. You're gonna have a truckload of damage when they are active, but there will be problems once they drop off. Again, this makes me think that you're doing bossing content, since it looks like a very bursty setup.

5. Awakened Unbound Ailments. I believe this support gem is better suited in cases where you can stack ailments (like poison). Since ignite doesn't do this, we're better off with empower. A quick and dirty comparison of your ignite DPS shows that using awak Unbound Ailments gives 23%, empower3 gives 32%, while empower4 gives 45%.

6. 3,233 life might be a tad low given how your Armour is sitting at 14,438. Consider investing more in life, or switch out some flasks for defensive ones for armour and evasion.

7. Hit Chance. 93% is a little lacking, try to gear more for this. If you get sanctified relics with accuracy on frenzy charge, or % global, it can help!

Thank you so much for this write up!

I got to be honest, im new to this build and my mate handed me down some leftover currencies after quitting, so i just bought what i thought was good
Hello there,

I came back this league and I enjoy it very much (the last I played was delirium).

Can someone look at my build and tell me what my next big improvement is please?

My budget is 10 divine.

I know my skill tree is a bit original but I like hired killer for survability since I play a delirium atlas tree. I'm stucked at 96 for now since I die often on T16 map.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/gjeBb3D7

Thank you in advance !
Wondu escreveu:
Hello there,

I came back this league and I enjoy it very much (the last I played was delirium).

Can someone look at my build and tell me what my next big improvement is please?

My budget is 10 divine.

I know my skill tree is a bit original but I like hired killer for survability since I play a delirium atlas tree. I'm stucked at 96 for now since I die often on T16 map.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/gjeBb3D7

Thank you in advance !

First thing I would do is invest in 5ways to get to level 100 or at least 99.

You dont need hired killer for survivability if you fix your chaos res (-45% is asking for oneshots) and improve your evasion. This opens up a few skill points and even if you really like your skill tree its probably better to try the standard one :). You will get skill point starved. (you already are). If you fix your defense you can use more unique flasks for damage instead of two life flasks.

You should/could get unnatural instinct and impossible escape (with precise technique), watchers eye with "attack speed while affected by precision", +2 amulet.

Use elemental catalyst on your polaric devestation ring (use blessed orbs for max implicit) and your belt for easy dps boost.
Última edição por VigorDracul#2148 em 15 de jan de 2023 07:25:19
VigorDracul escreveu:
Action Speed in this case increases our Movement Speed and Totem Placement Speed, but not Attack Rate. In your case, the Action Speed implicit has already been taken into account by PoB.

Thanks thats new info to me.

Having good attack speed is very useful, but once we're at the threshold of compromising on ignite damage, it might be better to strike a balance. Going beyond 2.75 Attack Rate is probably for setting Divergent EA up, but before doing that, it's best to get Ignite capped first.

I agree but, as I mentioned in a previous post, the breakpoints are under laboratory conditions so in a real map/boss enviroment you hardly ever have all 6 ballistas up and shooting/hitting the same target simultaneously. Thats why I decided to go for more AS. I actually have no idea wether this is good and what a good balance between attack rate and ignite modifier is.

I also dont know how important the stack potential value is.

that was something i was surprised about too! i was expecting action speed to boost our attack speed (in addition to movement and cast speed) but the attack rate wasn't changing when i plugged different action speeds in POB. just to confirm this, i brought up the character page while in game, and it appears that POB is right about this.

while attack speed is crucial in getting a good fuse count, stacking too much of this loses potential once we're reliably getting max fuses (iirc you mentioned having it beyond 3.0 under active boots condition). you rightly mentioned that we're not playing in lab conditions, so there will be some variance under adverse conditions (totems missing their shots, staggered summoning, line of sight issues). however, this is not going to be very common, so we just need a good enough attack rate to reliably hit 20 fuses and while doing so, apply a strong ignite when the fuses explode.

since ignites don't stack like poisons, we aim for a good DoT. the highest DoT the game can accept is just south of 36M, so we try to build towards this figure. a high attack rate is essential since each fuse is a multiplier, and that's why we always aim for 20 fuses. however, if we stack so much attack speed that we neglect actual damage, we can end up having 20 fuses very reliably but each time it explodes, the DoT is way lower than this DoT limit.

in other words, attack speed is still a priority, but up to a certain point. we want as much meat on the bones as we go, so we need to load up on damage (gem levels, %burning, reduced fire resistance, faster ignites, DoT multi, shock, etc.) at the same time.

don't get me wrong, i'm with you on attack rate. i run 2.86 (and 3.02 on kill with boots enchant) as well, but after getting around 2.50, i turned my attention to maxing out damage before coming back to speed. this has been great for killing guards in sanctum runs since we don't need to wait for too long for the explosion, but the ignite needs to finish the guard off quickly when the fuse explodes.
I've been trying to figure this out for hours:

When I import my TREE AND JEWELS and ITEMS AND SKILLS onto another EA Ballista POB, their builds max ignite damage skyrockets, since the GEMS do not automatically carry over, I figured that's where my build is lacking. So I apply their GEMS to my build but my damage is still nowhere near close to theirs.

Difference is about 30m "total damage per ignite".
Any idea what other factor besides GEMS could be affecting this?

My build here: https://pastebin.com/eiuXvdag
"Other" build for reference here: https://pastebin.com/GZcwMhAL
Última edição por Geoffmeister#9358 em 15 de jan de 2023 14:20:04
brunowa escreveu:
3.20 Update.
No changes.

This will still be a top tier build and demolish all content from league start to Uber Bosses.



This build is for you if you like to easily clear all content without thinking, and like to kill bosses in seconds.

Haha, we have millions and millions IGNITE DPS and still have amazing tankiness. Yeh... everything just melts.

Watch live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/brunowa_
Get the latest Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0UHiZPF7vB6N6o4eGs8mPA

Here is an end-game video for those working towards it:

3.18 VIDEOS:
Uber Maven melting: https://youtu.be/sUrmXTaNwxA
Uber Sirus Just Melts: https://youtu.be/cwl3a7-0d04
Uber Shaper 2-man carry: https://youtu.be/S69cfu2qlyg
Uber Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/HLFRukDrcvA
Uber Searing Exarch: https://youtu.be/y_YJ6v_d6aI
Uber Cortex showing a little clearspeed too: https://youtu.be/Q2sU4etGzAQ

3.17 Videos (most people can expect to reach this level of DPS.. the above is very min-maxed):
1. The Black Star: https://youtu.be/afaWjclnFx8
2. The Infinite Hunger: https://youtu.be/yBpRdIvNapc
3. The Searing Exarch: https://youtu.be/VgnU_WaFwtU
4. The Eater of Worlds: https://youtu.be/UtibtVGvN_U
5. Sirus: https://youtu.be/ZBa1JqxnAAc
6. Maven: https://youtu.be/GIig_CuiMOI
7. T16 Mapping/Clear - Minotaur: https://youtu.be/jyKJMM20Fqw
8. T16 Mapping/Clear - Crimson Temple (influenced): https://youtu.be/eINmK2aiRNo

Pro's and Con's

+ Amazing DPS
+ Amazing clear
+ Amazing bossing
+ Amazing tankiness
+ Very simple gameplay
+ Drop totems and run

- Have to backtrack for some items that drop

Gear Detailed

You want to prioritise ATTACK SPEED. Attack speed is essential for this build, so you MUST have a short/thicket bow.

Short/Thicket Bow
+1 socketed gems
+2 socketed bow gems
17%+ Attack Speed
Craft fire DOT or gain fire as extra chaos.

Can use a Quill Rain or Storm Cloud early on for cheap. Upgrade when you have the $$.

Fire damage over time
Attack speed
Elemental damage with attacks

Lots of options here to suit your needs:
- Hyrri's is fantastic - spell suppression and DPS.
- Rare with spell suppression and life
- Rare with Life and resis,
- Loreweave.
- Brass Dome for ultra defence.
- Queen of the Forest for ultra speed.

Blizzard crown with life, resis, -9%+ fire damage.

Damage over time
Attack speed
Spell suppression

Spell suppression

Can use Atziri's Splendour for a cheap option, and provides great stats.

Damage over time
Elemental damage with attacks
Bonus if you can get +1 gems or even better +2 gems (fire/dex gems).

Ashes of the Stars is a good alternative if you are stacking some kind of quality gem or as an intermediary before you get a better rare.

Curse on hit with flammability
Elemental damage with attacks

The new ring Polaric Devastation is AMAZING for the extra DPS by covering enemies in ash. If your defence/life is all good, then opt for this ring in your LEFT slot.

- Dyadian Dawn. Use catalysts to get ignites to deal damage faster at 42%.
- Headhunter is best in slot for end-game (mapping).
- Mageblood is good too, or other life/res as needed.


Explosive Arrow, Ballista Totem, Awakened Burning Damage, Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks, Lifetap support, Ignite Proliferation. Swap in Awakened Deadly Ailments for Pinnacle Bosses.

Determination, Grace, Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Precision, Enlighten (4)

Culling strike setup (throw on bosses to cull them):
Arcanist Brand, Flame Surge, Lifetap, Culling Strike.

Frenzy and Combustion setup (fire frenzy for charges, and throw trap on bosses for combustion):
Frenzy, Lifetap, Lightning Spire Trap, Combustion.

Molten Shell, Flame Dash, Ice Golem, Lifetap


Palsteron has a full levelling video guide. You can check that out:


Kill all for bandits and points.

1) Shaper of Flames
2) Mastermind of Discord
3) Heart of Destruction
4) Bastian of Elements for defence, or Shaper of Storms for offence.


3.19 POB: https://pastebin.com/9MrARdXc

The above is insanely well all-rounded. It's a slight tweak of what I did in 3.18. If you can achieve the above gear you will just demolish everything in the game.

OLD POBs are below:
More well-rounded version:https://pastebin.com/HAgV48NG

40+ Million Ignite DPS version: https://pastebin.com/GZcwMhAL

Use Awakened Deadly Ailments for pinnacle bosses.
Use Ignite Proliferation for everything else.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Thanks to Schejian for the mini write-up on using POB for Explosive Arrow below:

1, Don't look at "Total Damage per Ignite" (useless). We only care for ignite DPS and Attack Rate

2, Don't set your Fuses to 20 if you can't reach them. Otherwise POB will give you false numbers on everything.
AttackRate *6 Totems * Hitchance * (increased duration) = Fuses

EA Explosion description is kinda misleading here.
You might think:
"Well I get 5% more Damage per Fuse.
10x Fuses = 50% More
20x Fuses = 100% More
So im kinda fine with only 10Fuses, i'm just losing out on the 50%more"

But the way the multiplier stacks its actually WAYYY more than that:

Going from 10->15 Fuses is 75% MORE DPS
Going from 15->20 Fuses is 52% MORE DPS
Going from 10->20 Fuses is 166% MORE DPS

(Yes. Double your Attackspeed, get 166% more DPS)

Have a look at the more Multiplier in PoB:

That's why im pestering everyone here to go for more Attackspeed. It's by far the best way to scale our damage.

Further detail being added as needed overtime.
pilamex escreveu:
brunowa escreveu:
3.20 Update.
No changes.

This will still be a top tier build and demolish all content from league start to Uber Bosses.



This build is for you if you like to easily clear all content without thinking, and like to kill bosses in seconds.

Haha, we have millions and millions IGNITE DPS and still have amazing tankiness. Yeh... everything just melts.

Watch live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/brunowa_
Get the latest Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0UHiZPF7vB6N6o4eGs8mPA

Here is an end-game video for those working towards it:

3.18 VIDEOS:
Uber Maven melting: https://youtu.be/sUrmXTaNwxA
Uber Sirus Just Melts: https://youtu.be/cwl3a7-0d04
Uber Shaper 2-man carry: https://youtu.be/S69cfu2qlyg
Uber Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/HLFRukDrcvA
Uber Searing Exarch: https://youtu.be/y_YJ6v_d6aI
Uber Cortex showing a little clearspeed too: https://youtu.be/Q2sU4etGzAQ

3.17 Videos (most people can expect to reach this level of DPS.. the above is very min-maxed):
1. The Black Star: https://youtu.be/afaWjclnFx8
2. The Infinite Hunger: https://youtu.be/yBpRdIvNapc
3. The Searing Exarch: https://youtu.be/VgnU_WaFwtU
4. The Eater of Worlds: https://youtu.be/UtibtVGvN_U
5. Sirus: https://youtu.be/ZBa1JqxnAAc
6. Maven: https://youtu.be/GIig_CuiMOI
7. T16 Mapping/Clear - Minotaur: https://youtu.be/jyKJMM20Fqw
8. T16 Mapping/Clear - Crimson Temple (influenced): https://youtu.be/eINmK2aiRNo

Pro's and Con's

+ Amazing DPS
+ Amazing clear
+ Amazing bossing
+ Amazing tankiness
+ Very simple gameplay
+ Drop totems and run

- Have to backtrack for some items that drop

Gear Detailed

You want to prioritise ATTACK SPEED. Attack speed is essential for this build, so you MUST have a short/thicket bow.

Short/Thicket Bow
+1 socketed gems
+2 socketed bow gems
17%+ Attack Speed
Craft fire DOT or gain fire as extra chaos.

Can use a Quill Rain or Storm Cloud early on for cheap. Upgrade when you have the $$.

Fire damage over time
Attack speed
Elemental damage with attacks

Lots of options here to suit your needs:
- Hyrri's is fantastic - spell suppression and DPS.
- Rare with spell suppression and life
- Rare with Life and resis,
- Loreweave.
- Brass Dome for ultra defence.
- Queen of the Forest for ultra speed.

Blizzard crown with life, resis, -9%+ fire damage.

Damage over time
Attack speed
Spell suppression

Spell suppression

Can use Atziri's Splendour for a cheap option, and provides great stats.

Damage over time
Elemental damage with attacks
Bonus if you can get +1 gems or even better +2 gems (fire/dex gems).

Ashes of the Stars is a good alternative if you are stacking some kind of quality gem or as an intermediary before you get a better rare.

Curse on hit with flammability
Elemental damage with attacks

The new ring Polaric Devastation is AMAZING for the extra DPS by covering enemies in ash. If your defence/life is all good, then opt for this ring in your LEFT slot.

- Dyadian Dawn. Use catalysts to get ignites to deal damage faster at 42%.
- Headhunter is best in slot for end-game (mapping).
- Mageblood is good too, or other life/res as needed.


Explosive Arrow, Ballista Totem, Awakened Burning Damage, Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks, Lifetap support, Ignite Proliferation. Swap in Awakened Deadly Ailments for Pinnacle Bosses.

Determination, Grace, Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Precision, Enlighten (4)

Culling strike setup (throw on bosses to cull them):
Arcanist Brand, Flame Surge, Lifetap, Culling Strike.

Frenzy and Combustion setup (fire frenzy for charges, and throw trap on bosses for combustion):
Frenzy, Lifetap, Lightning Spire Trap, Combustion.

Molten Shell, Flame Dash, Ice Golem, Lifetap


Palsteron has a full levelling video guide. You can check that out:


Kill all for bandits and points.

1) Shaper of Flames
2) Mastermind of Discord
3) Heart of Destruction
4) Bastian of Elements for defence, or Shaper of Storms for offence.


3.19 POB: https://pastebin.com/9MrARdXc

The above is insanely well all-rounded. It's a slight tweak of what I did in 3.18. If you can achieve the above gear you will just demolish everything in the game.

OLD POBs are below:
More well-rounded version:https://pastebin.com/HAgV48NG

40+ Million Ignite DPS version: https://pastebin.com/GZcwMhAL

Use Awakened Deadly Ailments for pinnacle bosses.
Use Ignite Proliferation for everything else.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Thanks to Schejian for the mini write-up on using POB for Explosive Arrow below:

1, Don't look at "Total Damage per Ignite" (useless). We only care for ignite DPS and Attack Rate

2, Don't set your Fuses to 20 if you can't reach them. Otherwise POB will give you false numbers on everything.
AttackRate *6 Totems * Hitchance * (increased duration) = Fuses

EA Explosion description is kinda misleading here.
You might think:
"Well I get 5% more Damage per Fuse.
10x Fuses = 50% More
20x Fuses = 100% More
So im kinda fine with only 10Fuses, i'm just losing out on the 50%more"

But the way the multiplier stacks its actually WAYYY more than that:

Going from 10->15 Fuses is 75% MORE DPS
Going from 15->20 Fuses is 52% MORE DPS
Going from 10->20 Fuses is 166% MORE DPS

(Yes. Double your Attackspeed, get 166% more DPS)

Have a look at the more Multiplier in PoB:

That's why im pestering everyone here to go for more Attackspeed. It's by far the best way to scale our damage.

Further detail being added as needed overtime.
Hello guys

I've updated my build since the last time I posted here.

Thanks to the good advice I had, I managed to reach 39M dps vs Uber Pinnacle.

I feel that there is a cap here, it seems like update that where previously giving me 1M dps now give me about 100k.

For my gloves I didn't craft elemental prolif because in PoB elemental prolif give me more dps than lvl 5 awakened deadly Ailment. I don't really know why but it happens since I hit this 40M cap, I believe it's because ignite can't scale, whereas Hit from explosive arrow still does.

Is there a cap at 40M ?

I have 100% spell suppress and 100% elemental ailment immunity

Update that I have in mind :
Better Lethal Pride
Enlighten 4

Any tips to help me understand this "cap", or suggestion on the next upgrade on my build will be greatly appreciated.

And thanks for all the good info in this post.

PoB : https://pastebin.com/baixP5uX

Edit : Bought Divergent ballista since the post
Última edição por bizbiz77#1263 em 15 de jan de 2023 17:22:37

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