3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

limevan escreveu:
MacGyver85EL escreveu:
Up to this point, I've mostly been running alc/corrupted T16s for currency with eldritch altars...trying not to die but have been struggling with that a bit and it's definitely slowed down leveling (hopefully going to hit 95 today). Beyond maps, I'd like to really just beat as much of the boss content as possible. I'm not going for all of the challenges or anything like that. Tankiness may be my first focus, assuming that helps with bossing.

Congrats on hitting 95! I noticed that you're now rocking a +1 amulet with 20% DoT multi. This will probably last you through the league. It looks like you've got enough tankiness to handle all content at this point -- you've got good life (4,550), decent evasion and armour, 100% suppression, capped res and positive chaos res. Depending on how high you want to get (levels, not intoxication), you can keep mapping with your current gear very comfortably. To avoid unexpected 1-shots, avoid "phys as extra element" on both map mods and altar. I did this to get to 100 with similar gear.

As for bossing, you have got enough in the toughness department, but damage is equally important here. Phasing bosses quickly is better than being able to jump through a few hoops alive but needing to flask a lot. We'll work on your damage in a bit.

You're leaving freeze immunity to your quicksilver flask, which is fine if you haven't been facing issues so far. However, if there's content that taxes you such that you don't get kills quickly enough to recharge your flasks, then there's a chance to get frozen. A couple of ways to look at this -- you can move over to Brine King for complete immunity, but lose out on a lot of great benefits of Arakaali (she's amazing against chaos and phys DoTs); or just get a little more damage to make sure everything falls over fast enough to keep your flasks permanently up.

Based on POB, you're currently on 17 fuses and when fully buffed, your ignite DPS is just south of 10M. Let's try to get both of these numbers up. I'll try to keep in mind that you're on PS and so there are limited trade options.

Burning Damage support. Is "Awakened Burning Damage support" available and affordable? Most awakened gems on PC are much cheaper than last time because there are crafts to switch gems and increase their levels now. At level 5, this gives you a free EA level.

Ignite Prolif. You're getting prolif on support gem, and I suppose it's because you value the attack speed implicit on gloves. Not a bad choice at this point since the support gem also gives 25% more damage, but once you have currency for an empower, you should look into replacing this and compromising on the implicit on gloves with prolif. If you have some gemcutters, get this to 20% qual for more damage.

Helmet Enchant. EA attack speed, EA damage, any aura reservation efficiency, flammability effect. Quite a large pool if you feel like running some labs (but not today's 9-room nightmare).

Shaper of Storms. When you feel like it, swap over to get shocks active. With Elemental Mastery passive, this is an instant >20% more damage.

Malevolence. You know this is coming. When you have enough currency to switch to a 6L chest plus at least enlighten3 and a cluster with Mortifying Aspect, you can incorporate this. It allows for 20 fuses since it extents your EA to 1.452s (starting to get quite sluggish, but ensures good DPS on bosses). Of course, the 20% more DoT is awesome as well. With Shaper of Storms and Malevolence, your DPS is nearly double that of your current.

Watcher's Eye. This is now a good option since you have both Precision and Malevolence active, but is more of a long shot since good ones can be costly. However, if you have a trade search active, you can keep an eye out on:
> (10-15)% increased Attack Speed while affected by Precision
> +(18-22)% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence
> Damaging Ailments you inflict deal Damage (10-15)% faster while affected by Malevolence
Bleed and Poison immunities are also available, but they're probably not something we should waste on when it comes to watcher's eyes.

Lethal Pride. You've got a jewel sitting on Lethal Pride's spot. I'm not sure how common 5-way runs are in PS; but for PC, a lot of Lethal Prides get dumped into the market because of these. You can try for an affordable one (under 1d) with a bunch of burning damage and life. Those with faster ignites will cost more.

Flask orbs. You've got "Used when you Use a Guard skill" on Granite and Jade flasks, but these should be on all the time and hopefully before you need to tap your vMS. The convention is to go for "Used when Charges reach full", but if this setup is working fine for you, keep it.

@Limevan thank you so much! This is incredible feedback and so very very helpful! I wasn't even considering a few of these things, and seeing there are some moderately cheap options to increase my DPS is encouraging.
Really appreciate it, honestly can't thank you enough for your assistance. Best of fortune to you as the league continues.
Última edição por MacGyver85EL#9008 em 19 de jan de 2023 13:36:28
which pantheons u use guys??
MaciegSKlanuf escreveu:
which pantheons u use guys??

I personally like brine king as major because I hate being frozen and the reduced chill. This means I don't need a flask to counter this.

I also like Yugul as minor for the reduced curse effect.
limevan escreveu:
doing more testing on divergent EA now.

the default quality on EA increases its skill duration (ignite chance too, but we disregard this), up to 20% increased skill effect duration at 20qual. the "unusual" EA alternatives we have are anomalous (inc. crit chance, which isn't much use to us) and divergent. the latter reduces the skill effect duration (a LESS multipler), but allows for more fuses to be attached. at 20qual, we get 40% LESS duration, but get to attach up to 24 fuses.

earlier in the league, i went straight to 21/20 divergent to see if i could make up for the loss of duration by stacking a bunch of attack speed while taking as much skill % increase effect duration (DoT mastery, exceptional performance wheel) as i could. unfortunately, the 40% LESS duration was difficult to compensate for, and it was nearly impossible to approach 20 fuses (let alone 24). this meant that i wasn't getting any improvement in damage and had a very short fuse to stack for. with all of this, i was neglecting the actual ignite DPS so i abandoned this project entirely.

i switched gears after a week and decided to chase a lvl 21 divergent EA with less than 20% quality. the crux was to balance attack speed, skill effect duration and extra fuses. i went on to buy as many low quality divergent EA gems as possible and checked against my POB to see where i can get higher fuse counts while still comfortably stacking at least 20. too bad there isn't a method that we can reduce quality on gems (vaaling for lowered quality means needing to double corrupt, and that's too iffy for me).

earlier today, i did a few more corruptions on 10% qual gems and landed a 21/10. this was within the range of my current skill effect duration, and meant that i could stack up to 22 fuses. of course, it's is under POB's calculations of maximum sustainable fuse count, so it's only truly do-able when we pre-stack against bosses. however, this is exactly one of the scenarios that we do get to pre-stack and have all ballistas in range of the target, so it's relatively accurate.

this might be a good time to talk about ignite duration and convergence. while ignites don't stack (only the highest damage instance is active; the rest of the ignite instances lurk in the background until that highest one expires, then the next highest becomes active until its own expiry), having around 4s of ignite duration is useful. this is because convergence snapshots on application, so when the very last fuse that has convergence explodes, that ignite will likely be the strongest (if the fuses that cause the explosion are at max count). with around 4s of ignite duration, this strong ignite will expire just before convergence's downtime (conveniently also 4s) is over, restarting the cycle.

with convergence, flammability and flame surge active, an Uber Pinnacle Boss is expected to take 23M ignite DPS. this is still running on lifetap, so there's no need for a mana flask, making no regen a non-issue for invitation and cortex.

on Guardian/Pinnacle Boss, we're back to getting 35M capped ignites with just 16 fuses (without needing convergence, flammability or flame surge) and it takes less than 1.2s for this.

to make use of this alternate quality gem, make sure to aim for quality in multiples of 5: 5/10/15/20 qual increases fuse count by 1/2/3/4; though as discussed, it would be tough to make use of 23/24 fuses without overcompromising elsewhere.

POB: https://pastebin.com/jCjxZ1pi

In 3.18 I pushed Divergent EA to the max.

My latest vids from then use Divergent EA and running on lifetap. I think I was hitting about 22 fuses.

From memory, I used jewels to increase attack speed further.

Me and a couple others went pretty crazy min-maxing this thing so if you dive deep into this thread from then (no idea of what page numbers.. but end of 3.18 timing) you'll see a lot of the tests and improvements we did.

You can check out my character "Brunowa_Sentinel" to see how it finished.
Última edição por brunowa#6253 em 19 de jan de 2023 16:53:53
This build rolled everything but now at T16s I'm getting squishy. Just started league this week so I'm behind and have a ton of gear to upgrade.

I'm still broke so looking for advice on how to stay alive while chipping away at upgrades.
My rares could use an upgrade, but seems the most I could benefit would be more damage and a little more life. Plus my wife wants these boots back :O

My POB is

Do I dump Hyrri's and focus on more defense? More life + chaos res?

And is this a jackpot item I could sell to a min/max player that could finance this build to endgame?

And what do you guys farm on your atlas tree with this build? I haven't played in a while so I'm doing Alva/Ritual/Essence/Kirac stuff but Rituals have been very nasty in the 8 mod T16s
teslabear escreveu:
This build rolled everything but now at T16s I'm getting squishy. Just started league this week so I'm behind and have a ton of gear to upgrade.

I'm still broke so looking for advice on how to stay alive while chipping away at upgrades.
My rares could use an upgrade, but seems the most I could benefit would be more damage and a little more life. Plus my wife wants these boots back :O

My POB is

Do I dump Hyrri's and focus on more defense? More life + chaos res?

And is this a jackpot item I could sell to a min/max player that could finance this build to endgame?

And what do you guys farm on your atlas tree with this build? I haven't played in a while so I'm doing Alva/Ritual/Essence/Kirac stuff but Rituals have been very nasty in the 8 mod T16s

Hyrri this costs a maximum 5div and it is unlikely that anyone will buy
teslabear escreveu:
This build rolled everything but now at T16s I'm getting squishy. Just started league this week so I'm behind and have a ton of gear to upgrade.

I'm still broke so looking for advice on how to stay alive while chipping away at upgrades.
My rares could use an upgrade, but seems the most I could benefit would be more damage and a little more life. Plus my wife wants these boots back :O

My POB is

Do I dump Hyrri's and focus on more defense? More life + chaos res?

And is this a jackpot item I could sell to a min/max player that could finance this build to endgame?

And what do you guys farm on your atlas tree with this build? I haven't played in a while so I'm doing Alva/Ritual/Essence/Kirac stuff but Rituals have been very nasty in the 8 mod T16s

I find Alva and Essence to be pretty profitable. As long as you are taking all the Alva nodes I've never created a temple that didn't have at least a T3 corruption chamber (150c) or T3 gem corruption room (100c). Essence are very profitable as well and are very quick to do in maps.
Not sure why no one would buy that chest? I have all my auras in my chest and having +3 to all of them and a +1 to my enlighten would be great. Currently there's a six socket with only +2 to aura up for 15 div. I don't think you should have too much trouble selling it.

Zuuule escreveu:
teslabear escreveu:
This build rolled everything but now at T16s I'm getting squishy. Just started league this week so I'm behind and have a ton of gear to upgrade.

I'm still broke so looking for advice on how to stay alive while chipping away at upgrades.
My rares could use an upgrade, but seems the most I could benefit would be more damage and a little more life. Plus my wife wants these boots back :O

My POB is

Do I dump Hyrri's and focus on more defense? More life + chaos res?

And is this a jackpot item I could sell to a min/max player that could finance this build to endgame?

And what do you guys farm on your atlas tree with this build? I haven't played in a while so I'm doing Alva/Ritual/Essence/Kirac stuff but Rituals have been very nasty in the 8 mod T16s

I find Alva and Essence to be pretty profitable. As long as you are taking all the Alva nodes I've never created a temple that didn't have at least a T3 corruption chamber (150c) or T3 gem corruption room (100c). Essence are very profitable as well and are very quick to do in maps.
Not sure why no one would buy that chest? I have all my auras in my chest and having +3 to all of them and a +1 to my enlighten would be great. Currently there's a six socket with only +2 to aura up for 15 div. I don't think you should have too much trouble selling it.

Hey thanks for your input. You sell all your corruption rooms on Discord or use yourself? I just went for mobs in maps but half the rooms in my temple being T3 has been a nice bonus. Ritual hasn't been that profitable but I feel like that is more of a jackpot scenario too.

I noticed everyone having amazing implicits on their items and I'm guessing that's from Ichor's and Embers? Is there a resource I can use to figure out which to use and if I should wait until endgame items or throw them on everything?
teslabear escreveu:

Zuuule escreveu:
teslabear escreveu:
This build rolled everything but now at T16s I'm getting squishy. Just started league this week so I'm behind and have a ton of gear to upgrade.

I'm still broke so looking for advice on how to stay alive while chipping away at upgrades.
My rares could use an upgrade, but seems the most I could benefit would be more damage and a little more life. Plus my wife wants these boots back :O

My POB is

Do I dump Hyrri's and focus on more defense? More life + chaos res?

And is this a jackpot item I could sell to a min/max player that could finance this build to endgame?

And what do you guys farm on your atlas tree with this build? I haven't played in a while so I'm doing Alva/Ritual/Essence/Kirac stuff but Rituals have been very nasty in the 8 mod T16s

I find Alva and Essence to be pretty profitable. As long as you are taking all the Alva nodes I've never created a temple that didn't have at least a T3 corruption chamber (150c) or T3 gem corruption room (100c). Essence are very profitable as well and are very quick to do in maps.
Not sure why no one would buy that chest? I have all my auras in my chest and having +3 to all of them and a +1 to my enlighten would be great. Currently there's a six socket with only +2 to aura up for 15 div. I don't think you should have too much trouble selling it.

Hey thanks for your input. You sell all your corruption rooms on Discord or use yourself? I just went for mobs in maps but half the rooms in my temple being T3 has been a nice bonus. Ritual hasn't been that profitable but I feel like that is more of a jackpot scenario too.

I noticed everyone having amazing implicits on their items and I'm guessing that's from Ichor's and Embers? Is there a resource I can use to figure out which to use and if I should wait until endgame items or throw them on everything?

I'm just using Awakened PoE trade to get the current pricing. Now that Alva temples are itemized you can list them on the POE trade site. If you dont like using Awakened POE trade just check the trade site for current prices. You will need at least one premium stash tab to be able to list your item direct from your stash.

Eldritch implicits are very powerful. You can get them on your helm, body armor, gloves and boots. If you are uysing a blizzard crown like I am you wouldn't want to use eldritch currency on it because it will remove the implicit it already has. I see you have a set of apothecary gloves. Using an eldritch currency will replace that implicit so make sure you are willing to lose that mod.

A good resource to see what equipment can get what implicits is craft of exile. Just enter the type of gear (body armor, gloves etc...) and it will give you a list of mods you can possibly get. There are a lot so you might have to roll them for a bit to get the implicit you want. The great thing about them is they are very versatile. You can go offensive or defensive. There are helm implicits that can give mana reservation. Gloves can get spell suppression if you need a bit more to get 100%. Body armor can give + to auras. Its a good idea to learn how they work and what mods you might want. Speccing into Exarch or Eater of worlds on your atlas tree will help you collect a bunch of them so you can start throwing the lesser ones at the gear you have.
Última edição por Zuuule#6329 em 20 de jan de 2023 13:34:56
Okay I had no idea you could sell whole Alva temples! Lot has changed in a year

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