_SéT_ escreveu:
Hey enjoying the build.
Could need some advice on how to upgrade the build a little more.
I have pretty much 2 empty sockets. Lightning Golem dies all the time and on the chest setup idk what else to fit in there. Was thinking about to get rid of polaric but idk.
Appreciate the feedback
Mageblood is awesome,just not that much on this build, sadly.
Dyadian Dawn is quite a big chunk of our Damage, hurts a lot to get rid of it.
And the additional Defence from Mageblood Flasks are not fully utilized in this build either, as we are not really layering Defence (No Staggering / only 75%res / no recoup / etc.).
But if you want to continue, i'd say:
Your Attackspeed is too low.
Replace Gloves. They have +Fire Dmg. Get one with 18%Attackspeed.
Quiver could use some Attackspeed too.
Hitchance is too low too (86%) try to get some Accuracy on Rings.
Replace Polaric, it's outdated in Affliction League (way easier to get in on charm / "That which was taken").
Also keep in mind:
If you want to do Juiced / whisped Content you need additional Defence Layers.
We are way to squishy for Affliction, the Build is a bit outdated on that front.
It cannot do Affliction Juiced T16s properly, as is.
You need to find a way to mitigate Crits (Blue Whisp = Everything Crits like crazy) and at least fit Defiance of Destiny (and/or Petrified Blood)
Postado porSchejian#7203em 5 de jan de 2024 16:09:58
Headtourist escreveu:
_SéT_ escreveu:
Hey enjoying the build.
Could need some advice on how to upgrade the build a little more.
I have pretty much 2 empty sockets. Lightning Golem dies all the time and on the chest setup idk what else to fit in there. Was thinking about to get rid of polaric but idk.
Appreciate the feedback
Hey. Glanced at the PoB.
You could indeed use a charm to get the enemies covered in ashes instead of polaric devastation, and get something better there then.
Hyrri's Ire is a a straight upgrade (minus the +1% max chaos res). Also you are not currently spell suppression capped !!! Get hyrri's whenever you can.
Lethel pride 12824 on duelist area instead of watcher's eye.
Then replace your Loath Sliver jewel with that watcher's eye.
There's something like a 20% damage improvement using a real flammability. BUT, this would probably mean remove culling strike (so "lose 10%" from low life enemies). Would allow to get a better ring too. (also accuracy on it would help a lot)
Lightning golem indeed becomes useless "late game" as it will just keep dying.
Remove the golems. I would tell you to get lifetap and enduring cry instead of these two, but considering your MB, not sure enduring cry would help a lot there.
I assume there's something with your auras (precision not 20 right now ?), as the mana reservation is negative on the PoB. Also you could get that enlighten 4 instead of 3.
The corvine charm is useless (or there's something i'm missing). Same with the inquisitor's ursine charm. So there is definitely room for charm upgrades. Unfortunetaly not playing the league, can't help you much (apart from the one i mentioned (chance to cover enemies in ash)
If you have a button that's not used right now (i would guess so), you could replace grace with vaal grace, to use the vaal skill as a panic button or something, sometimes.
Replace frenzy with blood rage, so you don't have to stop and fire some arrows as you'll "passively" get attack speed + chance for frenzy charge on kill.
IMPORTANT : REMOVE THE GLOVE EXPOSURE IMPLICIT ITS USELESS, YOU HAVE EE. Get something like accuracy implicit instead (you really need more accuracy)
IMPORTANT : YOU HAVE ADDED FIRE ON YOUR GLVOES. BURN THESE GLOVES AND BUY PROPER ONES :D (right now you would have to check the "enemy was hit by fire damage" box, and it really hurts a lot)
Spell suppression like the ones you have, but maybe attack speed, accuracy
Tree looks fine otherwise, there may be 2 points to remove from Ironwood if you can spare 2 physical adamage reduction points. Also the two points for widespread destruction are not the best (even heavy draw would be better allocation for these 2 points.
Let's say we now have 4 points available, what would i do... I suppose the best choice is weathered hunter nodes until you fix your accuracy.
Not going into flasks of belt, as your build relies heavily on these two things. Not going into the bow either as the improvement to a "regular bow" doesnt seem this significant due to the high (is that t2 ?) lightning damage modifier.
Hope this helps !
Thanks a lot !!!
Postado por_SéT_#7693em 5 de jan de 2024 16:48:47
Just wanted to point out real quick that blood rage is good for mapping, but you'll still need Frenzy for bosses/single target if you're somewhere that you can't get kills for frenzy charges.
Postado porDromlin#3284em 5 de jan de 2024 18:35:22
Dromlin escreveu:
Just wanted to point out real quick that blood rage is good for mapping, but you'll still need Frenzy for bosses/single target if you're somewhere that you can't get kills for frenzy charges.
Although if you're at regular 3 max charges of frenzy, you'll go up to 21% as, when blood rage gives 20%. They modified the quality of frenzy in 3.23.0 :
From :
+(0-10)% increased Attack Speed.
To :
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.1-2)% more Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge
+(0.1-2)% more Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
So the two would be about the same for bossing :
- Gotta be able to mitigate bloodrage damage, but it's perma 20% as
- Or gotta fire arrows to keep frenzy up and get 21% as all the time. (edit : although level 21 blood rage would get 21% too)
Now if for example you have taken +1 max frenzy on tree, that's a possible 28% increase. Which makes quite the difference.
Edit : it actually can be quite interesting for people lacking as/fuses/using ailment duration nodes to help with their fuse count...
Edit post answer : Indeed, i tend to forget that and only consider attack speed. Mea culpa. And frenzy also applies combustion that is usually linked to it, in case it wasn't applied with lst.
I found it more comfortable than having to stop and fire arrows while bossing, but my damage was capped anyway so I'm quite biased on that.
EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328 Última edição por Headtourist#3846 em 5 de jan de 2024 20:41:38
Postado porHeadtourist#3846em 5 de jan de 2024 18:44:34
But you're forgetting that frenzy charges give 4% more damage per charge, so even with the AS bonus basically equal you're still going to lose that 12% more damage.
Edit post-post answer: Yeah I agree that using frenzy feels like ass, but it's a necessary evil for situations without trash mobs.
Última edição por Dromlin#3284 em 5 de jan de 2024 23:27:44
Postado porDromlin#3284em 5 de jan de 2024 19:42:48
Headtourist escreveu:
marixalijustice escreveu:
I'll probably check out ignite proliferation on gloves as well, hopefully it isn't too expensive
I also have an absurd amount of resistances besides chaos (-33% now), like 170% cold 120% fire 120% lightning or something like that that I need to lower in return for other stats haha...
For amulet annoints, is watchtowers recommended to save those 3 skill points or is something like deadly draw?
A few things that I saw quickly :
Put ignite prolif on gloves as soon as you can (eldritch implicit, not costly), so you can replace ignite prolif gem (burning damage).
Remove everything on the (palsterony/levelling) tree that's on the right of EE and anoint watchtowers indeed.
That's something like 20 points to reallocate (ideally some of them in cluster setup). Other suggestions meanwhile : Fire mastery exposure, Dirty Techniques, Heavy Draw, or even Farsight, Brutality, exceptional performance/duration dot mastery (considering the very low fuse count).
Re-cap your spell suppression (77 without right side of the tree) : magebane for 12%, and probably hyrri's ire chest armor. I think you're on a 4L chest right now, so the swap should only be a few chaos orbs.
I also suppose your main goal in terms of items if the bow craft. Something like 30%+ dps increase there.
Catalyst your belt to go from 35 to 42.
Polaric devastation depending on the price (note that people replace it for a charm with the covered in ash effect later on).
A devoto's helmet could help a bit with attack speed, chaos res, overall defences, at the cost of having to fix lightning res. For example, there's a +18% lightning res node for 1 point above Sentinel (you'll probably go for the jewel socket above later anyway)
You'll adapt your resists when upgrading gear/tree, dw.
(doing most of this, you're looking at 3x/4x your current output)
Thank you so much, you guys are really saving this league for me because I'm clueless haha. I really appreciate it!
EDIT: I got a +3 explosive arrow amulet for super cheap, and I used it to replace my +1 all skills amulet, but I don't know if it's much better or not. Going to use it temporarily until I get enough STR for a defiance, which should let me survive juiced up maps easier.
Also wow, eldritch crafting is cheap and amazingly effective. I feel really silly for not knowing about this before haha
Última edição por marixalijustice#4777 em 6 de jan de 2024 00:29:29
So build is still a bit all over the place, i have to try to finish coloring some of the gear as the coloring for the gloves/boots is a real pain and im running some lower level maps atm farming some stuff and raising gem levels. But i'm trying to see what i should focus on upgrade wise
Also know i have to do last lab, and pantheon which im doing tomorrow.
I have about 8 div left over still
Última edição por Brian9824#5074 em 6 de jan de 2024 08:31:03
Postado porBrian9824#5074em 5 de jan de 2024 21:57:01
Brian9824 escreveu:
So build is still a bit all over the place, i have to try to finish coloring some of the gear as the coloring for the gloves/boots is a real pain
I can take a look tomorrow, but I just wanted to see if this might help you real quick. Are you aware of coloring sockets with jewelers via the crafting bench? It makes off colors for boots/gloves/helm very easy. Put 2 sockets on, then color them with the bench to the 2 off colors you want. Now go to 3 sockets and if you get the color you want, continue to 4 sockets. If you don't, go back to 2 sockets, then retry 3 and repeat going through 2-3-4 sockets until you get the colors you want. Sorry if this is something you were already aware of, but to me the only thing that's hard to off color is 2h weapons or body armour and I'm super poor.
Postado porDromlin#3284em 5 de jan de 2024 23:25:45
Dromlin escreveu:
Brian9824 escreveu:
So build is still a bit all over the place, i have to try to finish coloring some of the gear as the coloring for the gloves/boots is a real pain
I can take a look tomorrow, but I just wanted to see if this might help you real quick. Are you aware of coloring sockets with jewelers via the crafting bench? It makes off colors for boots/gloves/helm very easy. Put 2 sockets on, then color them with the bench to the 2 off colors you want. Now go to 3 sockets and if you get the color you want, continue to 4 sockets. If you don't, go back to 2 sockets, then retry 3 and repeat going through 2-3-4 sockets until you get the colors you want. Sorry if this is something you were already aware of, but to me the only thing that's hard to off color is 2h weapons or body armour and I'm super poor.
I had and forgot lol, i just recolored the boots, ill get the gloves later, just did lab, and just farming and leveling my gems now.
Postado porBrian9824#5074em 6 de jan de 2024 08:31:37
sry - mistake
Última edição por BobyHafan#4159 em 6 de jan de 2024 14:22:31
Postado porBobyHafan#4159em 6 de jan de 2024 14:17:58