[3.19] The Orbital Striker Occultist - Hexblast Chaos Ignites leaguestarter to endgame
Thinking about skipping ashes and just getting auls, ashes keeps going up instead of down its like 55-60ex now
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Got this from Betrayal
The Chaos multi was the unveiled mod, I think it's useless for this build. Now that I got a chance to think about it, I probably should have picked one of the other mods and craft fire dot multi on it, right? |
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Just made myself this helmet, Had to drop vitality again since I ditched the mana reservation helm mod, will be going for auls now I think since ashes seems way over priced and a bad value, then Ill work on the other parts. I also really need a new ring since I got onslaught on my boots now. |
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" Damn, you're starting to have some nice gear! I would indeed recommend getting aul's uprising for thiccness, it's probbaly a way better call than ashes at the moment. You even have a free suffix on a wand for aspect, that'd be great! " Imo not good enough, as spell damage does not increase ignite damage. |
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Is there any way to squeeze some leech or more tankiness until I Doppelganger's? I feel like I really have to spam my health flasks in T5 maps and sometimes I barely survive burn damage and such.
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Do you need ignite chance at all, or as the skill gem tag would suggest the chance is auto capped at 100%?
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The build has been really good so far. Super tanky and the clear speed couldn't be better tbh. Love the explosions. Build's really good, everything dies.
I think I'll try doing some of the new Uber bosses now. Would love to get some more dps but can't really see what to improve besides getting proper levels on gems and maybe crafting the "Ignite deals damage X% faster" on helmet? but then again even the thought of interacting with crafting in this game is making me want to quit. |
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Hello and sorry for my poor English,
As a new returner to POB after years of AFK and was a lover of essence drain, I'm just looking for a build with about 10EX budget to fully complete 3.18, and luckily I find your guide. I'm planning to fully copy your Lv95~ 10EX budget build but still I have some noob questions : 1. I watched your video but still don't quite understand the playstyle of this build, you manually cast Enfeeble then Hexblast like the contagion-essence drain combo? and curse enemies with temporal chains when hexblast hits? so temporal chains only for safety? 2. about DOOM, no idea what it is. it says enfeeble gains 10 DOOM per second, and hexblast needs 40 DOOM to max damage, so wen need to wait 4s after enfeeble then hexblast? 3. in your POB, I see you running auras without enlighten right? without Aul or enlighten can you really run all this auras? if not, with a max affordability of Lv3 enlighten, which auras should I run? (really dunno calculating mana reservation...) 4. is this build as tanky as in 3.17? my other builds which went pretty well in 3.17 just keep dying and being chased by archnemesis mobs now... really expecting a build which can be tanky enough, so I would not die 5 times in a T14 map harvest... 5. no idea what does "sirus dps" mean. it says 3.5M sirus dps, but POB says the total dps is 8.3M, so what's the difference? is this dps enough for the new uber bosses? btw, really love that you put trade links for every piece of gear, best guide ever, appreciate it alot. |
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" 1. yes, Enfeeble (or the curse of your choice, later on despair), and as soon as the rune on the ground detonates, cast hexblast. If you know you will need multiple blasts, cast a curse back right after hexblast, to be ready for the next detonation a second later. Temporal chains is to make the ignite last longer, mainly. 2. Doom is a stacking buff on a curse that increases its effect by 1% per doom stack. This build takes Doomsday, so casting a curse instead creates a cursing area (which constantly applies a 0 doom curse while enemies are inside). The cursing area detonates after 1 second, cursing the enemies still inside directly with maximum (40 here) doom. You need to wait 1 second, and maximum doom is clearly visible with the rune explosion. 3. Without anything outside the tree, you can run determination, purity of elements and malevolence, and that's it. With a clarity annoint, you can fit in vitality (or probably banner). To calculate reservation, just throw things in pob, as long as you have at least 0 unreserved mana (iie not negative), you're fine. 4. No, archnemesis mobs affect everyone. Occultists in general have it pretty easy since they negate regen and are able to run blasphemy enfeeble with malediction, greatly reducing incoming damage for 0 investment. Honestly, I don't know how tanky this will feel before the very endgame, I stopped this league in trade very early. Once you have 40k+ armour, an aegis (shield or jewel), blasphemy enfeeble, doppelganger's AND glorious vanity, then it'll be very tanky. Last league I leveled to 99 with 50% xp by just mapping (altho low juice), it's not the safest character out there, but I expect it to not die often in the endgame. The only thing I heavily dislike runing and I found very rippy is legion, as neither hexblast or profane bloom has the coverage required to do it, and blasting rares one by one gets anoying very quickly (and leaving rares alive is no good). Harvests are a joke with this, literally 1 cast and very satisfying to preload the curse and blast as they spawn. Anyways. You played my ed build back in the days, you know tanklyness was great but came online a little late in gearing. This is more of the same. 5. I tone expectations down, as it's often difficult to actually follow pob precisely, and actual damage may vary. If you have the exact pob setup, then yes, you'll have 8+ million dps. It's much mroe likely that you'll start bleeding in the more expensive pob first tho (like, the "10ex" pob uses ashes, and ashes is currently 60ex...), and you'll be somewhere in the middle of all pobs. Consider pobs as breakpoint for the build to know what upgrades to prioritise and what to expect from upgrades, not as ground truth. Edit: to be quite honest, this is not a super meta build and damage is low, I would suggest going for some extremely meta stuff to tackle ubers on a 10ex budget. I don't know of many builds that can claim reliably killing ubers on that budget, the new ubers are very difficult fights. You'll need ot be very good at the game to do so, or play specificly tailored builds. gl hf! Última edição por Darkxellmc#0807 em 26 de mai de 2022 13:40:31
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Just spec'd into 1 large cluster + 2 medium and have my sirus dps up to about 2.6m which feels great. I'm trying to farm up fragments to start taking on bosses but overall I'm really enjoying this build.
Next up I'll be looking for sources to really up the damage, although I think the next major way to do that would be dual wielding. |
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