3.18 | Forbidden Rite Occultist : Selfcast | Tens of Millions of DPS | (Not A League Starter)
Hello i am GG_TWiF and this is a presentation of my forbidden rite selfcast occultist build.
With the hope of helping you build your character properly here is my full build guide. You can find many videos of this build in action on my youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_1cToA84Al71PXo_sJh9AA PoB Endgame High budget build : https://pastebin.com/5BxZWhBu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]() Forbidden rite is a very powerful skill that has a very good clear coverage and an insane single target damage powercurve with high investment. It will start with a few million dps on a budget and can go well over 100 million dps with very good gear. It is however a pretty complex build to put all together as it requires many combo of items to get going in a proper way. I will try in this guide to be as clear as possible and show you how to get trough all the problems you might encounter when trying to make this build work. First of all if you want to see what the build is capable of doing in a high end form you can watch my presentation video and if you like what you see then this guide is for you :) PRESENTATION VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBRZyn0TFdM THE GUIDE IN VIDEO VERSION : https://youtu.be/MKIKqXDfv_s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
The amulet is the core part of our build, you want a badge of the brotherhood annointed with ''infused'' +1 maximum power charge node. This amulet will allow you to have your maximum frenzy charges equal to your maximum power charges. That means that going double void battery and +1 power charge helmet will allow us to have 10 "free" frenzy charges which are super important not only for the DPS but most importantly for the cast speed. It also gives you a ton of movement speed with the elusive effect per power charge. This build will feel better & better the more cast speed you get. 2. WEAPONS
As said in the amulet section our best weapon of choice will be to go double void battery wand. It gives us +2 maximum power charges, therefore +2 frenzy charges aswell as some cast speed, spell critical strike chance, and a TON of increased spell damage due to power charge stacking. Whenever you can try to get the harvest enchantment "increased AoE per quality". 3. BODY ARMOUR
HOW TO CRAFT THE BODY ARMOUR : https://youtu.be/DAPbUpfTRwA HOW TO 6 OFF COLOURS THE BODY ARMOUR : https://youtu.be/qbyBpH0zwiI To make the build work you will have no choice but to get a rare body armour with the redeemer mod "chance to gain a frenzy charge on hit" this is how you are going to generate your frenzy charges at any given time, especially for bosses. We want to awaken orb a chest with "+% to spell critical strike chance" (elevated or not depending on your budget) with another chest that has the "chance to gain a frenzy charge on hit". 4. HELMET
This is where you will get your 10th power charge from. One of the strongest DPS item of the build if you can get a good one. The 2 most important mods you want on your helmets are "+1 to maximum power charges" & "nearby enemies have -9% (or -12% elevated) to chaos resistance". For the helmet enchantment you have 3 options depending on your needs/liking : - "Forbidden Rite fires an additional projectile" best for DPS. - "Berserk has 30% increased Buff Effect" best for speed & defenses. - "Zealotry has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency" or any other aura if you struggle with mana reservation. 5. GLOVES
The BiS gloves for this build is a pair of hands of the high templar gloves. You absolutly want on them the "curse enemies with despair on hit" mod. Then in addition to the despair mod, here are in order of importance the mods that you may want : 1. "+(0.5–0.8)% to Spell Critical Strike Chance" best DPS mod 2. "+1 to Level of Socketed Gems" especially useful for enlighten 3. "(4–6)% increased maximum Life" for tankiness 4. "(8–10)% increased Cast Speed" second best DPS mod 5. "+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems" DPS & tankiness with auras 6. "+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems" DPS & tankiness with auras 6. BOOTS
The boots is what will make the build feel amazing in terms of speed. They will give you onslaught / tailwind / elusive for an insane amount of movement speed especially combined with berserk. You MUST have on the boots the labyrinth enchantment "18% reduced mana cost of skills if you've been hit recently" else you will have mana cost issues. The mana reduction from the enchantment will be up all the as you are always hiting yourself with forbidden rite. 7. RINGS
HOW TO CRAFT THE RINGS : https://youtu.be/cjbX4ywqGb0 The rings are again one of the most important part of the build (i guess all parts are and this is why the build is annoying to put all together lol). You MUST have an open prefix to benchcraft "non-channeling skills have -7 to total mana cost", then the shaper mod "life gained for each enemy hit by your spells" will help a ton with sustaining your life. They also are a good spot to fix your attributes (dex especially) requirements aswell as capping your elemental resistances. 8. BELT
HOW TO CRAFT THE BELT : https://youtu.be/iRIhFn35zVU The belt is pretty much the only piece that doesn't have any absolutly required stats for the build. We will use it mainly to get a bunch of life and to fix our resistances / attributes. If you can, try to get the labyrinth enchantment for belt "Enemies Withered by you have -6% to all Resistances" for some extra DPS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
For the timeless jewel most importantly you want to have a Glorious Vanity in the name of Xibaqua. It will give you the Divine flesh keystone that grants you +5% to max chaos resistance aswell as making you take 50% of elemental damage as chaos instead. It is very nice if you can get on it one or more of the following notables in order of importance : 1. Ritual of Shadows (25–35)% increased Chaos Damage | 25% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit (MUST HAVE) 2. Revitalising Darkness (25–35)% increased Chaos Damage | 0.2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life 3. Cult of Chaos +1% to maximum Chaos Resistance | +(13–19)% to Chaos Resistance 4. Ritual of Flesh (6–10)% increased maximum Life | Regenerate (0.7–1.2)% of Life per second 5. Thaumaturgical Aptitude (25–35)% increased Spell Damage | (35–50)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells 6. Flesh Worship (6–10)% increased maximum Life | 0.4% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life 7. Automaton Studies (30–40)% increased Armour | (3–4)% additional Physical Damage Reduction 8. Commanding Presence 20% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills | (7–10)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills Here is one of my timeless jewel as an example : ![]() 2. LARGE CLUSTERS
You will need 2 large clusters, they are both the same. 8 Passive skill points chaos damage with : - Unholy grace - Unwaveringly Evil - Dark Ideation You want this specific combination of nodes to have Unholy Grace in the good spot. Dark ideation will be on the bad part of the jewel, you don't spec into it. 3. MEDIUM CLUSTERS
For the medium cluster we have 2 options : The first one is a classic area damage medium cluster with : - Vaste Power - Towering Threat The second option is to get some megalomaniac jewels but those can be hard to find. If ever you want to search for some megalomaniacs, here is what you want : - Born of chaos (must have) - Any life nodes is nice to have - Any useful DPS node for the build - Mana reservation nodes could be useful too or some all res nodes can be nice 3. SMALL CLUSTERS
For the small clusters again it depends if you are using some megalomaniacs or not, but if you are not what you will usually want is : 2x small chaos cluster with 2 passive skill points including the "Born of Chaos" Node 1x small cluster with mana reservation efficiency and a Node like "Righteous path" for example. Then again if depends the level of your enlighten, the nodes from your tree, and some other stuff.. You have to check if you need this one or not. 4. RARE JEWELS
For the rare jewels we are mainly looking at those stats : - Maximum life most importantly - Reduced mana cost (if you have mana problem depending on the rest of your gear) - Any kind of critical strike multiplier is the best damage boost (global/while dual wielding/for spells) - Cast speed - Spell/Projectile/Area damage - Any resistances or attributes if you really need them 5. WATCHER'S EYE
On your watcher's eye there is one mod that you must have which is "+(20–30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality". Then on top of that here is a list of useful mods that you can look for : Vitality : - (10–15)% increased Life Recovery Rate while affected by Vitality - Regenerate (1–1.5)% of Life per second while affected by Vitality - (0.8–1.2)% of Damage leeched as Life while affected by Vitality Determination : - (5–8)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Determination - You take (40–60)% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while affected by Determination - +(600–1000) to Armour while affected by Determination Zealotry : - (10–15)% increased Cast Speed while affected by Zealotry - Effects of Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry Linger for 2 seconds - Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry causes enemies to take (8–10)% increased Damage - Gain Arcane Surge for 4 seconds when you create Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry (only if not runing in your setup) Purity of elements: - +(30–50)% to Chaos Resistance while affected by Purity of Elements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
For the flasks i have been trying a few setups and this is the best one that i have tried for sure. You just facetank a ton of stuff with this build and get hit a lot, the flask will fill up all the time, way better than chance to gain a flask on crit in my opinion. If you fill the need you can eventually replace the Basalt flask with a Life Flask or even a Bottled Faith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
1. Body armour : Main DPS setup : 4 Blue 2 Green
- Forbidden Rite - Greater Multiple Projectiles (Anomalous is pretty mandatory for mana cost issue) - Void Manipulation (Awakened if you can) - Spell Echo (Awakened if you can) - Increased Critical Strike Damage - Power Charge On Critial Strike NB : Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles is a very strong DPS but only possible if you have a ton of reduced mana cost of skills or a mageblood with the catarina flask mod. 2. Gloves : Aura Setup : 3 Blue 1 Red
- Enlighten - Zealotry (Anomalous if you can) - Purity of elements (Anomalous if you can) - Determination 3. Helmet : Cast When Damage Taken Setup #1 : 2 Blue 1 Red 1 Green
- Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) (Divergent if you can) - Ball Lightning (lvl 1) - Greater Multiple Projectiles (Anomalous if you can not mandatory) - Arcane Surge (lvl 1) 4. Boots : Cast When Damage Taken Setup #2 : 2 Red 1 Blue 1 Green
- Cast When damage Taken (lvl 1) (Divergent if you can) - Purifying Flame (lvl 1) (Divergent if you can) - Molten shell (lvl 10 max) (Anomalous if you can) - Onslaught (Anomalous if you can) 5. Wand #1 : 2 Red 1 Blue
- Defiance banner (Anomalous if you can) - Vitality (lvl 1 or more depending on your mana left) - Flame dash 6. Wand #2 : 2 Red 1 White
- Cast When Damage Taken (Divergent if you can) - Berserk (Divergent if you can) - Warlord's Mark (Divergent mandatory) Swap to Assassin's Mark for bosses (Anomalous if you can) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
For the Major God you have the choice between 2 :
Soul of the Brine King will be nice early on when you don't have so much life and are more vulnerable to stun. Soul of Lunaris if you have a lot of life & mitigation and don't feel scared by stuns anymore, it will give you extra physical reduction and some nice movement speed for the maps. Capturing Herald of Thunder will also give you fulltime 6% reduced elemental damage taken as you hit yourself constantly with forbidden rite. For the Minor God there is only one option : It is Soul of Shakari You need to capture The Restless Shade for the 5% reduced chaos damage taken, not only it will reduce the damage you inflict to yourself with forbidden rite but also the part of the elemental damage you take as chaos trough the divine flesh keystone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
The passive skill tree may change a little from one person to another mainly due to the timeless jewel nodes and if you are using some megalomaniacs jewel or some small cluster jewels.
Here is a PoB of a lvl 100 tree with no megalomaniacs : https://pastebin.com/2EjAVLXz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]()
If you're build has reached a very end game setup this build can run literally any map mods in the game, but depending on your setup some map mods can be annoying or undoable here is a list :
- (25–30)% more Monster Life | Monsters cannot be Stunned You won't be able to generate rage in those maps cause of the cannot be stunned modifier - Players have 60% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield A bit annoying for the regen but still doable. - Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield Doable but only if you are using life recoup & mana recoup - (-12–-9)% maximum Player Resistances A bit dangerous you will take more damage from casting forbidden rite due to losing maximum chaos res but still doable. - Monsters steal Power, Frenzy and Endurance charges on Hit Very annoying mod will make you lose all your charge therefore no DPS i would avoid it. - Players have 60% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills If you are not a big overcapped on elemental resistances this mod might be very bad due to losing resistances from purity of elements, if you are overcapped by 15+% it's fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT I AM WORKING ON : - Adding trade link searches for some items - make different budget versions - polish the build guide - make more crafting videos THANKS EVERYONE FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY GUIDE, IF YOU WANT TO SEE MORE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL, IT WOULD HELP A LOT :) Última edição por GG_TWiF#6971 em 6 de mai de 2022 12:18:14 Último bump em 4 de jan de 2024 10:39:31
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was thinking on trying it out, but after checking the prices for the gear its way too expensive
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Wait so excitedly for the update! I am struggling with mana issues... in the video your mana regens so fast, but mine is so slow. I am struggling on the bosses.
Please check my pob if you can help! https://pastebin.com/PXQC9hUt Última edição por 8_ba11#4135 em 2 de mar de 2022 17:14:29
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" Hey i will make a special section soon to answer the mana issues. In the meantime i checked your PoB and here is what i can see : - you are missing -8 to mana cost on one ring - you can eventually divine your rare jewel to 5% (3 now) - eventually until you get your mana problem solved you can use instead a replica conqueror's efficiency unique jewel, will give you -9 to mana cost - if mana regen is so quick it is because i have a few jewel with the harvest implicit " damage taken recouped as mana" good luck :) |
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are you planning to make a fully min maxed version of the build?
its probably going to be the one i stick with for the rest of the league and i want to invest into it. im probably going to chagne qutie a few thigns around from my current setup to match yours :) |
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" Hey, i plan on doing different budget version from budget to god tier but it takes a long time. But i had mirror tier gear on all slots last league with this build so in the meantime i will share you my PoB from last league. I would keep everything the same just craft 8 passive jewels instead of 12 as we dont have points to take all small nodes anyway. Then eventually you can try the corpse pact version with the new forbidden jewels is insane. 3.16 God tier PoB : https://pastebin.com/zz3C9SKA |
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where did we lose points as you dont want 12 passive jewels? i feel like crafting 8 passives with t1 life/effect is kind of a waste is it not?
also i would assume hand of the high templar arnet bis? arent we able to utelize the new implicits + temple mods for more dmg? such as my gloves (if you look at my profile, i'm not sure how to link items) and we lost some scourge mods so i would assume we lost 10-15% dps overall? Última edição por AlmightyDrake#2852 em 3 de mar de 2022 03:09:26
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" I mean for the jewel it is not absolutly necessary but it helps with getting a bit more life attributes & resistances then you have more freedom on the rest of your gear but that is if you really want to min max. I did look at your gloves and personally i don't think they can beat a good pair of hands of the high templar. You can try it out on the pob i gave you to replace the gloves, but just getting despair allows an extra suffix on ring like crit multi, then 0.8% base crit chance to spells is huge, and whatever else you can get on them. In my opinion they are BiS but feel free to check and let us know. About the overall DPS yes we lose a bit due to some scourge mods, but the base damage of the skill aswell as the effectiveness of added dmg has been buffed, cast speed mods on rings have been buffed aswell, and we can now play corpse pact so in the end its even more DPS than before. Última edição por GG_TWiF#6971 em 3 de mar de 2022 07:31:36
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Hey Twif can you check my POB again.
How are you able to get so much more life leech than me. I have played around with POB number so much and am unable to identify it. It is making the build so squishy :/ https://pastebin.com/821hBG4q |
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" I have more life leech than you because i have more damage and a bit more life i guess, if you feel squishy you should try to up your maximum chaos resistance to 86 instead of 83 with another born of chaos it will help. Also i would replace that flask suffix movement speed with another one instead that has 60% increased armour it will help a ton to tank and also bigger molten shell. Última edição por GG_TWiF#6971 em 4 de mar de 2022 02:04:53
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