[3.22] Gryph's Immortal Cremation - Boss Killer+Simulacrum+Blight Ravaged Farmer
Having fire fractured also means your only non-caster mod is protected which opens up the craft cannot roll caster / ex slam / annul route for crit multi.
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" While i was crafting, I bought few t1 fire damage from 50c to something like 3-4 ex via live searches, ofc some of them required lucky annul/split or relocating mod to correct base, but the odds of picking up cheap base are way higher then buying underpriced fracture 1/3 So, set up live search, grab few underpriced bases and go recombinate Tbh - the only reason I use double fractured gloves instead of recombinated ones because i crafted a pair using recombinators but bricked it occasionally and didnt want to buy all the bases/fossils again Same story with the boots - I crafted a pair of boots, but lost them, so i rage crafted a new ones asap via double fracture Imho, recombinators are a pinnacle of PoE crafting atm from any point of view cost/effectiveness, possibilities, etc... The only big downside - they depand on the market supply heavily, and atm it's kinda almost dead, so the supply of mods and bases could be just not enough. I kinda hate fracturing ( generally i just buy already fractured base, if i really need one and i could spot one for 3/4 x cost of fracture), but fracturing myself - that could be easily 5-7 attempts at 1/3 for me. I used houndreds and houndreds of recombinators this league - they are insanely good, and the odds feel like the real ones - if you see 35% on paper, then you almost guarantee to get it in 1-4 tries. Mark my words - recombinators gonna be gutted, either via drop rate( as they did to ashes/omni, either via some new restrictions(as they did to split beast), either via removal of some possibilites ( as they did to harvest), either they just gut those magic 35% to casino odds of something like 3.5% . 3.13 Was the best league ever! 3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... Última edição por Anngrat#4621 em 15 de jul de 2022 03:18:18
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Just made an experiement for luls - spotted t1 fire dmg on magic sceptre - bought it for 5 ex - imprinted(1 ex, my yellow beast), regaled suff, bought 3 opal sceptres(3c each), had phys gems in stash, started recombinate - in the process used 2 sceptres with +1 spell( bought for 3.9 ex each, kinda expensive, but why not, i didnt want to wait lul), 1 of them burned at first recombo, ended up with this, total cost is something like a bit over 14 ex, this is why i love recombinators so much Aaaaand dont tell anyone that i burned something like of 300+ exa of synth base this morning wanted to make simular ring with better implicit - had 3 rings with crit multi + curse implicit(atm literally ZERO online/offline at trade in league, guess i deserve ah achievment for destroying all those rings, hehe ), 3 rings with total mana cost + curse implicit, sadly all lost 50/50 flip for a base on first attempt 3.13 Was the best league ever! 3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... Última edição por Anngrat#4621 em 15 de jul de 2022 12:22:49
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I elected to just make two curse rings instead. I missed the reduced mana cost on my second ring but I'll live with it.
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After destroying 2 more bases i manage to craft this, and oh boi, this thing literally wasnt worth it - if it wasnt the end of the league for me, I would be on fire. Kinda hillarous, that way better bases died for this crappy one to survive lul, total cost something like 400 exa on synth bases, 50-70 exa on essences, 15-20 exa on annuls, 5-7 exa in recombinators, 5-10 exa for buying trash rings on trade with empty suffixes. I swear, double corrupting magebloods would be a better choice =)))) Yes, I also had an idea of 2 rings with curses I wanted to craft something simular, but with flammability instead of empty suffix, I even crafted it, but it didnt have t1 flat es, only t1 % es( and i wasnt happy with it, i was like either it's all t1, either i'm not using it) So I decided to craft it via recombinators, but recombinate suffixes + preffixes all at once, failed miserably, after something like 150 ex spent i got it( 3 suff + 2 pref), buuut game added useless pref, i recombinated it with another failure with benchcrafted useless mod, recombinate again - ring kept all 5 mods but lost 50/50 for useless mod - it was still here in non-benchrafted version, after 1 more attempt ring died and i gave up. 3.13 Was the best league ever! 3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... Última edição por Anngrat#4621 em 16 de jul de 2022 14:35:37
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I am e-mailing this build to Chris himself. This build has got to go. It is unethical!
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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time for bigboi dual wielding cremation rofl 3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... |
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" Well, scepters are more or less achievable. But how is it even possible to make a helm and a chest like yours? Idk how do you manage to get your 35% combining 3 mods. I've just failed 80% 8 (eight!) times in a row, lost 200 ex and not even started to craft. I began to google if GGG nerfed recombinators and it's not possible anymore to move spell suppression modes to non-evasion bases lol. Then 35% and 44% were lost seven times in a row, poofing the most precious mod every time. Now I want remonbinators to go, as the variance is beyond my understanding and I'm not sure how many recombinations I have to do to cover it. For several years of playing poker semi-professional I think I've never had such a disgusting lose strick. |
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" Tbh, i feel the same - during last 4 weeks almost all my recombinator crafts were bad rng fiesta - hitting those 35% or 44%( or at least what used to be 44%) at 5-10 attempts became normal. For the chest - I moved cover enemies in ash to vaal regalia, picked up grasping mail with 2 prefix - removed suffix >split >impirint> regal > recomb grasping mail+ benched mana with vaal regalia with cover in ash + benched mana, after few attempts got vaal regalia with global def + ash > bench craft pref > slam hunter ex > lock prefixes and reforge caster more common > fail to get + 1 curse > lucky annul > reforge caster more common again and hit +1 curse > lock prefixes and reforge influence until u hit offering effect *and ye, u want your vaal regalia to be from ilvl 80 to ilvl 83) For the helmet - atm i'm using a mirrored one, but managed to craft one at the beginning of the league myself - took 4 attempts i think, then i reforged keep suff until concentrated effect And ye, I want to repeat again - I have the same feeling, that recombinators worked waaay better at the beginning of the league 3.13 Was the best league ever! 3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... Última edição por Anngrat#4621 em 18 de jul de 2022 14:16:01
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" btw, is it possible to imprint splited items? Also I feel like when you finally recombine without loosing desired modes, then you face increased chance for some garbage mode to be added or some initial modes to be deleveled. In the other hand, after all this struggling and whining we all have absolutely sick gear in comparison to the previous league. |
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