[3.18] Mugungo's deathwish leadership price explody golems (70 mil+ burst) (RETIRED, RIP BRITTLE)
EDIT FOR FUTURE PEOPLE: RIP BUILD, brittle got gutted so its far better to do a ignite version now. Mugs explody golems Whats this shenanery? • Using maw of mischief’s death wish we can explode chunky stone golems and friends for massive burst damage on surprisingly small budget. STFU and show me the pob • https://pobb.in/bik4kDQfHwYg (have the community version as usual) * edited note: ignore dps, the damage is per-golem, not counting the chaos golem and damage from skeletons. * gear labled 3.17 is the actual gear i used last league, with the slightly less polished build STFU and show me gameplay • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v42WDUG8GNA Pros and cons • Pros o Surprisingly good clear o Great bossing o Cheap af (most items less than 1ex (labled 3.17 gear in pob) , two main chase items ~5 ex (tailwind boots and empower 4) o No need to 6 link anything o You get to be a unique little anti-meta snowflake o THICC burst dps (1-2 tap many end game bosses) o Very little difference between leveling tree and final tree o Alch and go potential (easy to get anti-reflect) • Cons o Golems are your offense and defense, so you lose a lot of defenses when they are exploded o You attack in 4 seconds bursts, so don’t miss o Need to stand still to channel o 1 gem swap for optimal mapping/bossing o Leadership price makes stat balancing annoying Common questions • Why not ignite? o Ignite means we need proliferation, and doesn’t benefit from multiple golems exploding on one target. I’ve found damage to be higher and more consistent with crit version. • But mugungo, wont brittle/scorch not be full power? o The golems and skellybros all explode sequentially, so the first one of the pile applies the full debuff hit for the rest (and wave of conviction+arcanist brand gives a reasonable starter setup for the first one) • Whats with the predator gem? o Due to the magic of game design, the maw of mischief minions are aggressive trait seems to make every minion follow the mark, so it lets you wrangle golems to go where you need them too. Plus anomalous version’s debuff reduces resistances • Whats the general gameplay like? o For mapping: equip increased aoe gem, run around tapping death wish, while having herald of active to delete packs in 1-2 clicks. o For bossing: equip crit gem, make sure you have skitter bots active instead of herald (both are slotted) toss down arcanist brand, summon skellies twice and channel to blow up bosses (some enemies get resistance when first popping in for a few seconds, be mindful of that). • Why not lord of the dead/why are skeletons 17 o Skellies at 17 and no lord of the dead means you can only summon 7 of them max, meaning you easily reach exactly 13 minions. • What do I do if I didn’t get that lucky ass glorious vanity? o Grab holy dominion instead until you reroll it to some good stuff • How do I balance stats for leadership price? o Jewels and crafted strength modifiers are your friend here, use them to cap off your stats as needed. o Careful planning/efficient training jewel in the socket near quick recovery can help balance stats further. • My damage feels low still! o Check your gem levels, each level in the golems in particular makes a massive difference o Make sure leadership price is active o When mobs first spawn in, they can have a few moments of super resistance. Try waiting a second or two before popping your golems for stuff like harvest. How do I level though • Here is a rough POB of a leveling setup with some notes for beginners. https://pastebin.com/vXJQVmg3 Most important items to get first 1. Basic rares/resistance shenanery 2. Maw of mischief 3. Golem gems/jewels (if you need more sockets crab a cheap cluster early) 4. Staff (don't spec into staff crit nodes till leadership) If you have the above, you can start using golems 5. Skin of the loyal (just match colors early) 6. Watchers eye for +chaos (skip to 8 if you prefer offense first) 7. Glorious vanity (if you prefer defenses first) 8. leadership price 9. Oil to anoint leadership price with charisma (this lets us use skitter bots for bosses) 8. Cluster jewels Possibly useful tech changes • Swap out the chaos golem for enduring cry (slotting convocation into chest and enduring cry into weapon). That removes a passive defensive layer for a active one (adding a button to spam for endurance cry) and more risk in fights where you cant keep endurance cry running , but less risk when the chaos golems down and more consistency /damage with burst due to having all stone golems. • Swap out Sulphur flask for a life flask with anti-bleed. I’ve found soul of ralekesh to be enough to deal with bleed, but it’s a good defensive option • Dissolution of flesh can be swapped with anatomical knowledge, if you prefer the playstyle. You lose access to the hilariously strong “on savage hit” forbidden taste combo though. Big thanks to the initial inspiration for the build, Niroc’s stone golems. I messed with it so much It turned into its own beast, but credit where its due! If you have any other questions, catch me live on stream here https://www.twitch.tv/mugungo , message in this thread, or just message on reddit Edit: had to swap cluster to crit cluster from channeling cluster due to flaw, plus side more damage! downside, slightly less block. Shouldent be too costly a cluster to get since you only need pressure points node (can swap the other node for the staff crit node) Edit 2: changed up tree to be MUCH more efficent, no longer needs vaald nodes. Dropped health cluster, picked up anomalous skeletons since they arent too bad this league (bout 1 ex). Easily can grab anti-reflect now Edit 3: As some helpful folks pointed out, anomalous infused channeling seems to be bugged out, adding cast speed and movespeed. None of those impact the burst damage (which is all that matters POB damage wise) but if you want to be safe feel free to swap it out in the POB, it only adds .8% damage anyway. EDIT FOR FUTURE PEOPLE: RIP BUILD, brittle got gutted so its far better to do a ignite version now. Última edição por Mugungo#2954 em 18 de ago de 2022 13:49:52 Último bump em 15 de jun de 2022 14:11:04
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i've seen other people reserve extra posts incase the first fills up, so im going to be a parrot and do it to
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Finally some shit that I can play without smashing my keyboard, and not boring as fuck. Thx for guide, I may try this if I decide to play the league.
Última edição por canercetin#2850 em 8 de mai de 2022 16:16:28
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yea, what about it Última edição por Voidurai#1307 em 13 de mai de 2022 16:46:28
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holy shit. level with fucking fireball? wave of conviction? this is the worst thing i've ever experienced
yea, what about it
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" The main leveling ability is holy flame totem, which is your bread and butter early on. Fireball is so you have some extra damage to do while holy flame totem and flame wall are doing their thing, and its no wonder you'd be suffering (especially vs the new rare modifiers) without using your core leveling ability! Once you get to 28, armageddon brand and cremation take over and carry you all the way to maps easily. |
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" whoops lol sorry and thank you yea, what about it
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" no worries! its no wonder you had trouble with these new rares with plain old fireball, that would be rough under normal circumstances! For anyone else, as a heads up golem gems are much more expensive this league due to no coves map. nothing too crazy (anima stone is about 1 ex compared to like 30 chaos last league) but its worth noting Última edição por Mugungo#2954 em 16 de mai de 2022 00:00:33
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sooo what do u do with stone golems if in video u never used them and u dont get that more life mod from them when its linked doesnt benefit other gems?
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" If you look at the top left in the video, you'll see that he is using Stone Golems. He's using an MTX for them (idk what) which might be confusing yea, what about it
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