[3.18] Icestorm Self-Cast [CRIT Build] [High AOE] Occultist
Loving the build so far. It saved me from quitting the league early.
Just wondering, any reason you swapped hypothermia to cold pen? This my gear as of current:
GMT (+2:00) Central European Standard Time
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" Hey. I'm glad you're enjoying the build! I swapped to cold pen because of 2 reasons. 1) Later, awakened cold pen will automatically inflict exposure. 2) The way cold penetration works, if there's an enemy that has a lot of cold resistance and all our reductions still didn't put it below 0%, then doing so is more worth it than just doing more damage (that then gets reduced by resistance). And at 0% cold res, penetration works the same way as more damage, which in our case is basically the same numerically. Btw. I dropped Hatred for Determination and it feels good being a bit tankier. I will also look into slotting some energy shield leech later, or maybe a discipline watcher's eye for ES on hit. |
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Uploaded a video of bossing in 3.18 (Chimera, Minotaur, Purifier, Elder, Black Star conditional), check the original post under videos!
Última edição por Zuzanne#5313 em 31 de mai de 2022 10:32:04
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Hi all! I updated the thread with more info, added new PoB of my actual character, added a third video of deleting Sirus and beefed Black Star. I'm finishing 38/40 today and I will be done for the league, however I will reply to questions in this thread and possibly update the thread for 3.19.
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Hey so flirted with a bunch of Occultist setups but decided on this one for its different flavor and the fact most other Occy builds require 50-100ex to just get started in the endgame :p Though there is a hefty price tag on some of the endgame gear you've listed as well, overall it just felt a lot more straightforward, achievable, and less all-in currency wise compared to other builds. This is not my league start so I've probably invested 40-50ex I farmed up earlier (including on stuff like Clusters + ES on hit Watchers Eye), and it feels really good/fun. Basically just drop a icestorm and then frostblink through what is left and it's actually quite zoomy and satisfying. The build is only at 50% attack block, 30% spell block (w/ Rumi's), but still feels quite durable on top of the good damage. I'm at 93 now and pushing for a 3rd curse (enfeeble) and possibly Divine Shield by 98 -- I think that'll make us virtually unkillable. Here is my gear for reference, good work & thanks again:
Also if you have time to answer, why Militant Faith? Is POB goofy or are you changing Pain Attunement to more damage per power charge node? In which case how are you getting 10 to rival Pain Attunement? Also you killed Uber Sirus or just regular Sirus? Any tips if Uber? Cheers. Última edição por WarPig17#1988 em 22 de jun de 2022 17:04:39
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" Hey! Thanks for checking out my build and I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I do. Your Divine Shield idea is pretty neat. Yes, we use militant faith to get 3% more damage per power charge. We can't use pain attunement because we can't get on low life as CI build. I killed Uber Sirus together with another person. We bricked one run as we were learning, and we killed it on the second run. In retrospect, I could've killed it solo as well. But it's very easy to die and hard to come back to the fight. The degeneration AoE fields are the most dangerous thing, I recommend you take notice of them and keep them in mind as you fight Sirus. If you frostblink somewhere unsafe, you're gone. Frostblink itself is kinda dangerous since you can only use it once. Flame dash is a superior movement skill, but Frostblink enables bonechill support so it's better for dps. Make sure to use awakened unleash for Sirus so you rain down all 5 storms on him without having to cast a bunch. |
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" I) We're so close to Divine Shield already, feels a little criminal not to take it as a moderately high armor ES build w/ Determination (also if you double check the POB you can free up anywhere from 4-7 points depending on stats, etc). II) Ah OK I'm such a noob, I thought we qualified as LL w/ 1HP :p I don't spec this way too often. Good to remember. III) Yeah I'd likely take flame dash in there while I'm learning. I've managed to down him 3 times w/ an Aegis Aurora minion setup (all close fights), but still haven't tried on this build because it was hard to envision the fight going 'well' based on our defenses. But playing it more we are strangely tanky -- we have no suppression, only half-block, decent but not amazing ES near 8k, but it still holds together surprisingly well, I don't really get it sometimes (I guess ES on hit Watchers Eye is pretty OP w/ determination, and freezing stuff, idk). Thanks for the insight(s). Cheers. Última edição por WarPig17#1988 em 23 de jun de 2022 02:59:58
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Cool! Just bumping.
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Will there be an update to 3.19?
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No. However, the build is going to be just fine in 3.19, you can go for it if you want. :)
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