[3.23] [SC+HC] Summon Homing Missiles (SRS) Necromancer: Starting, Leveling & Endgame Mapping
If you want the PoB for this build, use this pobb.in link: https://pobb.in/u/ACGIFT/SummonHomingMissiles (make sure you are using the Community Fork of PoB, not the "original" version of PoB by OpenArl)
Update: This build has been updated for 3.23/Affliction League. The PoB is fully updated to reflect everything PoB supports, such as the new transfigured gems. (It's sparse on league-specific content, however) There may still be inconsistencies between the progression described in this guide & the PoB, so in those cases, trust the PoB. I'll try to iron out the wording here as time goes on. Overall, I'd mark the patch changes as a substantial improvement to this build. Pinnacle DPS in excess of 10 million is pretty possible. Introduction Summon Raging Spirit (SRS) is a bit of an oddball skill in Path of Exile. It's a minion-summoning skill that has a remarkably short duration, effectively making them very disposable. This guide will show you how to lean into this heavily, turning your "raging spirits" into "homing missiles." This will allow you to effortlessly power through the main campaign, as well as do mapping and a lot of other endgame content, all with minimal investment in gear. Aside from one or two key items, (that are still far from chase uniques) this is all but SSF-viable, as well as HC-viable. Contrast to other common builds using SRS (and even exploding SRS) this build does not rely on anything else for its damage. Our other minions are there purely for defense. This is meant to be a comprehensive guide, starting in Act 1, able to play the same build all the way through into the far endgame, and covers the aspects of passives, gems, gear, and playstyle strategies. Why Summon Raging Spirit? While Summon Raging Spirit in general is a fairly niche, low-popularity skill with some downsides, it has a number of established strengths as well:
In particular, taking this route adds a few more quirks as well:
Basic Concept Summon Raging Spirit is a spell that creates a short-lived minion that ignores your commands, and attacks whatever is nearest to it. Its base damage is physical, but it has 100% physical to fire conversion. Because this is inherent to the skill itself, it can't be overridden: SRS hits will always be 100% fire damage, even if you use something like a Triad Grip to convert your minions' damage. Minion Instability (MI) is a keystone passive, that causes your minions to self-destruct should their life drop to 50% of their maximum or below. (i.e, "low life") This causes an explosion that kills them, and inflicts fire damage (to anything near them) equal to 33% of their maximum life. Do note that this does not activate should the minion die or be de-summoned (or otherwise disappear) before its life reaches 50%. Thus it will not activate just because the duration expired, or you summoned too many and it de-summoned your oldest. To make Minion Instability work with SRS, we need to use something that will cause our raging spirits to take continual damage, and reach the 50% threshold before their duration expires. We have two tools to do this with: in act 1, we have access to the Infernal Legion Support gem, which inflicts area damage over time (AoT) around the minion, as well as make them take continuous fire damage. Later, we use the Legion League-specific unique, Tavukai, as it applies damage faster, buffs our SRS, and frees up a gem slot for a more useful DPS gem. Everything else we do in the build will work off of this: since our damage scales with our minion's life, we stack as much as we can; each point winds up being slightly more valuable than minion damage. A pleasant side-effect is that this makes our other minions extremely durable. Class and Passive Skills For this build, we're going to be using the Necromancer ascendancy class. While many have asserted that the changes in 3.19 have made Necromancer unplayable, it's still incredibly viable for SRS, and the alternative other summoners have flocked to (Scion) is too focused on actively casting buffs, which doesn't work for this skill. We'll want to pick up our notables in this order:
For our passive tree, I've provided examples of our tree at numerous points in the game (including for each act) but there's also some explanation for the important things we take and why:
Passive trees by level
PoB on Pobb.in: (includes all trees and more) https://pobb.in/u/ACGIFT/SummonHomingMissiles
Level 11 (end of Act 1): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDDCWyLR9I50yzYoZr220ZfRiVIJ6934rpAgAA Level 22 (end of Act 2): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDGgQHCPQlsiycLR8vXTpYSOdMs1XGYoZjQWpDa9ttGXHzeX99GIPblSCevaEJvOrfiukC7IoAAroaL12piKEJ Level 32 (end of Act 3): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDKAQHCPQRLRzcHgglsiycLR8vXTpYOulFnUjnTLNTUlXGVi5ihmNBakNr220ZcfN5f3yDfRiD24b4lSCa4J69oQm4k7zq04_fiukC6-7sg-yKAAO6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQk= Level 40 (end of Act 4): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDMQQHCPQRLRzcHgglsij6KlMsnC0fL106WDrpQYdFnUjnTLNTUlXGVi5ihmKVY0FqQ2vbbRlx83l_fIN9GILHg9uG-JUgmuCevaEJsnC3PriTvOrTj9-K6QLr7uyD7Ir4R_noAAS6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQkvV_hH Level 45 (end of Act 5): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDOAQHCPQRLRzcHgglsij6KlMsnC0fL101kjpYOulBh0WdSOdMs1NSVcZWLmKGYpVjQWpDa9ttGXHzeA15f3yDfRiCx4PbhviVIJrgnr2hCalusnC18rc-uJO86sAa04_Yvd-K6QLr7uyD7Ir4R_no_goABLoaL12iSIb4qYihCS9X-Ec= Level 50 (end of Act 6): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDQAHnBAcI9BEtFE0b-hzcHgglsiXfKPoqUyycLR8vXTWSNug6WDrpQYdFnUjnTLNTUlXGVi5Yr2KGYpVjQWpDa9ttGXHzeA15f3yDfRiCx4PbhviVIJrgnr2hCaQZqW6ycLXytz64k7zqwBrTj9i934rpAuvu7IPsivhH-ej8S_4KAAS6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQkvV_hH Level 54 (end of Act 7): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDRwHnBAcI9BEtFE0YkRv6HNweCCWyJd8o-ipTKpgsnC0fL10y0TWSNug6WDrpQYdFR0WdSOdMs1NSVcZWLlivYoZilWNBakNr220ZcfN4DXl_fIN9GILHg9uG-IhAkDOVIJrgnr2hCaQZqW6ycLXytz64k7yfvOrAGtOP2L3fiukC6-7sg-yK-Ef56PxL_goABLoaL12iSIb4qYihCS9X-Ec= Level 60 (end of Act 8): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDUgHnBAcEswj0C2ERLRRNGJEb-hzcHgglsiXfKPoqUyqYLJwtHy9dMtE1kjboOQs6WDrpQYdFR0WdSOdMs1NSVcZWLlivWpFihmKVY0Fo8mpDa9ttGXHzeA15f3yDfRiCx4PbhviIQJAzlSCa4J69oQmiAKQZqW6vbLJwtfK3PriTvJ-86sAawGbTj9P72L3ZXt-K6QLr7uyD7IrwH_hH-ej8S_4KAAS6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQkvV_hH Level 64 (end of Act 9): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDWAHnBAcEswj0C2EMXxEtFE0YkRjXG_oc3B4IJbIl3yj6KlMqmCycLR8vXTLRNZI26DkLOlg66UGHRUdFnUjnTLNTUlXGVi5Yr1qRYoZilWNBaPJqQ2qsa9ttGXHzeA15f3yDfRiCx4PbhviIQJAzlSCa4J69oQmiAKQZqH2pbq9ssnC18rc-uJO8n7zqwBrAZsau04_T-9i92V7fiukC6-7sg-yK8B_yKPhH-ej8S_4KAAW6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQkmlPIoL1f4Rw== Level 67 (end of Act 10): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDXgHnBAcEswj0C2EMXxEtFE0VJxiRGNcb-hzcHgglsiXfKPoqUyqYLJwtHy9dMtE1kjboOQs6WDrpQYdFR0WdSOdMs1NSU6VVxlYuWK9akWKGYpVjQWjyakNqrGvbbRlx83gNeX98g30YgseD24b4iECMsY9GkDOVIJrgnr2hCaIApBmnCKh9qW6vbLJwtQS18rc-uJO8n7zqwBrAZsau04_T-9i92V7fiukC6-7sg-yK8B_yKPhH-ej8S_4KAAW6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQkmlPIoL1f4Rw== Level 75 (after Eternal Labyrinth): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDagHnBAcEswj0C2EMXxEtFE0VJxZvGJEY1xv6HNwdFB4IJbIl3yj6KlMqmCycLOItHy9dMtE1kjboOQs6WDrpQYdFR0WdSOdMs1NSU6VVxlYuWK9akWKGYpVjQWaeZrpo8mpDaqxr220Zbztx83gNeX98g30YgseD24b4iECMsY8aj0aQM5UgmuCevZ_LoQmiAKQZpwiofalur2yycLUEtfK3PriTvJ-86sAawGbGrtAf04_T-9i92V7fiuNq6QLr7uyD7Irv6_Af8ij4R_no-tL8S_4KAAW6Gi9dokiG-KmIoQkmlPIoL1f4Rw== Level 100 (fully filled out): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.23.0/AAAABgMDgwHnBAcEswj0C2EMXxCXES0UTRUnFm8YkRjXGjgb-hzcHRQeCCSqJbIl3ycvKPoqUyqYLJws4i0fL10y0TWSNug26TkLOlg6xjrpQYdEBEVHRZ1I50qfTLNTUlOlVcZWLlivWfNakWKGYpVi9GNBZlRmnma6Z3Fo8mpDaqxr220ZbztxsnHzd8J4DXl_fIN9GILHg9uFYIV7hviIQIm8jLGPGo9GkDOQVZUgmE2a4Juhnr2fy6DmoQmiAKQZpwiofaluqsSvbLJwtQS18rc-uJO8n7zqwBrAZsauzLzQH9OP0_vYvdle34rjaukC6-7sOOyD7Irv6_Af8ij4R_no-tL8S_4K_o8ABboaL12iSIb4qYihCSaU8igvV_hH
Passive Explanations
Keystone Passives
Jewels These are not outright required for the build, but as you will path right by several sockets, these will maximize how much power you get for your passive points. The jewel Fortress Covenant provides more DPS than any rare jewel can, while also giving our supporting minions a bit of block. We need to socket it away from any notable passive we want, however, so it'll go on the bottom part of our tree. However once we have our Transfigured SRS gem, the most potential DPS comes from Grand Spectrum; the particular cobalt variant that grants minion crit multiplier will, even from a single copy, outstrip anything else we can get, since with the "enormity" version of our gem, SRS will always crit. And if we devote 3 sockets to it, that's a total of +90% to crit multi! Of course, these are expensive, (and don't even help us without a transfigured gem) so this is more a long-term investment goal, not an immediate "must have." After that, we'll rely on rare jewels. The ideal one is a Rare Ghastly Eye Jewel, with the suffixes Minions have 12% increased maximum life and Minions deal 20% increased damage if you've used a minion skill recently. Since we are near-constantly casting SRS, the latter will always be in play. This leaves our prefixes free to, preferably, get +40 to maximum life and any other defensive mod we want, such as mana, mana regen, or flat armour. Getting all of this on one jewel will be extremely difficult & expensive, however, so don't be afraid to use sub-optimal jewels; even just one of the correct suffixes will make it a good investment for 1 passive point. Note that will will not be needing a Watcher's Eye: the limited range of effects we get out of that don't really help us that much here for the investment. Gem Setup & Progression This build is relatively flexible with what other skills you have, but there's a very clear ideal progression to use for SRS. Fortunately, it does not absolutely need maximum gem sockets early on; even a 2L or 3L will work in the early acts. For starters, the newly-introduced "Transfigured Gems" offer us a new route of progression:
Transfigured Gems
Summon Raging Spirit of Enormity is a transfigured version of the Summon Raging Spirit gem. It can be acquired through random chance by using the Divine Font at the end of The Lord's Labyrinth. The craft you're looking for is Transform a Skill Gem to be a random Transfigured Gem of the same colour. Use an intelligence (blue) skill gem (support gems will not work!) and it will give you 3 randomly-selected results. Note that as this is a transformation, the results will have the same quality and experience, so I recommend always using maxed-out gems. (at minimum, use a quality level 1 gem as this still saves you some GCPs) Alternatively, you can buy these gems from other players if you are not in a SSF league. The transfigured version here is flat-out better for our purposes:
Once you can get your hands on the transfigured version, swap to it immediately. If you are using a Mark of the Red Covenant, swap out from that: its 75% reduced will stack, leaving you able to just summon 1 (rounded down from 1.5) minions. On the upside, having this version opens up a new avenue to scale explosion damage: critical strike multiplier. Passives such as the Fearsome Force cluster will grant this, as can using gems, and also getting the mod on our wands. Using maxed-out gear, you can get your minions' crit multiplier to over 500%. Use the following support gems with SRS:
Support Gems for SRS
Order of Priority While Leveling: Order of Priority for the Endgame: Final Setup Order of Priority: Explanations for each gem:
Besides our main skill, we'll be using the following other skills in support of it.
Supporting Skills
Extra Minions (3L)
Movement (2L) Defensive (3L) Aura Gems (4L) Curse (1L) Explanations:
Gearing the Build While the outright requirements of this build are mild, there are a few things to keep in mind and stay on top of, especially as you level through the acts of the main campaign. On a slot-by-slot basis, this is what you'll want to do:
Weapon Slots
Very few uniques can even help us compared to what we can get out of rares. You will want to go with dual wands. You want mods to increase your gem levels, as well as increased minion life & damage, and when possible, cast speed. Keep in mind that as SRS is a fire spell gem, +1 to level of all fire spell skill gems is as good for your DPS as +1 to level of all minion skill gems. Depending on your supply of alteration orbs and your RNG, you can craft yourself a pair of +1 fire wands in act 1. Coupled with benchcrafted mods, these can carry you through even red maps.
Because of this, this slot is actually very SSF-friendly; you can either alt to get the prefix +1 to level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems, or use a vendor recipe: any white wand, plus enough gems with the "Fire" tag that combine up to at least 40% quality, will also get you this wand. That with two benchcraft mods, (as shown) this is sufficiently powerful to tackle all content. (Optional) On one of your mods, you can benchcraft the mod Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown/Spells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost onto one of your wands, and use that to apply your curses.
Body Armour
While we don't have many accessible choices here, we still do have some:
This has a very straightforward progression, including one of our few near-mandatory Best-in-Slot (BiS) items.
This is the most mandatory slot of the entire build.
Tavukai is the most important item in this build. While you can level without it, it's required to make do in the endgame. Overall it's very powerful, providing up to 40% increased life & damage, and critically, provides a source of chaos-based degen. You will want one with a negative chaos resistance roll to ensure faster degen, and then after that prioritize life over damage. Once you get noxious catalysts, use them to increase the degen effect, further accelerating it. For anointment, Mental Rapidity provides a good combination of cast speed & mana regen; late in the game you can also anoint Whispers of Doom to allow you to stack Elemental Weakness with your Flammability.
After the amulet, this is the most critical slot.
Siegebreaker is a unique belt that, among other effects, causes our minions to drop caustic ground on death, dealing damage over time scaled with their maximum life. This scales perfectly with how we're building for Minion Instability, adding substantial extra lingering damage. Fortunately, this particular belt has no drop restrictions and is generally affordable. (it'll probably be 1 chaos or less) You should try to find and equip one as soon as possible (level 44) unless you can get a Replica version instead. When you can, upgrade to the Replica version. Replica Siegebreaker is a unique that is very similar to ordinary Siegebreaker, but most notably makes minions drop burning ground on death instead of caustic. While at face value it seems to be the same, the change in damage type means it'll benefit from reduced resistance (from Flammability & Fire Exposure) as well as all support gem affecting your SRS that scale fire or elemental damage. (yes, support gems apply to this effect!) Ultimately, it does more damage than normal Siegebreaker, so we'll want to use it instead. However, it will be substantially more expensive and harder to get, so don't be afraid to stick with the normal Siegebreaker for a while. When you get the Replica version, use a Turbulent Catalyst to increase the damage of the burning ground.
There's technically a more DPS-oriented option here, but this isn't recommended for Hardcore.
Command of the Pit: The actual effects of the gloves themselves are mild, (the explosion from Minion Instability cannot miss) but if we can get 2 abyssal sockets, we can cram in two well-rolled Ghastly Eye Jewels for a lot more damage. Only take this if you can easily fit your resists on your other slots. Rare Gloves: There are some offensive mods we can take here, notably the Essence of Fear & Redeemer prefixes, and suffixes for increased cast speed. Beyond that, this is mostly a chance to fill out yours resists (especially chaos) as well as stack more armour & life.
There are no specific boots that provide a big bonus to our damage and clear speed here, so this is basically a "free" slot. As usual, you will want high Increased Movement Speed, which can be accomplished during the main campaign through various leveling uniques such as Wanderlust, Nomic's Storm, and Seven-League Step, and fairly easily on later rare boots... But past that, feel free to seek out defensive mods. As we're using a unique belt, we'll need to fit resistances on other slots.
While GGG introduced new "Bone Rings" in 3.19, depending on our resources, we might not care as much here, and will instead want to focus more on defenses. (there are no good unique rings for this build)
Keep in mind that while using Infernal Legion Support, anything that increases our minions' elemental resists will slow down the degen, and thus increase the delay before they explode! You will rely on your rings for a substantial amount of your resists. Also, don't forget to unveil the "Elreon's" mod Non-Channeling Skills have -7 to Total Mana Cost prefix, as this will be one of the most useful ways to manage your SRS cost.
As mentioned above, these aren't 100% critical. Fortress Covenant provides the best damage for a jewel socket, so take one of those first. Ghastly Eye Jewels actually can provide us with more damage & life than Cobalt Jewels, so we'll prefer them instead. Lastly, we don't really benefit as much from cluster jewels; they don't much to offer our build beyond basic life & damage, and their scaling is weak enough that the extra cost of pathing to a socket outweighs the benefit.
Since our SRS' goal is to lose life and explode, we don't need to worry about flasks for them. Instead, focus entirely on flasks for yourself. Take standard life flasks (with bleed & CB immunity) as well as a granite flask with increased Armour during Flask effect; this will provide a lot of survability. For more offence-orientation, you can take a standard quicksilver flask and a silver flask with increased cast speed.
The Pantheon As usual, the Pantheon provides some critical survivability here:
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster Última edição por ACGIFT#1167 em 22 de dez de 2023 13:53:06 Último bump em 6 de fev de 2024 02:52:05
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Leveling through the Main Campaign
Though a lot of this is already covered above, here we'll break down our "step-by-step" instructions for what to keep track of as you go through each act. But first, some basic gameplay tips to keep in mind while doing this:
With that in mind, these are the instructions to keep in mind for each act. If you over-level and have finished every passive listed for an act, proceed onto the instructions for the next act. If you're under-geared (or somehow under-leveled) at the end of an act, just keep following its instructions in that area until finished, then proceed on following the respective instructions for the next act.
Act 1
There will be a bit of setup to pay attention to, but once you have it, you'll notice you start to steamroll already.
Act 2
We start to get more gems here, and our build fleshes out a little.
Act 3
This is where some of our special uniques finally become available, and our power keeps growing fast.
Act 4
This is where the last new gems come in.
Act 5
Our offensive power should be really strong at this point, so mostly we're now looking to fill out more defenses.
Act 6
This will be where we just got hit with -30% to all resists, so recapping your resists will be a major priority.
Act 7
This is when you should hit level 54, and can finally equip Tavukai. If you can't afford one, don't sweat it: this build can still power through the remaining acts without it.
Act 8
By this point your build will be "complete" so instructions are much simpler.
Act 9
Very little goes on here; you're almost done!
Act 10
By this point if you've been following this guide, this normally-tough act should be an absolute breeze.
Epilogue Progression
Endgame Content & Strategies While mechanically SRS plays a bit different from most other builds, it can handle a wide variety of content surprisingly well. The following are some things to keep in mind:
Final Thoughts I originally set out to write this as an example to prove that the Necromancer ascendancy class wasn't dead; a rebuttal to the countless players wailing that the 3.19 patch had rendered her unplayable. It was only as I went along that I realized that this actually marked perhaps a true "universal build," that could be thrown at all content and still fair decently. This versatility, coupled with the accessibility of its gear, makes this something that should see a lot of play in 3.19, and hopefully this guide will help spread it. A special thanks to b0moodc, whose insight & inspiration was instrumental in this guide ever happening. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster Última edição por ACGIFT#1167 em 1 de nov de 2022 05:33:25
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very helpful! thanks
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hi , can you upload it on pob
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" Whoops, I knew I was missing something! I've fixed that; there's links to the PoB in the guide, as well as one right here: https://pastebin.com/EKfHrCA2 The PoB includes all 12 passive trees, maxed gems, (minus no awakened empower) and a selection of the gear shown. I didn't bother including any particularly high-tier gear, though I did edit the stats on Tavukai (nerf) & Mark of the Red Covenant (buff) to reflect their stats as they'll drop in Kalandra League. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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I think SRS needs to be reworked, too clumsy ability. Relative to other summons, SRS has too specific map clearing. But the guide itself is very detailed, good job.
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Can u verify the PoB? I can't import
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" You might need to update your copy of PoB. I made that PoB on the latest version of the Community (aka LocalIdentity) fork. I have tested repeatedly, and it works with the current version. I did also just update it once the 3.19 patch game live; in practice the two PoBs are exactly the same, just that the trees in the old one are tagged for 3.18. (they do not change when updated for 3.19, however) Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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For ANY POB right now, you need to use the latest release of the Path of Building Community Fork.
The POB made by OpenARL is not supported, nor recommended, as it has not been updated in many years. That link will auto update whenever a new stable (not pre-release!) build comes in. Edited for grammar and better quotability. Última edição por bvanharjr#5617 em 28 de ago de 2022 00:47:00
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Is there a video?
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