[3.22 update] Ethical Crit Impending Doom + Hexblast Occultist: The 6699 Build
" That's a great suggestion. For other readers, the other options are alternate quality Void Manipulation or synthesized ring implicits if you'd prefer offensive options on the Watcher's Eye. |
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I feel like I'm missing a lot of damage and surprisingly squishy even after replicating a lot of items in the PoB. I'm still missing a watchers eye and a level 4 enlighten so I cant use all 5 auras. Any advice?
Here is my PoB: https://pobb.in/9NA0TcQvHXFR |
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" Drop precision first and run whatever level of Vitality you can afford. Put quality on your despair gem, it increases its curse effect which is big for this build. You're better off with a 20/20 than a 21/0 gem. The "vulnerability on hit" from your Vixen's isn't providing anything to the build. Try to find a way to apply elemental weakness instead of vulnerability. This way, the enemy will have a lower lightning resist allowing Doomblast to apply larger shocks. This is a "more multiplier" against enemies that you haven't stacked wither up on yet. I didn't realize until now that they removed the "withered effect" from the chaos mastery. That's too bad because its ~8% more damage in my POB. You took +1 max chaos res, but I would drop the mastery entirely; your chaos and elemental max hits are plenty big already without it. You'll get more survivability from just more max life. I suspect physical hits are your issue. You can also play around with the "order" of the curse gems in your vixen which changes the order in which they're removed by Hexblast. Mine were ordered Ass. Mark, Enfeeble, Frostbite, Despair. Since your despair has a longer duration than the others, it will never be removed as long as there are other curses on which is good, that's your biggest damage curse. Quality your Cane and put a harvest enchant on it. You have a little overhead for more cast speed (your CDR is high enough). You could squeeze a little more in, for example, from a essenced ring. You currently have enough CDR for 10% increased cast speed before you brick your trigger rate. It looks to be ~8% more damage for you. You could invest in the "Enemies Withered by you have -6% to all Resistances" belt enchant. This is another ~5% more damage upgrade. I see you're using the vulnerabilty double damage jewel instead of enfeeble crit multi. They add about the same amount of AVERAGE damage, but the crit multi applies to EVERY hit whereas the double damage only applies 9% of the time when it procs. On paper its the same, but my preference is crit multi. It looks like you're doing most things right, just a handful of ~5% upgrades here and there that could really add up. For survivability, another poster suggested the loyalty tattoo of Kaom which makes your totems take 15% of damage from hits before you. You could also drop something to take the Totemic Zeal wheel (near Scion start) and use the totem mastery for another 5%. Because of the way armour works, this would increase your survivability against physical hits by a surprising amount. Best of luck and thanks for trying the build. |
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Also, see if you can find a timeless jewel that provides something powerful for the build. I wasn't able to since I played in SSF, but there should be a lot of options in trade.
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" Thank you for the response, I'll make some changes. :) |
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On the topic of survivability and phys damage reduction, I wonder if it would be worth 5 points to get a small cluster jewel with enduring composure for 30% armour and endurance charges on hit?
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" Enduring composure is a good idea. I was trying to come up with ways to scrape together the necessary skill points and I remembered that Impossible Escape is a thing. Here’s what I would do: get a “Magebane” Impossible Escape and use that to allocate “Window of Opportunity” and the two points leading up to it. I don’t have access to POB right now but I’m 99% sure they’re close enough for it to work. You can then drop all of that pathing all the way from the Tireless wheel. That’s 16 points!! Strength of Blood is good, but not good enough to justify going in there for it. That frees up a bunch of points for the price of a jewel socket and some % life. Invest those points into a more accessible life wheel (grab Profane Chemistry if it’s in the radius of magebane and the one below Mind over Matter). With the leftover points, pick up a cluster jewel socket. I would try to do one large cluster jewel with % chaos damage, one small cluster with Enduring Composure, and one standard jewel socket. It would be 10-12 skill points (depending on if you fully allocate the large cluster) for ~100% increased damage, some % armour, and three endurance charges. That’s a great deal if you ask me. Enduring Composure is great, but it’s a lot to pay 5 points for it. I’d rather pay 10 and get a bunch of damage alongside it. I wouldn’t have thought of this in the original build because I didn’t have access to Impossible Escape. Let me know what you think and if that idea works. Última edição por _Atollo_#3775 em 5 de set de 2023 13:55:57
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can you post the pob of how this most surviability build would work? i read and i really like the idea but maybe kindda confusing to fully understand
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" https://pobb.in/2WyJZLOxNejv This is just a rough sketch of what it would look like. Overall saves 1 skill point, adds ~10% more damage, loses ~300 life but adds a bunch of phys mitigation. Skill tree requires level 97. Last couple of points would probably be used to get "Endurance." Don't pay too much attention to the damage numbers; the cast speed from "Unholy Grace" bricked the trigger rate and I'm not going to fix it for this hypothetical. |
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nice thanks for that, and about the amulet i'm using The Eternal Strulge that gives me Culling Strike i think that is very good, that amulet on the build is really that strong? i should change?
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