[3.21] Witch Firestorm - skilltree help/opinion.
I play Witch and got now 50 lvl. I spend around 10 skill point and want your opinion about skilltree what i plan. In spoiler is link to my planing skilltree. I dont want fail skilltree and i thank you for all help and opinions. Thank you again for your time. Último bump em 15 de jun de 2023 17:07:30
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Well, you're setting up yourself for a failure already by using Firestorm, it's an alright skill but noit really strong and eventually willface a slow decline. Other than that it looks like you're a new player and it's your first character, and really, your character won't be very good (and it's ok).
You have a surprisingly ok tree for a beginner. Here is the more common version of a tree in this area, you can decide for yourself what you want and what not, and do little tweaks. I'm not sure if you want to pursuit a hit based or damage over time version, more on that later
More importantly, you need to learn more than just minmaxing a passive skill tree: 1. You need to finish your first Labyrinth 2. You need to learn more about links and supporting gems. This is really important 3. You need to know what skill you want to scale damage the most. What you're having right now is 3 skills 2-linked -- Firestorm, Flameblast, Flame Wall and some other skills. The thing is you will be powerful if you invest in some one thing, than in 5 different things. On your tree you take nodes with increased fire damage which works for most of your skills, but "fire damage over time multiplier" for example works only on damage that done over time (your flame wall), if the skill does chunked hit of HP -- it does hit damage, not over time. So your damage over time nodes doesn't do anything for Firestorm, Minions alltogether have different stats than you and don't get any "increased fire damage" bonuses 4. You need to try get more resistances on your gear -- aim for 75% for fire, cold and lightning. 5. Your jewel sockets are empty, don't take them if you're not socketing anything inside. Moreover, for jewel slot to be worth it, it should be a really great jewel, which you probably won't have for now At this point you should just really learn a lot of concepts. If you're ok with failing just keep playing the game. If not, then it's probably better to find a a good build guide. Good luck! |
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Thank you very much for your advice and tips. ^^
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