Selling a skill gem should be worth more

Suggestion: add a similar feature as with the bonus from quality for socket rerolls: up to 5(?) gems (perhaps 5 per existing socket??) of the same colour can add a bias for this colour for chromating.
This would at least introduce a use for the whole bunch of lowlevel gems; I dont see a need for a recipe for stronger/rarer/higher gems nor for levelled ones (probably 1 wisdom scroll per level?)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
tpapp157 escreveu:
Since skill gems are given as quest rewards

Yes, you can continue starting new chars and get a new gem every minute
40 gcp fragments needed for 1 gcp
Gem = 1 gcp fragment
Quality 1-5 = 5 gcp fragment
Quality 5-10 = 10 gcp fragment
Quality 10-15 = 20 gcp fragment
Quality 15-19 = 30 gcp fragment
Quality 20 = 1 gcp like it is currently

Problem solved.

Some kind of gambling would be nice too.
Última edição por Shadowbladerz em 24 de jun de 2013 05:31:48
Shadowbladerz escreveu:
40 gcp fragments needed for 1 gcp
Quality 5-10 = 10 gcp fragment
Quality 10-15 = 20 gcp fragment

Quality 15-19 = 30 gcp fragment
Quality 20 = 1 gcp like it is currently

Problem solved.

and new problem added: the fact that (for a reason) actually you'll need like 2 times the fragments you suggest: just 4 of your Q-10 gems above are traded for one gcp...
The idea to offer prism shards for gems sounds nice, but will inflate the economy with gcp and maxed gems quickly = bad. Beside this, it also did not differ between gem base levels, rarity and gem xp = even more QQ... ^^
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
I am thinking of some kind of dyeing system.

RGB mix and match can create any possible colors.
Última edição por TonyTsang em 24 de jun de 2013 07:27:37
IMO a gem fusing system would be best.

example: 10 Fireball gems + 10 Freezing Pulse gems = A freezing pulse gem that deals fire damage.

Any more word on a future gem sink?
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
The problem with gem sinks is the twilight strand farm, which already gives you:

3 scroll (+4 fragments)
2 gems
Hillock drop

If you equip the level 1 gems on a high level char, these gems will gain level very quickly.

In short, with 1-minute twilight strand, plus another minute merciless Lunaris and you get 2 leveled gems... which shouldn't be worth very much unless you want inflation :(
My wishlist: Hi-res digital artbook
Allow spaces in character names
Vulkan and Linux support
Opensource the game
But shouldn't they be worth more than a scroll fragment?
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
The problem is that if they become too valuable, they simply become another currency. I'm actually of the opinion they should be made worthless, other than their functionality. You don't want this game to be simply a quest for skill gems.

What I really don't like is devoting 4 pages for storage of the trash waiting for this mythical "gem sink" that GGG has teased us with.
Última edição por Shagsbeard em 24 de jun de 2013 10:00:15

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