1.0.5 Patch Notes

Kenzorz escreveu:
estu87 escreveu:
aw cast on crit nerf, get mad people.

It's not a nerf if it was a .25 second cd then it would of been gutted and I would of uninstalled the game.

.10 is not even noticeable.

It is a nerf, you can't cast 50 EKs with a single split arrow cast anymore.

20% increased chance to cast might make up for the loss idk I don't even play the build.

I don't play this niche quill rain thing soooo

I'm good.

Still casting 9999 discharges into firestorms into other spells here filling my entire screen and destroying Map dominus still.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Última edição por Coconutdoggy em 9 de jan de 2014 03:05:15
Yea...I was recently thinking to myself how CoC was such a fun gem to play with. The recent nerf destroyed my ranger LA/CoC build but seems to have buffed melee CoC...like melee needed any more help.

While it's true my LA/CoC build dominated in AoE damage, it had serious drawbacks:

1. Minimal defense/glass cannon
2. Huge mana issues (popping pots all day)
3. Reflect phys/reflect elemental
4. Very poor single target damage

OK maybe it looks great when you are running in groups but like any "balanced" build it had some serious drawbacks but was still a ton of fun to play.

I gues it's back to my melee character AGAIN.
Exalted orb art update...

So those T-shirts and hoodies (from supporter packs) will have outdated art on them?
trade chat spam should be at least 10 secs, 3 sec is nothing...
Bring back old image of "Exalted Orb"
New is suck ;[
ign: WarriorsOfEternity Scion Battle Spectromancer low life 8 auras | Domination (Standart) League | Life
ign: _Forsaken Shadow Dual Dagger Melee Crit 40k dps (68k abyssus) | Standart League | wasted
CookieVortex escreveu:
gibe me old exalted art back

I think I agree with you.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Please fix Cyclone stopping bug in the next patch.

Who mad about CoC say Thanks to *crying nerfers*. Keep crying about nerfing and dont say anything about powering gems up! You are in the right direction!
If I dont reply to you - I dont give a flying duck about your opinion

If you dont reply to me - I dont care either because I dont come back to see who replied to me
This trigger gems are a drama source since inception.

Too good (CoC, CwDT), situational (on stun, on hit), for lulz or bugged (on death)

And on top of everything you lose at least 2 links with any for either marginal use or clever use that need be patched.


And then is the PvP crowd, vocal from deep within. I'm going to laugh when GGG starts balancing skills to fix the PvP area. (phase run anyone) For shit like that Blizz gets lot of flack.

I guess it's came to a point where GGG simply can't please everyone anymore. From old vets that got burned out with game to newcomers that cry in frustration about everything RNG and desync.


I dig the new exalt art. nice :D
Última edição por Snookdog em 9 de jan de 2014 03:33:51
sidtherat escreveu:
raics escreveu:

Unfortunately, it can't really be done, reflect on enemies works with mitigated damage too and it works very well even with lower numbers... the problem is enemies mitigate nothing and we do. Also, our health and dps are exactly the inverse of enemy health and dps.

Yes, cold mine is still exploitable and it became a more generic skill, what's the difference between it and putting mine support on cold snap now?

tested with my summoner. test was/is a bit off because i use necro aegis with lioneyes shield (high armor) but still. in perfect conditions it was difficult to see ANY healthbar movement at all. and i leveled it to 18/12% kinda hoping that someday.. nope

Tell me about it, I tried making a D2 necro tribute prior to this (summons, iron golem, corpse explosion and iron maiden) and it seems iron maiden is still useless, don't know what was I hoping for. Shit, I just might go with life tap instead.

And it's not the problem with the gem, it's the problem with game design and damage ratio. Punishment is useless like this and if they buff it too much it will annihilate players if they get it on them by some chance.

I wholeheartedly agree with those saying trigger gems should never have been implemented into the game. Or at least not without at least a year of testing in a well-populated alpha realm... no, make that two years.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Última edição por raics em 9 de jan de 2014 03:59:02
Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown

does this mean that AoE attacks that hit all enemies at the same time (Reave) will now be able to proc only once no matter how many enemies was hit? While Spectral throw being now even better for PCoC?

IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Última edição por Ludvator em 9 de jan de 2014 04:04:05

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