Are mods being overly strict now?


GGG is sitting on their high horses if they really believe that their forum is going to be a gentlemans book reading club with nobilities with cylinders discussing noble matters...can your pesky forum rules override law? Like free speech?

You don't understand what Freedom of Speech is, how it applies, and where it applies. Again, another sad demonstration of the state of the American education system.

1. Im not american. Calling me that is one of the worst insults ive ever recieved. Specially from a person that believes that his education and intelligence surpasses mine (hint you are with a probability of 99% not if that rings a bell). This is a great example in it self since calling someone stright out a retard have no effect compared to indirect and smart insults like you calling me american from an educational standpoint. I be much more like an american in other aspects like absolute freedom.

2. About your statement about free speech and its restrictions. The ONLY restriction is about racist statements on open street...(i.e. you can if you want be a racist in your home) everything else would be something kim jong would try to apply. So its clearly different laws in different countries but why use kim jongs laws when we have the choice to be free?
Please let me give the 2 cents of a NON-NATIVE-SPEAKER:

Until support did not put ban on the word "retarted", I did not know this word being officialy as used for people who are sick in mental ways. Since that I knew this word only as: "being dumb, stubborn, sometimes idiotic."

Now I am very thankful to support to point up a language problem that exists also in my own country: Taking word that is reserved for mentally slow humans, who are born with this kind of handicap and can´t change their live conditions ----taking this word to bring it down and make it a word for RL-gaming-idiots is something I really hate !!

The "Retarted-Ones" in this case -are the ones who alienate this word!

And btw: Unknowing about this, in my former postings I have used this word at least once and would seriously apologize for that, after learning the real meaning.

So for me it is to say : THANK YOU SUPPORT-TEAM, and NO, you are not too strict, but can really help people who are not native engl.-language. Go on like this!

mazul escreveu:

That's a pretty good summary and I am glad you are taking your time to read through, but that there is one major aspect that I mentioned before that isn't that summary and is actually bothering a significant amount of people:

The fact that "negative" trade feedback is forbidden due to the "no name and shaming" policy. This means that the "no name and shaming" is in combat against what customers usually think is an important right: to give proper feedback about a product or service.

This makes so that a thread will only contain positive or neutral feedback, which is a biased self-selection, as long as someone keeps reporting the "negative feedback". Because then GGG will warn/probate those leaving "negative feedback" with the "no name and shaming" policy as reason.

It is ridiculous, and I hope you can see it. A shop owner, should be able to handle both positive, neutral and negative feedback when he opens a shop.

I get that you are fearing that people will lie and that will cause a witch hunt based on a lie: but I think that you should expect people to not care about what other people have derived based on zero proof.

In real life, it isn't that simple, because a lie can affect your work and family, but this is just a game. It won't affect your work or family.

To sacrifice the important customer right to give "negative feedback" about a product or service, because of the fear that someone will lie, is not strong enough, because the consequences of such lies is so small because it is just a game.

I understand that this may be frustrating. It has also been mentioned by other players previously. Unfortunately, it is much more complex than simply allowing the negative feedback. Each alternative way of dealing with these situations comes with its own set of downfalls and is quite complicated to resolve.

The current system of dealing with these is in place only to protect innocent players who may be falsely accused of poor trade etiquette. If we were to allow players to accuse others of scamming we would then need to verify each incident of this to be sure that the claim is valid. Unfortunately, we currently do not have the resources to do this.

We strongly advise that if a player is trading outside the inbuilt trade system that they only trade with players they explicitly know and trust, or if they are comfortable not having their items returned to them.

We are currently working on a new trading system which may make trading somewhat smoother. Chris has made the following comment in regards to this:

Chris escreveu:
The new trading changes aren't in the March 1.1.0 patch - there are two reasons:
a) We're keen to deploy them as soon as they're ready. There's no real need to wait for the next four-monthly patch.
b) The new trading stuff is not ready yet. It's a major system overhaul and we're still working on it. I'm really sorry about the delay.

As for how it works, the current plan is a combination of public stash tabs (to make it easier to find items) and separately, an asynchronous cross-instance-website trading system. You can basically trade (without buyouts) across the game and website. The trades and offers are still there when you log in later, so it's possible to trade with offline people or people who aren't in your game area or are on their phone or work PC.
^ bex being awesome again
Bjarmfark escreveu:
2. About your statement about free speech and its restrictions. The ONLY restriction is about racist statements on open street...(i.e. you can if you want be a racist in your home) everything else would be something kim jong would try to apply. So its clearly different laws in different countries but why use kim jongs laws when we have the choice to be free?

You're still not getting it. Let me explain it in simple, short sentences:

This forum is privately owned.
It is like someone's home.
It is not your home.
You're a guest.
You have no rights here.
No rights of any kind.
Posting here is a privilege.
This privilege can be restricted.

Does this help? If not, go to a restaurant, stand on a table, and call the other guests retarded, rant about the food being shit, and the service personnel being idiotic. When the police arrives, don't forget to address them as Gestapo. See what happens. This exercise works in any country of your choice.

As for your intelligence, I don't think I said anything about that, and I didn't really need to.
And you're right: many of the people who try PoE have no idea what they're in for. GGG did not market this game correctly, and attracted a whole boatload of inappropriate people with inappropriate expectations. They're still paying for this mistake. Ironically, their marketing during CB was probably the most effective in terms of attracting the right sorts of people. And what did the game seem like in CB? A fairly punishing Diablo clone made by a bunch of kiwis who still truly understood what it was that made Diablo 1/2 compelling to play as a game, not as some stupid meta-game of boss runs and rmting.


This isn't about hardcore or casual. It's about correctly targeting the right people to appreciate/understand your product. They did this in CB. They failed to do this with OB. And with Release, nothing changed -- they're still failing to cater to the right crowd, mainly because the wrong one is the one kicking up a stink on the forum about how this game isn't the game for them SO PLEASE FIX THE GAME.

I saw these 2 quotes earlier in a post, and I called this person an elitist and a brat. My post got removed, and these 2 are still up there. Some mods are completely out of control. I stand by my original comment that these are 2 of the most elitist bullshit quotes that I have ever seen, and the guy saying them does sound like a little tantrum throwing brat. Those 2 quotes are poisonous, and any new player who reads shit like that is going to book it.
Forum probation for calling someone a 'troll', so I lifetime banned myself from spending money on PoE.
Última edição por nGio em 26 de jan de 2014 16:28:49
Charanjaydemyr escreveu:
nGio escreveu:
And you're right: many of the people who try PoE have no idea what they're in for. GGG did not market this game correctly, and attracted a whole boatload of inappropriate people with inappropriate expectations. They're still paying for this mistake. Ironically, their marketing during CB was probably the most effective in terms of attracting the right sorts of people. And what did the game seem like in CB? A fairly punishing Diablo clone made by a bunch of kiwis who still truly understood what it was that made Diablo 1/2 compelling to play as a game, not as some stupid meta-game of boss runs and rmting.


This isn't about hardcore or casual. It's about correctly targeting the right people to appreciate/understand your product. They did this in CB. They failed to do this with OB. And with Release, nothing changed -- they're still failing to cater to the right crowd, mainly because the wrong one is the one kicking up a stink on the forum about how this game isn't the game for them SO PLEASE FIX THE GAME.

I saw these 2 quotes earlier in a post, and I called this person an elitist and a brat. My post got removed, and these 2 are still up there. Some mods are completely out of control. I stand by my original comment that these are 2 of the most elitist bullshit quotes that I have ever seen, and the guy saying them does sound like a little tantrum throwing brat. Those 2 quotes are poisonous, and any new player who reads shit like that is going to book it.

So much for you ignoring my posts, as you said you would earlier.

You are not going to 'win', because I am not playing your game. Cheers for the attention though. Always nice. :)

I'm really trying man, but the majority of your posts keep me laughing out loud. The self righteous arrogant shit I read sometimes is just too funny to ignore. Keep up the entertainment :D
Forum probation for calling someone a 'troll', so I lifetime banned myself from spending money on PoE.
Trading feedback issues? Add a karma system. Problem solved.

God I could fix all these issues in my sleep.
I never thought I would make this thread to see what people think and then people would come in who would criticize me over using the word retarded in regards to a concept...while those people have been on probation more than once for directly insulting other players on this forum. IMO insulting other players is definitely worse than what I did. For what its worth I have yet to be put on probation for anything after over 6000 posts.

Standard Forever
Última edição por iamstryker em 26 de jan de 2014 23:03:01
Resurrecting this thread. Wanting to see what people currently think on the subject of moderating being inconsistent.

Recently two things happened which bother me in regards to the moderating. I'll start with the most recently. I had an entire post removed recently and all it had in it was about 4 quotes from another poster and the only thing I wrote was "I'll just leave this here". The message I got about the removal was that I was naming and shaming. This has me very confused, I've never heard in the past that you can't quote another poster, it blows my mind that it wouldn't' be allowed.

The other thing that happened not too long ago was that I reported a guy for name calling twice and his posts never even got edited. Oh well, I just let it go. But now that my post got removed for something so insignificant it does bother me that someone who was blatantly name calling never even got edited.

Long story short, the moderating is still very inconsistent. I honestly don't care what they do as long as I understand it and they are consistent. But that's not the case and as much as I try to ignore it, it really gets under my skin sometimes.
Standard Forever

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