1.1.1c Patch Deployed and Content Update 1.1.2 Information

make new supporter packs already, plz !! ;}
That's cool that one of the new rogue exiles (Templar) uses Searing bond and flameblast plus he has an Aegis shield!.
Última edição por くりす em 28 de mar de 2014 00:21:30
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ BALL LIGHTNING or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
They say I'm an astronaut that laughs a lot.
How 'bout fixing the existing league problems before adding more new, probably still-unbalanced stuff?
Última edição por TheLurker em 28 de mar de 2014 00:26:05
TheLurker escreveu:
How 'bout fixing the existing league problems before adding more new, probably still-unbalanced stuff?

How 'bout learning to read maybe?

There are other changes (especially some buffs to less-popular skills) in the works, so if something isn't included in the above list, please don't assume it's not in this patch :)
SSF since ~OB
Chris on ball lightning...

Chris escreveu:
It was accidentally included in 1.1.0 in an unfinished state. It'll make a return in 1.1.1 or 1.1.2!

Where is Ball Lightning and Echo?

I hope it will be an Ice Nova buff :P

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