Season Seven, Event 150: 2 Hour Party

Ended up level 21, 37%. A few more blue packs here and there and I might've made level 22. As it stands, I'm pretty pleased with how I did considering that last night's 85m fixed seed saw me die twice in the first 40 - 45 minutes (but still made 14th level, go me).

This race was tremendously helped by getting 10% move speed boots right at the outset (which I later upgraded to 15% move speed), but this rare glass shank dropping on the Ledge also helped.

Also helped that this sceptre dropped, I think around the same time:

Rode those two the rest of the way. All in all, one of my better races, but still not as good as I'm gunning for. I really need to stop dillydallying around in the lower levels. I suppose my problem is, I'm kicking over too many chests and barrels, fighting too many undersized/white groups and not running enough. Still, when I get the occasional nice drop like this, I keep getting sucked back into old habits.

If I'm serious about improving, I really need to watch some of the top racers' videos. Terrex is one I've seen recommended a few times; keep meaning to watch some of his vids to see what's slowing me down.

On a lighter note, this race had me climb back to 667th rank. Just one more... :p
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
Última edição por Gruentod em 1 de mai de 2014 17:21:20
When do I get my 5 points for the two hour event? I made it to level 23 (Rank 76).

The 2 hour event is not shown I my Recent Events! Has there been an error in the game?

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