[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" Hi CptSatch :) You are probably right to focus on damage as you'll notice my dps is over twice as much..... The levels do help though as we take a few key damage nodes. However, let's talk about ultimate/ideal gear here for a sec..... a big factor is getting the flat physical everywhere you can along with attack speed and 20/20 gems on your attack skill and a 6-link chest (Tabula if not in a difficult area perhaps). If you play a lot over a long period of time you will find a white 6-link chest for free (I've found two and I'm not a very lucky person) and can then craft it yourself into something "good enough" for cheap. Maybe I'm missing it but I don't see your mana leech. The usual formula for the build is rings thus: 2% mana leech (one only) high life high physical damage roll chaos resists and elemental resists you need attack speed if you really want to spend Gloves: attack speed and flat physical both good rolls life resists if needed Belt: Rustic sash with 23% physical+ (blessed orb) life elemental damage (master craft it much cheaper, find a belt with a slot open for this) armour any resists you still need Obviously the best gear for any build can be expensive but I did find some good deals as you can see on page 1 because I was a patient shopper and found some kind people. Not sure lvl 20 CWDT for blood rage is the best. It's fine if it's usually up but I doubt it. I don't like relying on a flask for my defenses but that won't be an issue for you in 2.0 if you follow my build then, unless GGG changes things. |
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" I'll just quote the wiki :D " |
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" Yes, I love them both but I use Lazhwar. :) |
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Last night I updated the 2.0 guide attack skill section to provide for choice of skill in the endgame: ice crash (default), cyclone or reave per player's preference.
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Here is my gear on my Lazy Pally that I am having fun with on Standard while waiting for PoE 2.0:
I had to trade for the Doryani's, otherwise I would probably never get one. Other than that my gear is entirely self found and self crafted. Would welcome suggestions for where to aim for improvements next. Upgraded to Doryani's just last night, so I have yet to test it out. My tooltip dps went up from 10k to 15k though, so it looks promising. The helmet I like for its resists. I could probably improve there, but then I'll likely need to get more resists elsewhere. The chest was a lucky drop a few days ago, and I managed to get it 5-linked through master crafting, I am proud of that. If I ever get enough currency I might try to get it 6-linked one fine day, but for now it's fine :) The gloves are obviously for some MF, and I like that. They are fine for now (Level 75), but I'll probably need something better here at some stage. The boots are as per build suggestion, so I'm happy with those. The belt I currently need for its mana leech. I would like an upgrade here, but I'll need to get mana leech from elsewhere first. I have a Maginords Girdle in my stash as a possible upgrade, or I could try to craft a Rustic Stash as Sovyn has suggested. The rings I am currently fairly happy with mostly because of the resists on them, but I'll need to get at least one new ring with mana leech so I can get my belt upgraded. Finally my shield and amulet are per build recommendation. However, I do need to get them Vaal'ed, I just didn't find the courage to attempt this yet :) Overall, I am running Level 68-70 maps very smoothly and safely with this gear at the moment, but would like suggestions for where to aim for improvements next in order to safely start running higher maps. |
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" Well my friend, the Sol Finger could be changed out for a 2% mana leech, physical damage and life ring with resists. Not cheap but the likelihood of finding this exact ring as a monster drop yourself is slim. If you are determined to stay self found there is the "Multimod" option through Elreon's master crafting to craft a ring but the 2 exalted he charges now would certainly be dear self found. I find maybe 1 exalted every couple months as a drop. With this crafting method you would roll an amethyst ring with alterations until you get one with just the "thirsty" prefix, then regal it and hope for something useful, if not, consider starting over, then multimod it then put the flat physical, life and resists on. You could certainly find the ring you need for sale from another player for less than that if you are patiently checking poe.trade every now and then over some time. Alternatively you can use blood magic support on your attack skill (cyclone for example requires this anyway and in 2.0 we would have to drop Herald of Ash possibly unless we use blood magic) and forget about the mana leech altogether. I think at least life is essential on gloves and belt and you can get a fair amount of damage in these two slots as well as you know. Until 75 maps (and certain skip-able lower bosses) it's not a big deal, you could probably run in with just your shield and weapon on half the time and live, like a true Spartan. :D In 2.0 there will be more difficulty (less for us than most though) and I'd suggest looking for life gear now if possible. |
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" Yeah, I know about the CWDT that it supposed to be around lvl 10. But I leveled it to the max and I will now trade it with GCP so I get 20% quality lvl 1, and will level it only to the 10 lvl. :) Im not done with the gems yet, and around lvl 86-7 I will try Atziri. And about mana leech, I dont have problems with mana so far, I have nice regen and I never ran out of mana when striking with Static strike. Última edição por CptSatch#4209 em 2 de jun de 2015 06:50:38
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Hi !
Really nice build ! I have a question for you, what would be the best possible item for this build ? (for the godly rich folks) Thank you ! |
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Hi Sovyn, I am using your build and enjoying it very much. Thanks for the awesome build... Below is my current gear. I really appreciate the feedback as I am really new to this game and playing for just 2 months.
Also, I have some questions about gear and for the new upcoming patch. forgive me if these questions have been already answered because I could not read the whole forum (380 pages :)) a. I am really confused about the helmet choice. As you can see I am currently using a devoto's devotion. I bought it cheaply and using it currently. But could not decide to use BoR or just a rare helmet as you suggested for the end build. Also, Vertex unique helmet with its "Gems in this item have 50% reduced Mana Cost" implicit (if this affect aura gems I am not sure) seems a good option. What is your suggestion? b. I have read your preliminary v2.0 guide and as I understand correctly from shield section and from some forum posts since Ondar's Guile keystone is nerfed this build will give up evasion and go all armour and use all armour gear? Also, since maxing out block with jewels will be easier, block chance on shield is not too much important as long as you have maxed out block? I am asking this because I have just found the below shield and thinking to use exalts and hope for some life and resist on it and then using divine orb to get max %6 block chance but I am not so sure right now since you are suggesting a tower shield with 1500+ armor. c. What do you think of the doryani's invitation heavy belts?. Elemental dmg ones have good armor rating on them and resists. Do you know if newly suggested ice crash skill will benefit from a cold dmg increasing doryani belt? Or a rare rustic sash with physical dmg increase and life on it will still be better? Thanks you, |
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ive been following ur build since a month and i find it amazing this is my current gear but i find myself weak maybe u can give me a hand
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