[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Titicus is quite good versus projectiles, 49% block base, but it's bad versus melee. I'd choose the other unique shield with 40% block over Titicus, and I think it's not enough good because it's low evasion.

Go for block cap and you'll improve a lot versus melee packs.

Grace is defensive and it reserves a flat amount of mana. It gives 1100 raw evasion at level 15. It should improve some points your evasion, it would reduce your incoming damage more than Purity - once you're 77% capped.
Grace could be run with Bad Blood, as I guess Sovyn is doing.

I won't compare Grace versus Hatred or Haste, as these ones are offensive auras (Haste is mainly offensive) and both take a percentage of your mana instead of a flat amount.

Hatred is excellent is your main damage is physical. It adds a 22% of your physical damage as cold damage. It's not good because it's cold damage. It's good because it's supposed you're doing a lot of physical damage. I improve like 1k dps when I active it. My actual weapon deal only physical damage, so I have best conversion with Hatred.
If your weapon has an important part of elemental damage, then you won't have a great physical base, so your Hatred won't add so much damage.
A physical weapon would let you leech life and mana through gear abilities.

Also if you don't run Faster attacks on your main attack, Haste could be more noticed. If you're running Faster attacks, Hatred would be more noticed.

Haste is good too, it gives you 11% attack speed at level 15. It reserves more damage than Hatred and the faster you attack, the faster you consume mana. Maybe it won't be a issue for you if you're able to leech / regenerate enough mana.

I don't have a leveled Haste, but I could let you a Hatred leveled - only for test porpouse - so you can see how much your dps is improved.

In the end it could depend on your mana pool and your weapon.
If you have enough mana and your weapon hasn't got enough physical damage, Haste would be better option.
If you don't have enough mana or your weapon has a high physical damage, Hatred would be better.
IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain)
kahoraho escreveu:
Sovyn you lazy paladin!!!

Do you use only 2 skill button?. Lol
I will keep an eye to your video when I'm at pc. Thanks for sharing.
What auras are you running on life?. Grace and... Looks like they take a small part of your life.

I have to review my items and change to a glove with life. Mine isn't great, around 2.5 I think. Too much items without life, gloves, amulet, one ring... But I am so comfortable with my gloves, the uniques with 3% life leech and 2% mana leech, they are hard to replace.

Actually just one button! (Heavy Strike) The second button is only used maybe once every few hours of play. Talk about easy.

Grace and Wrath go on life (with blood magic support) as they are a flat cost. Flat cost would ruin my mana pool so I could not run as many percentage auras.

I have no life on the ring with 1% mana leech. So a secricie will usually need to be made to get the all important mana leech. In your case, gloves are the sacrifice. However, since you are a trader, you could find a ring with 2% mana leech and bonus to life on it, and gloves with high armour and life.
Altorparia escreveu:

Can you explain the reason behind using Hatred? Does the cold damage help? I was taking a look at my stash and Haste seems like a better option than both Grace and Hatred. It gives +%movement, attack, cast speed.

By "magic mobs" I meant the magical packs, blue ones, you know magic, rare, unique that magic. They tend to hit me like a truck. I am not having any trouble with the "lightning bolters" but with the shielded melee mobs.

Hatred adds 23% of your physical damage as cold damage at level 16. That's a big deal.

Haste might be an alternative, but we have plenty of attack speed increase from the passive tree. Cast speed does not help us. Movement speed, meh, I go for boots with 30% run speed and I think I move fast enough. You can see my videos. Sure, folks using lightning warp and quicksilver flasks save a few seconds here and there but really I don't care to drive myself that way.

As kahoraho mentioned, the shield is key to managing melee monsters. The shield charge is blockable. You can side step it usually as well as even further insurance.
I have tested level 1 Haste and Hatred and Hatred boosted me for +~400 damage while Haste was at +~200. So I chose Hatred but not running on Blood Magic for now.

I have also dropped the Blood Magic connected to Heavy Strike aswell and put in a level 14 Faster Attacks which, again, boosted my damage and once I get an axe I will switch Ground Slam with Cleave as it is more powerful even though 6 levels lower.

I was searching Poexplorer for an axe and I have literally gone through 30+ pages -verified every single one- and found one, asked the price and the seller said it was 7 gcp. It was a Siege Axe with 250ish DPS but I don't want to overpay anything, I have also found another one at 2 gcp which has 260ish DPS according to Poexplorer but when I calculate it I get ~245 DPS. They are both huge upgrades for me given my current axe, which is at 165 DPS.

Also I have found this for 1 alchemy;

Haven't tried it, I am curious about its performance against projectiles.
IGN: Altorparia
Timezone: GMT +3
Última edição por Altorparia#5617 em 9 de jul de 2013 17:19:40
Altorparia escreveu:
I have tested level 1 Haste and Hatred and Hatred boosted me for +~400 damage while Haste was at +~200. So I chose Hatred but not running on Blood Magic for now.

Just to be clear, the percentage based auras such as Hatred are always on the mana globe, never used with blood magic. :) It is only the flat cost auras that go on the life globe (via blood magic support or item) such as Grace, Wrath, Anger.
Altorparia escreveu:

Haven't tried it, I am curious about its performance against projectiles.

It's a great shield for the mid levels until you can craft or buy something better.

The only issue with it is the low evasion.

You need more evasion on a shield later in the game to hit my recommended target of 30% character sheet evasion, which translates to 60% chance to avoid projectiles with Ondar's Guile.

I have over 500 evasion on my shield, and that's quite low compared to some.

Edit - of course, you need both high evasion and blocking. Ideally, 800ish evasion, 38% blocking. It's possible on a rare item, crafted or found or bought (cheaper and faster).
Última edição por Sovyn#2637 em 9 de jul de 2013 19:39:07
Yesterday I joined some groups to farm docks and lunaris.
I'm level 66 and I've leveled and farmed mostly alone.

On the positive side, I'd have to say I felt almost inmortal on docks.
I could jump onto a lot of mobs and feel safe. My ranger depends on his dps, if mobs comes close enough he must run away and my frost templar depends on his perma - frost to deal with huge packs.

Also, as you're melee, you're always close to the loot. I wish I were a better ninja. xD

On the negative side, melee are more difficult to play than rangers. You have to be on the right place to deal damage. It's easier to be in the right place when you are ranged. So I saw myself looking for mobs to charge before they die under a nuke of arrows and spells. It's worse when you go into a group with OP build+gear. Like those discharge guys that wipe whole screen as soon as they have enough charges.
IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain)
I turned 63 yesterday evening. After being two-shot by the weaver for two times in a row, I switched my shield from Perandus Crest to
which made me a lot less squishy. I'm also experimenting with the armor and eva auras ATM. On a side note, when checking the vendor before logging off yesterday, I get this ;-)
A sword he brought, his foes to maim and rend,
from places dark behind forbidden doors,
But night by night he woke with frighten'd roars
from darkest dreams, too strange to comprehend.
Última edição por Thyrandor#4136 em 10 de jul de 2013 08:51:19
Congratulations on that 5L hope you can sell it soon.

As I said on previous post, I'd prefer Crest of Perandus rather than Titicus. Titicus is better against projectiles but too weak versus melee. Crest will give you a 3% life leech which is always welcome.
On the other hand, Crest has too low evasion, you won't get too much profit from your >100% increased defence from shield that comes from passive tree.

Altorparia has changed his Titicus to Crest, he can say if he's improved his defences.

I'd use a Crest until find a better one, with enough block (over 34?) and high evasion.
IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain)
kahoraho escreveu:
Altorparia has changed his Titicus to Crest, he can say if he's improved his defences.

I'd use a Crest until find a better one, with enough block (over 34?) and high evasion.

I was about to do the same thing so BEWARE! Wall Of Text incoming!

I die at the end!

I wanted to test the limits and teleported to Barracks right away. Here is what happened:

1st pack of mobs were 8 magical mobs -4 melee, 4 ranged-, the ranged mobs bolted me at the same time and kept on doing that with perfect timing so once every 3 seconds my life went from 2800ish to ~1000 and once again I am capped with resists. So I had to run away a little back to seperate the pack into 2 groups. I took on the melee mobs with ease then proceded to the ranged mobs. It was pretty easy to burst them down. So my advice will be to seperate magical mobs then kill them.

2nd pack of mobs were the ones in front of the Scepter of God -difficulty progression gate-. As you might know there are like 10-20 mobs in that place and when I jumped right in, there were ~15. As they are normal mobs it was way easier than the 1st pack. If I counted correctly there were 9-10 melee and 5-6 ranged mobs.

3rd pack was a rare pack -rare "mini-boss" and his entourage of normal mobs-. No need to seperate them, just burst down the rare then kill the others.

4th pack was again magical mobs and again 4 melee, 4 ranged so I had to seperate them. I've tried to take on the whole group as one but with multistrike I can't choose what to hit so it is a little problem but if you have instant flasks you can take them on easily. You might need Stone of Lazhwar aswell for a smoother experience.

5th and 6th packs were two rares so close to each other that I couldn't take on seperately. I had to kite a little but after ~1/2 of the mobs were down it was easy to continue.

7th pack was the unique and the boss General Gravicius and his entourage. The only health drop I had was when I popped his Molten Shell but it wasn't anything nasty so overall easier than all.

8th, 9th and 10th packs were a normal, a magical and a rare. I wanted to take on the magical mobs first -in front of Lunaris Temple gate, magicals were to the left, normals to the front and rare to the right. It was again a pack of 8 mobs but they were already seperate so I thought I can kill them then move on but I was WRONG! As I was killing the mobs -without moving anywhere- the other group of magicals engaged me and I had to run, unfortunately I ran in to the normal pack then to the rare pack and with a huge damage spike I had to resurrect so that's like 3 docks run down the drain.

Keep in mind that I am level 73 in a level 66 area. Experience may differ on lower levels.

So after all that I can say Crest of Perandus > Titucus Span when it comes to melee mobs. I will be running another map to test CoP against projectiles and share it with you all.

P.S Kahoraho, I've read your PM and thanks for the help. I think I will buy that 2 GCP axe as I want an axe rather than a mace.

Edit: Which location has the most density when it comes to ranged mobs?

Edit 2: Just ran Catacombs to see if I can get a Large Chest, it is a joke of a map even though monster level is 67 and a subzone. Subzones are supposed to be harder but as it appears I am only having problems in Barracks.

I can also easily tank Voidbearers in Docks and by Voidbearers I mean the rare pack. It all feels like a breeze.
IGN: Altorparia
Timezone: GMT +3
Última edição por Altorparia#5617 em 10 de jul de 2013 12:02:53

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