[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
Thanks =)
Although, to be fair, Chrono's not running MF for his first char this time, he's opted to go dps and provide a boss/lab service. All I really have left are grindy challenges now though * Large Hideout * End-game grind (ugh, Voll, tempted to reroll and just do Ambrius). * Prophecy Chains * Prophecy Types II (just need Jeweler's Touch) * Div Cards * Maps from Bosses * Encounters IV (masters/shrines) Probably won't worry about paying for box until I finish everything else, in case I just happen on it. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 12 de jun de 2016 01:25:37
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When making a bow with method one. Is it possible to get same result if you have Paragon's instead of sharpshooter's. then craft "can't roll attack mods" then regal. or is Sharpshooter's considered a attack mod?
edit/ nvm. found it on wiki. it is considered attack mod. Última edição por KaseyM21#1589 em 12 de jun de 2016 03:50:53
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this looks awesome...a couple questions though
currently i have a tabula, 50c, and a bunch of life/resist gear to compensate for tabula. Looks like at minimum, a +3 bow is 2ex, moreso if more linked. Should I stick with a +2 bow for now or farm currency on my current build to get a +3 bow, even if it's only 5L? not to mention a carcass jack by itself is 2.5ex minimum and that's not even linked. ugh I feel so FUCKING TRAPPED! in my shit ass flameblast build really just looking for the best thing to do in my situation, if tabula is even usable with this build, or if i should sell it, with all my gear and currency total i could MAYBE get either a +3 bow (non-6s, non-linked) or a non-6s, non-linked carcass jack. It's so frustrating when you pidgeon hold yourself into 1 build and your only option this late into the league when people are overflowing with exalts is to sell all your gear or start from utter trash scratch. |
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" I feel ya buddy. Although Flameblast is pretty potent built right, had some guys pretty much carrying 6-man parties in Gorge rotas on my way to level 90. However, advice regarding that it outside the scope of this thread. As far as pushing into this build goes, +2 bow gems trumps Tabula, so sell it (if you're switching to this build. You may want to hold off on that until you read the rest of this post and we can discuss options for FB). The most cost-efficient route, albeit it'll require more patience, is to buy a white or magic 6L bow, roll +2, set up for the mastercrafting as indicated in Method 1/2 under the Weapons spoiler, go visit Tree of Dead along with 2ex + his fee for the Catamod and bench removal, get him to mastercraft Cannot Roll Attack mods and have him exalt the +1 then bench remove the Catamod, then blam, you have a 6L +3 bow. Somewhere on his page is my personal vouch. I go to this guy every league. His fees imho are a bit high but he can charge them because he will never fuck anyone over. I know I said helping you out with Flameblast would be outside the scope of the thread, but tbh before I was running Caustic Arrow, I was doing almost *the exact same thing* as this build does, just using Flameblast. If you make your characters public (or post your tree/gear here), I might be able to help get you MFing with your current build to the same sorta efficiency this build runs and thereby have you avoid the cost of rerolling/respeccing. Lastly, Carcass Jack, while BiS, is not required for this build. It'd definitely have more utility for Flameblast, but you can survive without it. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 12 de jun de 2016 04:29:30
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Thanks man, appreciate it. Honestly having done some zana rotations so far, people just spam 2.5 screens worth of arrows and discharge to the point where I don't feel helpful, but that's okay, I really only play solo.
I set my characters to public, so you should be able to take a look, name is "PizzaBae". I'm thinking I can link IIR and maybe throw an andvarius ring (I definitely need that elreon ring though, might actually need 2 by the time it gets 21/20q) I wasn't aware 6l white/blue bows went for so cheap (2ex or less), but it seems that at this point I'd need somewhere around 5+ex to convert to PA, so I might just wait till I get more stuff with FB. I did a T7 map with ease earlier today (jungle valley i think) and I was surprised at how easy at was. The only annoying thing is golem pretty much instantly dies and I know my gem setup isn't quite optimal yet. But that was only cause i bought it from zana...i'm just now at the point I can run T3 maps comfortably without worrying about running out, ya know? |
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Well, A) You're going from Witch, which means a reroll is coming your way anyway if you want to run CA MF. Witch is way too inefficient to CA with.
So, some background. The way the old Flameblast worked prior to 2.0 (with some debate, but how I run it for MFing), was: Flameblast - Concentrated Effect - Chance to Ignite - Elemental Proliferation - Fire Penetration - IIR. Pretty much in that order. The prolif radius was vast enough that running Conc and simply 1-channeling white packs was enough to clear about 1/3rd of the screen. No joke. Which is why they nerfed it into oblivion, and now they finally gave prolif some radius back with 2.3. I just ran a test, both with the above setup, and swapping out Conc with Controlled Destruction. I'm happy to report that insofar as MFing low level maps is concerned (I tested some T5s), the old setup (with Carcass Jack) works just fine, though you do have to fire a bit more often than you did prior to 2.0 due to the fact that the prolif radius still isn't what it used to be. But it worked, quite well. And without Faster Casting in there, mana wasn't an issue (granted, I was running a level 19 Clarity. It did present some concerns WITH FCR in the 6th link, but NOT with IIR replacing it. SO. If you're comfortable with pot-shotting mobs to burn down white packs and standing in the pocket a bit longer to hit more tanky packs (and having them all ignite to death rather than dealing straight up raw damage), my recommendation to you is to run the Controlled Destruction gem, because without Carcass it gets really annoying to try hit your targets accurately with Conc Effect. Some fucking great news: Searing Touch 5L (5S) will only run you 25c. Pay an extra 5 chaos and you can get one with six sockets. Dirt cheap. The +2 gems will help out TREMENDOUSLY with covering off the "dps" that you're going to lose by not running what I'm assuming is the new Flameblast damage setup with both CD and FCR. This comes into play largely for when you're going to want to 10-channel. It's going to take you longer to get there, so your "dps" goes down while you're charging up. Taking all the ignite off the tree and running the CTI gem will get you something like 70% CTI total. You can augment some of this with jewels, and the 3% you can get from Elementalist. Ideally, you'd push yourself up to around 80-85% to ignite most packs comfortably without having to re-fire too much. You SHOULD be able to comfortably run one Andvarius and Goldwyrm at the very least. Plan your jewel sockets and mods accordingly and you shouldn't even need a Purity like I used to in the old FB MF setup to run dual Andies. You may not be able to push high tiers with this, but you should net something like 4.5k life and be able to run both a high level Clarity and AA for when you gotta stand in the pocket and throw down, without running out of mana for at least one big channel when you need it. And that's AFTER you ditch the Elreon ring. Your tree will more or less hold with some slight adjustments in order to bring that CTI up a bit. You'll lose some % life off the tree, but you won't be running Tabula so your flat life on a rare chest will make up for it. Lemme know what you figure. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 12 de jun de 2016 06:06:16
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" If you're using method one, be sure that you have 2 suffixes on your bow at the point you mastercraft "cannot roll attack mods." Your bow should look something like this: Since the Catarina mod is also a suffix, you'll have all 3 suffix slots filled when you exalt and you will force a prefix. If you have open suffix slots on your bow you may roll a prefix or a suffix if you exalt. |
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Thanks for the help, Hank and Serleth :)
Regarding the +3 bow crafting, the methods are pretty well explained at this point, and I think I grasp the theory behind the processes too, but I am terrified I'll do something wrong and waste one or multiple exalted orbs. Being a pretty visually oriented guy myself, I thought it could be a good idea to add screenshots of the crafting process to illustrate what the results of each step would look like. I'm more than willing to provide the screenshots myself (when I get there), if you guys think it's a good idea to add to the guide. |
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Almost forgot how good map rotations are for experience: 133,000,000/hr in a Gorge rotation.
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Hey guys I have another question today :
Do you play with a specific Lootfilter with this spec ? Because i play with the NeverSink's one , i don't know i you have any advice for a better lootfilter ! :) Thanks |
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