[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" On the other hand, the guide advertises Goldwyrm, which offers only 10% increased movement speed. Rare boots instead offer 30%, 20% increased movement speed more, that should offset the bodyarmor's -20%. Unless it is not so. :-) So my question is: how is movement speed being calculated? Última edição por Donnerdrummel#4686 em 3 de jul de 2016 07:08:19
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" The goal for magic find is, of course, to make as much currency per hour as you can. IIQ/IIR factor into this obviously, but so does DPS, clear speed, movement speed and survivability. What constitutes a good trade-off between IIQ/IIR and movement speed is a matter of experience and is somewhat subjective. My recommendation against Greed's Embrace was based on the assumption that you'd simply wear the chest as well as Goldwyrn. The two setups you seem to be contemplating are (assuming perfect gear and ignoring armor/evasion): Carcass Jack plus Goldwyrn: 70 life, 20% increased radius, 12 all resists and 12 increased damage, 20 IIQ, 10 movement, 50 Fire resist versus Greed's Embrace plus Rare boots: 15 IIQ, 50 IIR, -10 Fire Resist, 30 Cold Resist, -20 Lightning Resist, -20 movement, 30 movment, 45 Fire, Lightning and Cold ------- I think that these two setups are close. You can either live without the increased AOE that Carcass Jack provides or cover it with a +1 arrow Drillneck. I tend to favor IIQ over IIR assuming that the product of the two quantities between alternate gear sets is roughly the same - IIQ increases currency and card drop rate which is nice and which isn't factored into the IIQ-IIR product. I think I'd favor Goldwyrm plus Carcass Jack over Greed's Embrace plus rare boots. The former gives better clear speed, a bit more life and evasion and more IIQ. The later gives more resists and possibly a somewhat higher IIQ-IIR product depending on the rest of your gear. Última edição por hankinsohl#1231 em 3 de jul de 2016 08:13:18
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Couple of questions;
- Is 18/233 is considered "reasonable" for MF'ing? I have no IIR gem (a +3 5L bow) and the reason for the 18 is that I got a %6 dodge spells early in the game and I really hate lab runs. So should I continue as is or try to aim for higher? Still almost broke and barely capped on resistances. - Did they nerf map drops (and drops in general)? I'm having difficulty finding high tier maps comparing to previous leagues. Note: As Hank pointed out, Carcass + Goldwyrm have the edge over Greed's. And there is also the Mana regen you have to consider which DOES affects the clear speed. So you'll have another restriction on your amulet choices. |
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" * Yes, that value is considered reasonable. If you're lacking in currency, it's likely due to either a) time invested or b) your spending habits which I'm inclined to believe based on your second question is due to c) heavily investing in rolling maps (which is unnecessary for currency farming). That's flat out an assumption, though. * No, they did not nerf map drops, or drops in general. I started out the league dropping a Shavs, Mjolner, Abyssus, two Rat's Nests, and ~12 Mortal Hopes. Lady Luck just isn't shining on you right now. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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"Personally, I'd buy a perfect Goldwyrm to boost that IIQ. The extra couple points of IIQ makes a big difference... especially on map drops, which seem to be a challenge for your setup. I'm not having any problems maintaining a map pool - or even pushing up into the higher tier maps, and my rating is 20/224. However, my playstyle includes manually dodging most spells anyway, so, as always, your mileage may vary. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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Thanks as always Serleth for your kind support.
I'm still under-leveled so I need the high tier map/ pack size to speed-up the leveling. I tried out the rotation but doing so on my toaster, I'd be generous if I say I had a frame per second. I was running around like a headless chicken trying to keep up. It led me to get killed and and lost more exp than I gained. Long story short I need to do it all solo, which leads to the next question: Especially while leveling, do you recommend Alch/chaos (higher cost and/or less control of the mods) or Alt for a good pack-size (less drops)? @grimjack68 Thank you for your kind input. I'll try to bump the IIQ as soon as I can. |
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" Honestly, Gorge/Plateau is all you need to level reasonably quickly. With the changes to the experience penalty in higher maps in 2.3, you get the same xp out of running linear maps fast than higher, more labyrinthine maps, slower. That said, I don't know what level you are currently or what your map pool is like, but you can buy Gorge maps for 4c each if levelling is your concern. From there, alc and go. With this build, you don't need to reroll maps, unless you land on Blood Magic, and even then you can still do those. Wouldn't worry too much about chaosing for specific rolls. You'll be able to replace your alc pool relatively quickly with vendoring, particularly uniques, so you can play attrition with your map progression and just alc literally everything T8 and higher and run it as is. Save the super dangerous maps for shortly after you level so that you can run them for more maps and not worry much about dying. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 3 de jul de 2016 15:56:40
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Oh, just noticed.
Grimjack, you're wrong about this: " IIQ on gear has no effect on map drops. Only the IIQ on the map roll itself + any Zana mod you might run. The reason for this is that IIQ's impact is only on items and currency. Maps are neither, they are their own base type. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 3 de jul de 2016 23:04:59
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Hey guys, congrats to all the good progress and stuff, I'm going to get a small break now :)
some lines for those that are interested below.
for the Prophecy league I wanted to do something different than CA - MF, and when the challenges came out it was clear I wouldn't run another MFer. After some PMs and research I found a cool build to bank on the uber lab. At this time I didn't know about the rewards, but I knew many builds would struggle early league. Choice was crit bladefall trapper with poison spread. The newly introduced Coated Shrapnel saved a gem slot, effectively a 7Link now. Shadow/Assassin with capped crit and 400 mult, blasphemie'd Tempchains and Enfeeble for defense, 5k life and bino / whirling blades.
Tree Lvl 92
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAQQHBbUHHgeZCNQI9A5ID8QQkhEvEZYWvxhqG-AgbiL0I_Yk_SaVKgsrCjBxMHwyMjN4Nj031DpCOlg7fD1fRwZJUUt4TI5Ms02SUDBRR1JTVUtVxlb6WAdZ8F3yYeJirGNDZJ1kqmo2akNqjGwIbAtsjG0ZbTpwUXBSdm94L3sNfOV-sH8rf8aD24SiidOKBow2jX2Nv4_6kA2TJ5Uul5WX9JuGm6GdqqEvoqOi2ayYsNi0xbd1uMq8b76KwFTB88LsyBTQH9DQ1CPYVNmG2-fdqOc651TopOv17BjtP-4V7-vw1fD58YryHfLh9W_31__e incredibly fun to destroy bosses with 1-2 traps. I don't know about next league's trade challenges, but this was fun and profitable. I only charged for the lab runs if I had to buy a key for them, but got tips instead and the guys came back with their alts. I could've even optimized the build with a wither totem, vaal light traps, but that was just not needed at all =) see you in some weeks aye! IGN: WildTortillaFart
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Grats on 40 Chronodroid!
And grats too on the 6-link chest. If I'm not mistaken you push through to 40 challenges sometimes without even having a 6-link; nice to see your luck change this league. Sounds like trap builds are still very strong this league. Hvakhshathra linked a very similar (maybe the same?) build in a private message. If I have time this league I might give it whirl. Currently I'm leveling a dual Ancestral Warchief build - so far this thing is crazy. Supposedly it gets up to 900K DPS in the end. And I found an optimization (ring that forces bleed on hit) which should push that well over a million DPS per totem. I'll post an update later on once I finish off Dried Lake leveling. Última edição por hankinsohl#1231 em 4 de jul de 2016 01:29:48
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