[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
Rare Fishing Rod + Albino Rhoa Feather + Orb of Fusing = instant Fated Connections
Kappa. One of my former guildmates used to joke, "Wanna link something? Give it to Serleth." Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 17 de jul de 2016 21:25:19
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I'd pay to get 2.4 here earlier. At least the Pale Court's generally profitable. Got the BV build to 81, doing much better with some AoE levels and now that I've swapped in my CA character's 20/20 Conc Effect for boss fights. Uber Izaro's a laugh. Literally just stand in the pocket and pop Atziri's Promise. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 18 de jul de 2016 05:32:14
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" If only....
+ + = I'm glad the race season will start soon, should help with the wait until the 2.4 patch. Última edição por ChronoExile#0033 em 18 de jul de 2016 10:23:37
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First of all, thank you for your guide! I'm quite new to POE and a lot of the guides here don't explain anything or almost anything for beginners (and what to do when leveling etc). Yours doesn't explain everything but I was able to get enough information to get started. I'm 66 atm. Finished Merciless (didn't do any lab yet), but I'm facing a big problem: I don't have any currency (~5chaos) to buy better gear and I feel like I don't do enough damage. My Chaos DPS is around 2300/sec. Monsters in Dried Lake don't die that fast and I am really squishy, so I think I won't be able to start maps. I read that you said you needed Entropy + chaos clusters for the build to start accelerating but Entropy and the first chaos cluster your tree takes is almost at the VERY end (lvl 80+). I'm not used to playing with respec points etc so I followed the tree exactly as you posted it. I bought a blue bow and crafted +2 bow gems on it. It is only 4 links atm because I couldn't afford a 5 links. I also have an Empower. I tried buying some MF gear but it's really difficult to balance the resists with the other stats so I didn't touch anything (I'm at 20/66). What should I do? I really want to start getting currency with this build but I feel completely stuck. I hoped I would loot an exalt so I could buy gear but I didn't get anything :(. I added you as a friend so I could talk to you about that but I never saw you connected :/. Thank you in advance! Última edição por Sphaax2#2434 em 18 de jul de 2016 11:45:18
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" This was when the build started at Ranger. However, the guide has changed a lot and sometimes I miss things on edit passes. Can you tell me where you saw this? Either way, for future leagues, you're looking to get roughly 150-200% increased damage on the tree before making the switch. Like I said, I'd like to know where you saw this so that I can make the appropriate adjustment. " The fifth link is the difference maker. You said you have 5c. It's worth spending that to get a white ilvl 64+ 5L bow and rolling +2 on it. The extra gem link will push you from 2300 to closer to 3.5, 4k. Ish. It's difficult to help you out without seeing your tree, so I'd like for you to either post it or unprivatize your characters (account settings, privacy settings). The short version though is to just stack IIR as much as possible. 20/66 is a decent start, though you'd ideally be closer to 20/100. There are two central ways the build makes currency. * Shop * Raw generation (vendoring lots of rares, finding currency, 6S drops, chrome vends, chaos recipe, etc). Unfortunately, at this point in the league, your shop isn't going to generate the kind of wealth that it would in the first two weeks of a league, so you're going to be mostly just doing the raw farming. Which is acceptable, just not ideal. Your gem links should be CA - Conc - VM - RD at this point, unless you have Drillneck, then either VM or RD becomes Pierce. Empower waits until it is psuedo-Level 3. (Ie., a level 2 Empower in a +2, +1 all gems bow or a raw level 3 in a +2 bow gems bow). So, without more information (tree, gear) the best advice I can give you is this: * Spend that chaos on a 5L * CA - Conc - VM - RD - Pierce as your gem links * Level up a lot. * Level Haku/Elreon to 6. * Find your own upgrades. I.e, if you find a good item with life, rarity, and a single res, craft the second res (poeaffix.net is a great resource to start learning what what affixes are prefixes or suffixes * Once you convert currency (http://currency.poe.trade/) to get ~10c, buy a 20/20 corrupted CA gem. Gem levels are where most of the build's damage comes from * Level some more * Etc. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Woah thank you for your answer!
For the clusters and Entropy I saw it on one of the pages with the replies. Maybe you were answering a specific question. While waiting for the answer I managed to sell some gear I had on another character and I was able to get some for my Scion. I may have done a mistake since I bought 2 Ventor's Gamble (I know you said it wasn't ideal because we needed perfect rolls for it to be efficient but they were better than the regular gold rings that were on poe.trade). I'm not sure because now I have -10%/168% IQ/IR. The -10% is really bad no? I farmed a bit to level and I didn't really know what to think about the changes. I don't feel like it improved a lot. I managed to buy a Drillneck, to get all the links and the skill gems. I love Wither totem, but I don't really understand when to use Blood Rage. When facing a boss? What about Vaal Trap? I threw it when facing a lot of mobs. The problem is that 5-7c won't even get me a white 5 links bow. It's more 30-40c unfortunately... If I have the Drillneck, should I still replace Empower for Pierce? I'm gonna try the first maps to see if I can do them. I'll try to replace the Ventor's Gamble with regular Gold Rings if I can. Oh and I edited my privacy settings. You should be able to see the Scion now. Thank you again for your help! Última edição por Sphaax2#2434 em 18 de jul de 2016 15:36:15
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Is there a "Dried Lake" version of this build? Similar to Vaal Spark build (i.e. less defense, kill fast, run fast) Thanks. |
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" Ah, okay. Some of those answers are outdated, now. Stick to the guide itself, or at the very least only pay attention to replies posted since early June (the latest release). " Yeah, -Q is worse than the increased rarity you have. " Blood Rage is used when you have all the Heart of Oak, Master of Arena, and Golem's Blood off the tree. You then run it the entire map. VLT is for bosses. " http://poe.trade/search/itomhukerogoom Plenty are available for an alc, now. Anyway, I see you now have a 5L. " No matter what, Empower 3 is when you make the switch. Whether that's psuedo or actual. As for gear: * Get a rare chest with decent life/res. You only need a 4L frenzy CoH setup. 5L is just quality of life. That will help with resistances and being able to swap for other gear with more IIR * Such as those gold rings you were talking about * If you can't afford a Goldwyrm right now, get Sadima's Touch in for your IIQ. * Your Hypnotic Song jewel (right side) is pointless. This build doesn't benefit much from attack speed. * Also drop Poacher's Aim for now. In fact, you don't even need it. Respec out of that jewel socket as well (bottom near Duelist) * With a rare chest, you'll be able to remove the Scion two jewel sockets as well (Survival instincts) * Actually, just remove all your jewels. None of them are doing anything significant for you right now aside from resistances and Poacher's Aim, BUT * Removing all of them will give you 12 points back. * (You'll eventually take the sockets again, once you have jewels worth socketing, but right now they're 12 wasted points, pretty much). * Four points go into Piercing Shots (4/12), which conveniently also recovers MORE than the Pierce chance you're losing from dropping Poacher's Aim * Six more points to pick up Entropy (10/12) * Into Coordination (12/12). * Getting Entropy cluster will give you 47% increased damage, allowing you the flexibility to remove two of the Ranger damage nodes (26% damage) to pick up Soul Siphon, which will allow you to * Drop your mana flasks for the recommended guide setup of two Seething Hallowed, one Catalyzed Eternal, and two Quicksilvers * Based on your resistances and a quick calculation, the most you'll need to do is take two more ranger damage nodes out (you'll still be +1% damage) to get Cloth & Chain, for 15% res all. Last note: When considering jewels, you need to weigh the opportunity cost of things you COULD be getting for those points. Eg, that two-res jewel that you're using. Sure, it's 12% to two resistances, but for an extra point, you could get 15% to all resistances by picking up Cloth & Chain. This is why the levelling trees don't have any jewel sockets. Early league, getting jewels that will beat normal passive nodes on a point-for-point comparison is unlikely. Ultimately, the last thing this build picks up is frenzy charges and jewel sockets. Until the higher gem levels, I don't find charges have a significant enough impact to warrant getting when I need other things like life to survive, and res balance in order to start MF'ing earlier. " This build runs Dried Lake as it is just fine. But no, there isn't a variation that magically gets significantly better clear speed. The only thing you can really do to improve the build for Voll farming is rechrome the bow to drop IIR for another damage gem. If you want to do Dried Lake speed runs, this isn't the build for you. Hence the title, "Solo MAP MF'er" The Greedy Roomba build can be more easily adapted from a map setup to a DL farm setup, however, by simply dropping Greed's Embrace and Goldwyrm for a 30% MS pair of boots and changing gems for max damage output. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 18 de jul de 2016 19:59:32
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Thank you very much for that very detailed answer!
I changed everything and now I'm at 17/153. I also took out the jewel nodes (I was only using them because I was blindly following the tree and those were the only ones I had :/) and took the nodes you recommended. Everything should be way better now. I'm gonna start farming to see if I get anything good. Thank you again!! |
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No problem, best of luck.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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