[3.2+] Explosive Cleave / Lacerate Gladiator. Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget
Ty for your Opinion Clown!
I infested in a legacy Soul Taker and an 400 pdps Axe ( maybe i will take down the suffixes on that axe and mastercraft additionl block chance with Vagan, we will see ). I'am now standing at 25.5k tooltip DPS, because i like Lacerate more and go full defensive ( don't like hatred and HoA that much on high maps because of the extrem resistances mosters can have.) i run an counter test with an starforge slayer who got 29k tooltip, i only used the main attack to compare no use of warchief and it was away too smooth against the gladiator so i decided to put dirty techniques in again on my gladiator, and i'm very happy with the gameplay now, so if you use voidheart and i see you do, give it a try. had an encounter with an possesed phoenix guardian today, and my gladiator could successfully withstand! but honestly i'am a little bit afraid of the shaper, if the lifepool really is that big a longer fight could be a big problem in case of the groundeffects that become more and more with the time. greets back^^ Edit: i tried an Retch too, because i have an extrem good one in my stash, for upperlab etc it is very nice, but i got back to my rare with a bit more life and the armor on it, because the flask uptime cannot save you over the really hard content (guardians, and shaper) the fights took to long so i prefer the more permanent defensive. the tree i use: http://www.poeplanner.com/AAMAAVRBQU1FQWdNQWV3U3pCUzBMWVF4ZkZDQVY3QnluSVdBa215bWxQQVU4TFQzOFFYUkhmbEJIVTZWWVkxOF9aVTFubTJqeWRPMTA4WGFzZk5tRFg0VFppdkNNejZJQXJqNnZiTGtkdlRhLXA4Qm14cTdLa005LTAyX2F3ZVJSNlVicUdPOE83M3p3SF9aSTl6TDNUY0dMMjZjSldOUDhnVUUxN3pydFlFRmpjQkhWVjVkRE1aZDVLQ3FMVDRQTXR6Ny1DdGk5LU9zVWNkbDhnZ2RrVWs0eUYtRW0tQk5Nd2FQaVlUQjNXZjRPUERwU3ZKOFlrZnhMRkUwQjV4djZKZC0yTEtRWk51Z2FWWVR2WVNIRTluS3BldS11VUdXbmh5bEFvRWEzZmZYRUZSamJMaU9UbWJ1ZVJKNVR1M3QwQm9zS0ppRGpYOXBzMkpMM3ZuajRBZz09ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Última edição por Prototype80#6909 em 10 de nov de 2016 16:48:02
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Hey, I love this build! I creates a monster!!
I was just wondering about your equipped gear VS. gem setup, there are a couple differences. It is ok to put the CWDT and Golem setups together? Also. how do you cast all your auras? and Vaal haste/Enduring Cry. Do you just switch out one of the auras after its cast and put vaal or enduring on the Buttons? Thanks for the great build! |
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" Yes, I cast all the auras from the same slot so I have enough room for the rest. " that dps seems really low? Even unbuffed I have around 100k dps? Sometimes some offense is a good defense too!Or is it just because of lacerate? I will soon try the guardians and the shaper, having around 6k life, and buffed maxblock, max res and about 70% phys mitigation. For the auras, of course I switch them accordingly, e.g. if I roll a map with + cold res I switch to Herald of Thunder, Anger or Grace or something. btw. @ retch if you don't die at shaper, which you shouldn't unless you mess up movement you can use the portals to refill flasks for the dps phases :) edit: aaah you use ancestral warchief, idk if its worth dropping blood rage and immortal call Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1609862 Última edição por Knampfclown#5068 em 11 de nov de 2016 06:51:41
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Warchief is worth a try, that totem is really strong believe me. It is what makes the most Dmg difference between gladiator and slayer. Singletarget DMG is atm as good as the one from a slayer with starforge and that says alot about this build! The Tooltip.... yes it seems low i know, but its only tooltip, the standard starforge lacerate slayers have around 30k and kill everything in seconds expect the guardians and shaper of course. I completely use defensive auras and the stats are with fortify and AoE gem and i oneshot trash and packs with my setup, highmap bosses die very quick too, think i will use the gladiator for my first shaper run. there is something else about the tooltip, keep in mind i use lacerate, and what is important too is that the tooltip dps shown for cleave are wrong when dual wielding, i personally had the impression lacerate is stronger with same setup. another thing i don't like on cleave is that ggg didn't update the AoE visuals -.- and as i say the incorrect dmg shown in the tooltip when Dualwield isn't fixed too. Think there is much too test and explore. i will try all your options after hitting the next level up, your argument with dmg is a defensive option too is very right, because dead things don't do damage^^ Última edição por Prototype80#6909 em 11 de nov de 2016 09:23:31
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" I changed to a similar setup now dropping blood rage and vaal haste, 59k tooltip and 37k tooltip on lvl 18 warchief + lvl 18 supports but the inc dmg from warchief and bloodlust should probably make up for it Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1609862 |
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With lacerate i need to change any gems?
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" No, only thing you have to change is the color of the socket, cleave is red lacerate is green. the gem setup remains the same. |
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Can you tell me which item to change first? Knowing that I am in essence league. |
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" Your gear is already really nice imo. If i were you i would change the boots first for 30% inc movement, higher eva or armor and higher life, try to get life reg enchnant on it if possible, otherwise as i said the gear is really nice, maybe an belt with flat armor sometime. Última edição por Prototype80#6909 em 14 de nov de 2016 14:56:28
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So after a while I've finally got set up enough to Facetank Uber Izaro.
Got my resists all up to the cap, got my attack speed at full frenzy down to 0.10/0.09 Seconds. " Next passives between 88-91 will be all health then 92-93 will be that 5th Endurance Charge, rest will be damage most likely if I carry on the character (Got to get a steel ring and gloves thought. They're Badass) Passive skill tree build I make odd builds and sometimes write guides. My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D Última edição por SynixProcessing#1351 em 20 de nov de 2016 20:59:33
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