anchor155 escreveu:
i use this build atm. with all items. its clearly awesome. with new shield u re like unstoppable. can we upgrade this build with some items ? without this helm (with helm and chest) or with any uniq other parts maybe ? i ll wait ur suggestions. and thank u for build its so funny
I suggest you stay with BoR + The Surrender and invest your currency on getting the best gear you can. If you want to move to 6L, then imo 6L Belly could be a great choice.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:00:39
nyttyn escreveu:
How would you feel about utilizing The Perfect Form with Iron Reflexes over a Bringer of Rain? Gives you access to a free Arctic Armour.
197 DEX restriction makes quite impossible to get RRRRRB, plus this build is based on low budget, so any unique 6L chest is far far away from that idea.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:04:48
yissus escreveu:
In bandits mercilles whats the better choice?:
- Frenzy charge? (because we are using blood rage).
- Endurance? (because bringer of rain).
- just a passive point?
Endurance of skill point are the possible choices imo. Maybe skill point is best because EC generation is quite poor (I will make this change on next guide update).
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:06:08
sultangurde escreveu:
I think i finally completed the build and i is one of the best builds i have played so far.
Thanks for that, much appreciated. I'm totally impressed with your ladder rank, GRATZ on that!
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:12:24
sultangurde escreveu:
You propably play pure elemental static strike, it has highest dps, but it is not good for breaches. Go my setup: Static Strike, Multistrike, Added Fire Damage, Weapon Elemental Damage and just blow up those tanky elites with small dudes using Gratuitous Violence passive.
This Static Strike setup is the good one as stated on guide. I put PtL setup ONLY for boss swap if someone is using Cleave or Sunder, because RRRB color on BoR and because explosions are not needed against bosses.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:16:21
prodoljay escreveu:
why not take attack speed bandits????
Yes, I will change bandits to Life/AS/Skill Point on next update. But skill point from cruel and EC from merci are still viable choices.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:19:24
exodus863 escreveu:
Quick question on the jewels to take: Does 8% Attack speed with axes give more DPS compared to lets say 14 or 16% increased physical damage with axes?
Pure AS seems to be the best choice for DPS on this build. But of course, your priorities are Life/AS/Inc. Damage.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:22:47
odiatoo escreveu:
Ayrill escreveu:
odiatoo escreveu:
Is the BoR a must for this build? i kinda wanted to get a 6 linked armor and a decent helmet and use The Red Nightmare to get the lost block back so i could also replace The Anvil with something else.
Would that be an upgrade or not?
check out the first page ;) there is a Point with "6L Body Armor Version" ;) there you find your answer :)
Thanks for the reply i just saw it, but that's a build with the Aegis Aurora while i have The Surrender, so i'm still not sure if i should change body, helmet and amulet keeping my shield.
Or do u think that it would be better to replace The Surrender with the Aegis?
Aegis was the obvious choice prior to 2.5 update. Now, The Surrender is a better option, but you could use tree and advices from 6L section because the only thing that change is that you forget about ES. I suggest you keep Anvil because you don't need such amount of block from that jewel on this build and you will lose the +3% to maximum block.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 02:28:37
Sirrianna escreveu:
Hi, first of all nice guide, thanks for sharing with us mate you are number one.
As for a gem setup, after you got Gratuitous Violence consider Bloodlust Support into your main attack. You will not apply bleed thru it but you easily have bleed on everything from : reconing, riposte and shieldcharge/leapslam. Having a blast with it and I think Bloodlust beats every other support you can have in game for us - more damage.
Only thing are bleed immune bosses but well you don't use Bloodlust on them.
Give it a try folks - dps on the box wont change but you will notice a difference.
Happy holidays and a new year for all you blocker out there.
Edit: not totem, but shieldcharge/leapslam.
On previous versions of this build I used PtL with Static Strike. That gives you the best DPS but 100% elemental, so I used to need some other attacks to spread bleed. The result of that was a poor clear speed that requires Q20 Reckoning for best AoE spread.
Bloodlust sounds interesting, but imo, if you rely on bleed spread on any other skill than the main one, you will find yourself pretty slow while clearing maps.
Please share your thoughts after you try highest map tiers. Thanks!
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 03:36:45
sultangurde escreveu:
Since i am close to level 96 this league i decided to go full nuke flask setup when i ding.
Atziri Flask
Taste of Hate
Vessel Vinktar
Shock on bosses should take dps to another dimension (50% more damage)
Just curious, I know that you're already using Vessel of Vinktar, but did you give it a try to Vaal Lightning Trap for bosses? I found it really useful (and cheap) to shock bosses.
Postado pormas_mariano#3542em 26 de dez de 2016 03:39:53