[3.0] End Game Guardian Support! 90% phys/84% ele res. On a Budget.
Hmmm...Your Gear seems fine. My personal experience is that the spike traps comming out of the ground are no threat at all. Chainsaws: just run over. The whirling spike thingies: Try to dodge most of it but mistakes are acceptable with this build. And for the lava if you have anyproblems just wait until it's gone and run over it.
So far it did the 3 normal,cruel,merciless and ~10x end game lab and didn't die a single time.. @Aethereal_Reaper really good stuff you discovered there^^ In case your party doesn't need all 3 damage auras just swap one out for haste :) Using the 3 Damage auras is really good, but since this is mostly a budget build a 6link doesn't really fit into the budget^^ I updated the Gear section and added a Skillgem section for those interessted :) Check out my Guaridan Support build! /view-thread/1656032 Última edição por NEINNEINNEIN#1281 em 18 de jul de 2016 12:52:44
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Another alternate skill that I've been having fun with: Animate Guardian. I took the Leer Cast and Dying Breath that I used during leveling and mated them with a mid-tier armor with all resists, Haku modded to drop on AG death.
This gives us another 32% increased damage to the party from all sources. So far the AG is pretty tanky throughout a wide number of map mods up to tier 7 or so. He benefits enough from your auras to be fairly resistant to elemental and physicalm and he resummons after logout, unlike most minions. Socketed in the Advancing Fortress, the AG also gets fortify on melee hit. That doesn't matter as much since I'm using The Vigil jewel and Vigilant Strike to Fortify the entire party anyway. I've also socketed Vaal Summon Skellies in the weapon. With all your buffs, it's not too bad of a makeshift army. |
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Do you really consider Advancing Fortress superior to Ephemeral edge?
As a fellow guardian player I find that I take no dmg from physical but the only time I actually get hit hard is ridiculous elemental(82 allres atm, only lvl 19 purities). I acknowledge block is a powerful mechanic and the fortify does help with limited socket space. But why block phys attacks that do no dmg? Then again my build has 107k Armour and 7 endurance charges On the topic of budget builds another option is Solaris Lorica, I found it viable up to tier 10 maps or so. How useful do you think Harmony of purpose is? I don't see the point myself when I can just conduit every charge type with Doedres, I guess it's ok for budget but other than that and multiple discharge users in a party I dunno. Última edição por Drahnier123#3070 em 25 de jul de 2016 22:40:56
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I allready planned using Animate Guardian, also with Leer Cast and Dying breath^^ I haven't tried it yet because I wasn't really playing at all.
Personally with 'only' 18.5k armor and 4(or 5? not sure atm :D) Endurance Charges I still take quite alot of physical damage. What I like so much about advancing fotress is that it gives so much usefull stats. Life, Es, 15% block as small benefits and as bigger ones Fortify and Life gained on hit with whirling blades. I value this one higher because I can also use the added life, unlike most other support builds that only scale Es. And adding to that I never have the problem of getting oneshot. The only problems I have defensive wise is that I sometimes lack Es regeneration in boss fights(well only in tier 13+). Edit: Harmony of Purpose is a solid buff for teammates that don't get charges for themselfs. Quite a lot of attack builds don't get frenzy charges for example, but they are pretty useful for them. Also powercharges are a nice buff for basically all builds that are not crit capped or have some sort of non crit mechanic. Well and op endurance charges are allways appreciated. Check out my Guaridan Support build! /view-thread/1656032 Última edição por NEINNEINNEIN#1281 em 26 de jul de 2016 12:20:26
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Hey, great and simple guide. Been enjoying a budget aurbot, all be it a bit hard to find good chaos res + high life and es jewelry at ALL available.
I wanted to chime in with a little note for coloring your Alpha's Howl; if you swap Purity of Ice (in your Prism Guardian) with Purity of Fire (in your alpha's) you only need to 3-off color it (R-B, B,G) as opposed to 4-off, which is about 200 times as likely. Due to the high dex requirement 4 off is around 0.05% and 3 off is around 1%, likely to roll. (For the exact numbers refer to the Vorici calculator!) Anyhow, I was having trouble with this and gave myself a total slap over the forehead when I realized it makes no difference, but I was saving hundreds (due to my sheit RNG) of chroms! Hope it could've helped somehow. Stay safe! Edit: Clarification about gem locations. Última edição por kavsi#1091 em 27 de jul de 2016 10:00:31
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Oh thanks for pointing that out xD I first wasted 300chromes and after that bought the one with the right color for one ex of the market^^
Check out my Guaridan Support build! /view-thread/1656032
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" Fair enough. I find Conduit to be sufficient for keeping charges up on everyone with Doedres, might wanna try it although as your build is less tank then mine the dmg hit every use might be relevant to you. The Other options for ascendancy are also great Good Point about HP being usefull for you, didn't think of that, HP is just Armour aura for me(4hp un-reserved lol) The need for regen can be pretty high when you're trying to stay on top of your more melee party members One of the reasons I stack so many endurance charges is the 0.2HP regen per endurance charge node. I will also try using a Kaoms way once my prophecy gear rolls into standard, 8 charges and 0.6% regen per charge will be pretty crazy Once I have Kaoms way I might try using Harmony of Purpose and dropping time of need. I hope you don't mind me discussing guardian builds on here, I do like thinking about them. I appreciate that this is a budget guide but have you personally considered going for some of the more pricey options? Personally I've been weighing up blood magic, it'd let me fit 2 more auras(50%'s, would then have every aura except for Purity of Elements) but I lose the free second discipline from Radiant faith, and as you know that's a lot of tankyness for our builds. It would also need a lvl 4 enlighten or two. I think my favorite part about guardian builds is how you just get to literally ignore labyrinth traps(maybe not quite ignore for you with less charges) I'm experimenting with Animate guardian myself atm. Trying to get it to survive T15 maps is a little tricky sometimes when you get certain mob mods Última edição por Drahnier123#3070 em 27 de jul de 2016 17:26:05
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Hey! I'm loving your build. I play with my brother alot, he's running a EQ berserker with Disfavour. I obviously tweaked your build a bit, but fundamentally the same. Running enfeeble, ele weakness, and vulnerability.
Besides the damage from hatred, he does no elemental damage. Should I put in conductivity instead of ele weakness? Will the shock chance even be high enough or last long enough to do anything? I don't know how to link my character of gear through here. I'd be more than happy to do so if someone can tell me. Again, loving your build, it's awesome. Thanks! |
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Since he only gets elemental damage from Hatred Frostbite is probably the best curse to scale elemental damage. Another curse you could try is Punishment for a massive Physical Damage increase. Be careful though, his attack speed might not be ideal for earthquake when he gets the buff.
Kaom's way could be nice but I think that I would have to drop the Doedre's Ring, since I wouldn't cap my resistances out without the other ring. I don't think that it is worth it because I am way more tanky than all the other party mates I am with and thats why I prefer to support them with another curse(temp chains). I think Bloodmagic would be problematic for my build- first of all because of pathing- but secondly I convert my life regen to Es regen. That would mean that i have to use Flasks for all casts I do. And as I stated some pages before this: I think going full Es with a Shaverone's is the better build, BUT it is also way more expensive and basically a whole new build. Check out my Guaridan Support build! /view-thread/1656032
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Quick question, im a total noob is there any way you can post a min baseline skill tree?
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