Mechanical Questions Thread

Are prophecies locked to a specific area? For example, I have Flesh of the Beast (kill a rare bonewarped warrior and get Belly of the Beat), and bonewarped warriors spawn in both levels of The Belly of the Beast and The Harvest. Can the rare bonewarped warrior be found in any of those three locations, or is it locked to one specific location out of the three?

I'm asking because I have yet to see a single rare bonewarped warrior in about ~20 clears of The Harvest. :P
I had prophecy "kill brutus posessed by shavrone spirit". I did it once while levelling, so it worked in Prison.

Then i got this prophecy again. I've met Brutus in T1 map. It was not Brutus, but boss, based on him. Prophecy did not work. Is is bug or working as intended.
How not to miss Skill Books /view-thread/1940679
Find Bameth /view-thread/1828226
Exas for new players /view-thread/1956615
Checking resources /view-thread/2453818
Don't use Shaper/Elder orbs /view-thread/2474890
diablokiller1 escreveu:
It was not Brutus

But isn't it the right thing to make prophecies work on him too?

Basically end game = maps. Every time i receive prophecy as this - it's just wasted slot to delete. Because the is no sence for me to go lvl 50 map when i do lvl 70+ in maps
How not to miss Skill Books /view-thread/1940679
Find Bameth /view-thread/1828226
Exas for new players /view-thread/1956615
Checking resources /view-thread/2453818
Don't use Shaper/Elder orbs /view-thread/2474890
Hi Mark, does the triple reputation from A Gracious Master prophecy stack with the 250% reputation of a daily mission? If so, does it amount to 450% or 750% reputation?
IGN: Darunia
diablokiller1 escreveu:
But isn't it the right thing to make prophecies work on him too?

Maybe. Noone does the low tier maps where this boss appears...
Would be the same...

I think it is good to use the real unique story boss.
ign: fanimala
Dear Mark,
If phase run gem which giving 80% visual reduced to enemies also is given by raider (while at maximum frenzy charges)?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Are we supposed to be able to support skills from glove enchantments or is that a bug?
Still looking for a response to questions on page 20 about attack speed's interaction with Barrage.
Doomed for Life
Just noticed that the Controlled Destruction support gem is affecting Cyclone which is an attack skill is this working as intended or a bug? I don't previously remember Controlled Destruction affecting Cyclone in any way

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