PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Dang, that's the awesomest thing I saw after xyz. Too bad those sticky threads for noobs doesn't link it.
Stickymaddness escreveu:

quick note, don't know if it's possible.

i had my procurement set up to only load chars from 2 week league.

league ends, subsequently no chars to load, procurement won't start up.

i changed the settings config file as the error suggested, but maybe it'd be easier to have the settings or at least the league/char load filter accessible before you actually hit login :D

though i supposed you'd need to login to at least know what leagues/chars are available so maybe either a screen that allows you to pick what leagues/chars you wanna load, or an option to enable such a screen (where the default would be ALL or what you've filtered)

again, just babbling/brainstorming. thanks again for all your hard work!
RagnarokX escreveu:
how can i set a tab-wide buyout price ?

go to buyouts.xml

<!--Add your tabwide buyouts here Eg"-->
<!--<Item id="TabNameHere" value="1 chaos" />-->
<Item id="1 c" value="1 chaos" />

to set the b/o 1 chaos for the tab named "1 c"
Ign: Ohjeahx
thats not working.
im using stock (not renameable) tabs #4 and #5 for rings and amus and want them all at 2 C each

<!--Add your tabwide buyouts here Eg"-->
<Item id="4" value="2 chaos" />
<Item id="5" value="2 chaos" />

not workin.

edit my error works. ty.
Última edição por RagnarokX em 25 de mai de 2014 16:54:16
BlueManiac escreveu:
Thank god for github! I just submitted a pull request with some image loading performance improvements for login.


Better late than never!
I got some other performance improvement ideas too. Hopefully I get the time to implement them :)

Performance improvements are always welcome, I've added comments to your pull request.

Choirandvice escreveu:
Is there a way to export all gear in a template? Struggling to just throw out all equipment at once. I can list every possibility individually (magicchest, rareaxe etc).

It depends how you want to go about it, do you just want to dump all the gear you have into the forum post? If so, the easiest way would probably be to use the {Stash:Name} tag.

charlie0221 escreveu:
hi there i wonder if i can add an inventory to trading like i do for stashes?

Not currently no.

alexandrubenza escreveu:
yea i'm pretty sure i'm the only idiot who does whetstone/armourer scrap recipe but here's another idea: maybe have some sort of way to like "check off" the items that you've already sold to the vendor.


I keep all my quality weapons and armour separate, and then when a tab fills up i sell them using your recipe feature. only problem is, i can sell about 2-4 scraps/whets worth of items at a time, and then i have a stash tab that doesn't reflect what procurement shows.

instead of refreshing every time (which i don't do, i tend to match up the location/quality number etc) maybe have an option to like right click or middle click or ctrl+click or somethin.... the items that you've sold to mark them off (or sorts) maybe to put a big red X or a slash or something.

to be sure, i'm just tossin out ideas. i absolutely love this tool and make do with the functionality it comes with since it's plenty good as it is :D

keep up the good work!

also, what's it coded in? finals are done and i kinda have some time, maybe i can contribute a bit

That's an interesting idea for how to approach marking off stuff in your stash without refreshing. Procurement is written in c#, I've pretty much moved over to github (although I'm mostly keeping the google code svn repo in sync). A lot of people have contributed, anyone is welcome to do a pull request.

Evan_ escreveu:
Dang, that's the awesomest thing I saw after xyz. Too bad those sticky threads for noobs doesn't link it.

Thanks for the support!

HikersTrail escreveu:
Stickymaddness escreveu:

quick note, don't know if it's possible.

i had my procurement set up to only load chars from 2 week league.

league ends, subsequently no chars to load, procurement won't start up.

i changed the settings config file as the error suggested, but maybe it'd be easier to have the settings or at least the league/char load filter accessible before you actually hit login :D

though i supposed you'd need to login to at least know what leagues/chars are available so maybe either a screen that allows you to pick what leagues/chars you wanna load, or an option to enable such a screen (where the default would be ALL or what you've filtered)

again, just babbling/brainstorming. thanks again for all your hard work!

Yeah that's mostly down to API limitations, Procurement doesn't really have a way of knowing which leagues are active before logging in.

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Stickymaddness escreveu:

Performance improvements are always welcome, I've added comments to your pull request.

I have submitted the needed changes.

While I was at it I fiddled a bit with some item view loading and image caching.
I got almost instant tab- and character-switching. The caching seems to have reduced the memory usage with some hundred MB:s. I still got some more testing to do, but it seems to work good sofar :)
BlueManiac escreveu:
While I was at it I fiddled a bit with some item view loading and image caching.
I got almost instant tab- and character-switching. The caching seems to have reduced the memory usage with some hundred MB:s. I still got some more testing to do, but it seems to work good sofar :)

Nice work, I've just merged your pull request, look forward to seeing the new changes.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
I keep getting "Sequence contains no elements" every time I try to log in :\
no old race characters whatsoever..

Edit: I'm using Steam.
Última edição por Entropye em 27 de mai de 2014 12:45:51
Entropye escreveu:
I keep getting "Sequence contains no elements" every time I try to log in :\
no old race characters whatsoever..

Edit: I'm using Steam.

Have you been able to login in the past? Are you sure you're using an up to date sessionID ?
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Stickymaddness escreveu:
Entropye escreveu:
I keep getting "Sequence contains no elements" every time I try to log in :\
no old race characters whatsoever..

Edit: I'm using Steam.

Have you been able to login in the past? Are you sure you're using an up to date sessionID ?

This is my first time :) never tried it before.. tried both using my E-mail and Password, and using SessionID (got it from my browser's cookies).

This might be a noob question, but this forum account, although linked to my steam account.. doesn't show any of my characters at all. Does that have anything to do with my Procurement issue? Thank you very much

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