PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Flume escreveu:

I used to use Procurement when I played before, now I updated to 1.8 and it seems it stopped workiang. When I tick the boxes of the stash tabs I want to sell, it doesn't make a template, it just adds the normal message:

''Welcome to my shop! (Last Updated Monday, August 25, 2014 2:40 PM),

Please message me here or ingame if something catches your eye. My IGN is Cydeom.

Thanks for visiting!''

Anyone got any ideas?

Can you give me some specifics about what items it should be picking up, and what your exact trade settings are?[/quote]

My trade settings have the right title and thread id, but when I go to forum export and click the desired tabs, nothing shows up, there's all different kind of rares, uniques and gems, but nothing from the tabs show up, simply the message I posted.
Flume escreveu:
My trade settings have the right title and thread id, but when I go to forum export and click the desired tabs, nothing shows up, there's all different kind of rares, uniques and gems, but nothing from the tabs show up, simply the message I posted.

I meant your buyout settings as in embed buyouts etc. An issue that people have had in the past is setting both only display items with buyouts and only display items with buyout in the buyouts tag, while not having {Buyouts} in their template.

However, if you're sure everything is correct, I would suggest waiting for 1.8.1 which will be released soon, which fixes some item related bugs. With the new version first test forum export with default settings and no buyouts, and see if it works, so you can narrow down the issue.

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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Stickymaddness escreveu:
Flume escreveu:
My trade settings have the right title and thread id, but when I go to forum export and click the desired tabs, nothing shows up, there's all different kind of rares, uniques and gems, but nothing from the tabs show up, simply the message I posted.

I meant your buyout settings as in embed buyouts etc. An issue that people have had in the past is setting both only display items with buyouts and only display items with buyout in the buyouts tag, while not having {Buyouts} in their template.

However, if you're sure everything is correct, I would suggest waiting for 1.8.1 which will be released soon, which fixes some item related bugs. With the new version first test forum export with default settings and no buyouts, and see if it works, so you can narrow down the issue.

Oh, right. Thanks for the help. I had nothing of the buyout stuff ticked. I can try redownloading I suppose.
Stickymaddness escreveu:
Redsevenski escreveu:
I'm struggling with finding my session ID in internet explorer 11 to access my stash with Procurement - Can someone help?

The procurement wiki explains how to do it with IE10 and I don't know if its different for v11. I can open up the console but can't find the cache menu to view cookie information. Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong or where I'm being blind probably.

Apologies if the answer is already in the thread but it is 138 pages long and I didn't spot it.

Thanks in advance.

I'm not familiar with how to do cookies in IE11 as I don't use IE at all. I'm sure if you google something along the lines of "how to view cookies in IE11" you'll be able to find a guide.

Thanks, I'd already tried googling it but Microsoft help is the must unhelpful stuff I've ever come across I think. I'll probably just install firefox as that's far easier to use.
Works now that I redownloaded, thanks for the help!
Procurement 1.8.1 has been released!

* Fixed duplicate item/currency issue due to hidden tabs with default tab order
* Fixed crash caused by hidden tabs with default tab order
* Fixed crash caused by items with legacy image urls
* Fixed bug causing thread bumping to be slower than necessary
* Optimized network code for tab/image/character downloading
* Improved logging and updated error notifications
* Added Vaal fragments to default template

A short but sweet release rather quickly after 1.8.0, I had wanted to do a more feature packed release but due to a few crashes and duplicate item issues that were still lurking about, I decided to get this out sooner than later, and do a more feature related release later on.

One of the things that needs attention right now is the default forum template, which is largely still the old template we threw together back in closed beta. Due to how extensive eg: the gem categories are, and how many different ways there are to categorise items and put a shop together, I need some ideas. I'm looking some well put together templates that use all the export filters to include everything in a clear, well organised way, so that I can update the default template to be more up to date!
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Última edição por Stickymaddness em 25 de ago de 2014 12:53:40
Hi guys, can I check what is wrong with the following syntax? cant seems to make procurement download only specific tabs (its downloading data from all my tabs)

<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<item value="Red Gems" />
<item value="Blue Gems" />
<item value="Green Gems"/>
<item value="Shop Gears"/>
<item value="Flasks Shop"/>
<item value="Uniques"/>
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
There is a small bug with temporary race stash tabs. I still have two of them from last season and they show in procurement for rampage league (which they ofcourse don't ingame).

If it matters, the races in question are 40m Descent Champions (S08S185) and 1 Hour Descent (S08C182)
~b/o 1 alchemy


I can't get this to actually load that stash tab with a buyout, or even come up at all for the forum export. This is in Rampage.
IGN: Invections
Última edição por Saithe em 25 de ago de 2014 15:38:29
I know you focus mainly on shop creation but is there anyway you could add leech and movement speed affix to the item search.

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