PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Hi! 2 questions!

          1  long one  

Once I add the following to my template, the content of this stash always shows up in the result even if I do not select this stash!!
[.spoiler=" ~b/o 4 alt Gear "]
without dots!
What I tried:
-Checked the stash name, it's correct "4at"
-Emptied the Formular several times
-Tried cliking on different stashes
-Of course I didn't click "select all"
-I removed what is in the quote, or added another stash - if removed: of course it didn't show up anymore, if adding another stash it showed up, always, too.

Copied the exact same, and for him selecting (or not selecting and not having it added) works, as far as I see it.

          2  short one  

Can you post stashes with having "#Only display items with buyout"? Because when I have that on, my stashes don't show up although I have set a buyout for them. I don't want for example show all my items on the character, only a few.
Christmas comes early - The Awakening!
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Última edição por rusher21 em 9 de set de 2014 04:00:15
Hi Is there any way to filter items by item level so it doesn't get included in the Chaos Recipe ?

Sometimes low level rings get added to the recipe so a chance orb gets offered by the vendor.
Cant login, it keep give me the error that username or password is wrong. So i try relogin on the website, and i can login.
Takemehard escreveu:
how safe is this? not that i have anything worth much but yeah... how long has it been around and any negative feedbacks?

- Procurement is completely open source and has been running for almost 2 years
- The thread is 149 pages long (this should be your first clue)
- Just about every major streamer uses Procurement, as well as at least 1 GGG employee that I know of
- Procurement is linked in the GGG thread "Consolidated Guides, Game Mechanics and Information"
- Check the player endorsements on the first page

tl;dr: You'll be fine, if you really want to be security conscious use sessionID.

InfiniteMonkeys escreveu:
Have a weird bug where when I refresh my fifth stash tab, it shows up completely empty and I have to restart procurement to get the items in it to show. Anyone know how to fix this?

e: Also the 'Update Forum Thread' thing always says it's successful even when it fails (eg. due to items that have been moved since the tabs were refreshed).

1.) This is a known bug due to hideout tabs, will be fixed in the next release

2.) There is no proper way for Procurement to validate that a thread has been bumped, it can merely tell you if the request has successfully been made. I'd check that you have the correct thread id.

pitty escreveu:
Hi Is there any way to filter items by item level so it doesn't get included in the Chaos Recipe ?

Sometimes low level rings get added to the recipe so a chance orb gets offered by the vendor.

Unfortunately not, the API does not return item level.

rusher21 escreveu:
Hi! 2 questions!

1 long one

Once I add the following to my template, the content of this stash always shows up in the result even if I do not select this stash!!
[.spoiler=" ~b/o 4 alt Gear "]
without dots!
What I tried:
-Checked the stash name, it's correct "4at"
-Emptied the Formular several times
-Tried cliking on different stashes
-Of course I didn't click "select all"
-I removed what is in the quote, or added another stash - if removed: of course it didn't show up anymore, if adding another stash it showed up, always, too.

Copied the exact same, and for him selecting (or not selecting and not having it added) works, as far as I see it.

2 short one

Can you post stashes with having "#Only display items with buyout"? Because when I have that on, my stashes don't show up although I have set a buyout for them. I don't want for example show all my items on the character, only a few.

1.) The {Stash:} tag will always add all items in that tab, regardless of if you tick that tab or not. Take a look at the buyout documentation, it might give you a better way of setting your shop up.

2.) I'll have to look into this, if you set a buyout on a stash along with "only display items with buyouts", that should be working.

CycloneBreaker escreveu:
Cant login, it keep give me the error that username or password is wrong. So i try relogin on the website, and i can login.

If Procurement gets invalid username/password, that's what GGG has sent back. Try login with sessionID
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :

I've heard only good feedback about procurement so i decided to give it a try. Sadly, i encounter two major problems and i can't find solutions to them :

1) When i paste the code procurement gives me, it absolutely destroys my page. I made a custom layout, but i understand how spoilers and {...} tags work, so i don't think the code is a problem. I looked other's people thread, and i think it's beacause procurement automatically remove empty spoilers tags, is there a way to counter that?

2) Also, i've ran into many duplicated item. Uniques items showing into dualres category, items with 5 links appearing in their unique/rare category AND the links category...If i have to manually remove some items that were duplicated, i prefer to make all the shop manually :/

Oh and also, could we have a {Uniquemaps} filter? Pretty please? Thanks a lot for the help and this awesome tool :D

PS : While i'm thinking about it, the filter section on the wiki is outdated (at least, it's missing the vall fragments filters)
Última edição por Pyromancer4 em 9 de set de 2014 15:00:29
Pyromancer4 escreveu:

I've heard only good feedback about procurement so i decided to give it a try. Sadly, i encounter two major problems and i can't find solutions to them :

1) When i paste the code procurement gives me, it absolutely destroys my page. I made a custom layout, but i understand how spoilers and {...} tags work, so i don't think the code is a problem. I looked other's people thread, and i think it's beacause procurement automatically remove empty spoilers tags, is there a way to counter that?

2) Also, i've ran into many duplicated item. Uniques items showing into dualres category, items with 5 links appearing in their unique/rare category AND the links category...If i have to manually remove some items that were duplicated, i prefer to make all the shop manually :/

Oh and also, could we have a {Uniquemaps} filter? Pretty please? Thanks a lot for the help and this awesome tool :D

PS : While i'm thinking about it, the filter section on the wiki is outdated (at least, it's missing the vall fragments filters)

1.) No, there isn't a way to prevent empty spoilers from being removed, it is by design that it removes unneeded spoilers.

2.) It's not really duplicating items, rather listing them in multiple categories, and again this is by design.

Lastly yes, the wiki is very outdated, there is an effort underway to improve documentation.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Is there a way in procurement to hide a specific item that is in one of the tab being used in the shop thread. For example I have all my uniques in a specific tab but don't want my Carcass Jack listed in my shop thread. Can this be hidden? Thanks for an awesome tool!
Última edição por roddyriot em 10 de set de 2014 20:23:43
Mark_GGG escreveu:
I've seen a bunch of really old threads being necro'd with the "bumped by procurement" messages recently, which are quite annoying and messing up the forums.

Looking at this example:, and comparing to the user's actual shop thread: I can see the thread number for the shop thread ends with the thread number of the new thread.

Can you check your program isn't bugged in some way which is causing the thread to be misidentified?

It might just be user error (in which case a warning to people to be careful copying the thread number might help, or a sanity check that prevents it if the thread OP isn't the user's account), but seems like it might be worth you looking at.

The problem is because anyone can enter in any thread ID for it to be bumped.
What needs to be done is like you said, add a sanity verification check. To check if the user who is bumping == the shop owner's id and thread OP.

Edit: We should also beable to edit our own custom bump text. "Bump by Procurement" is unprofessional and screams attention whore.
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Última edição por monkuar em 11 de set de 2014 02:35:06
zeekidc2 escreveu:
having a bug where only the upper part of procurement is showing, like it would take my whole screen and not fully show up.

You need to enable compact mode, take a look at the wiki on how to set this up.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :

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