PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!


I've just proceed to a clean reinstall of Procurement 1.8.5.

I begun to put buyouts on a few items (only gems for the moment) like this :

- the arc gem has no buyout in none of the three arc gem ; when I put buyout in one, it puts automatically the same buyout on the others ; I had to "unbuyout" two of them ;

- for the other gems, the buyout only appeared on one of the each different gems so I didn't have to "unbuyout" like arc (??).

When I opened again the soft, the followings happened :

- there was no buyout in any arc gem ;
- every other gems had the buyout I previously set on one of each.

Can you please tell me how to fix that problem ?

Thanks in advance.

Edit : after a few tests, if I understood well, when I open the program, it put on every same gem the last buyout I put in one of these...
It annoys me because I don't want a buyout to appear on each same gem because it takes to much space in the text to be copy in the shop...
Última edição por Funadept em 29 de out de 2014 07:32:31
Im having a problem with certain items not being added to my shop.

I have everything I want to sell in one stash tab and lately when I add new items, with saved buyout prices, they wont add to my shop when i click the update forum button in procurement.

I changed around some buyout prices and then updated (and those prices were changed) but for some reason certain items like "Tyrannical Imbud Wand" just WILL NOT get added to my shop.

anyone else experiencing this?
Funadept escreveu:

I've just proceed to a clean reinstall of Procurement 1.8.5.

I begun to put buyouts on a few items (only gems for the moment) like this :

- the arc gem has no buyout in none of the three arc gem ; when I put buyout in one, it puts automatically the same buyout on the others ; I had to "unbuyout" two of them ;

- for the other gems, the buyout only appeared on one of the each different gems so I didn't have to "unbuyout" like arc (??).

When I opened again the soft, the followings happened :

- there was no buyout in any arc gem ;
- every other gems had the buyout I previously set on one of each.

Can you please tell me how to fix that problem ?

Thanks in advance.

Edit : after a few tests, if I understood well, when I open the program, it put on every same gem the last buyout I put in one of these...
It annoys me because I don't want a buyout to appear on each same gem because it takes to much space in the text to be copy in the shop...

The way buyouts currently work, especially for gems, is that when you set a buyout on a gem you will set it for all gems that are exactly the same - since you wouldn't price two of the same gem differently. I hear what you're saying about the excess space being taken up, but by the same token there are lots of users who do want this functionality.

bobby3127 escreveu:
Im having a problem with certain items not being added to my shop.

I have everything I want to sell in one stash tab and lately when I add new items, with saved buyout prices, they wont add to my shop when i click the update forum button in procurement.

I changed around some buyout prices and then updated (and those prices were changed) but for some reason certain items like "Tyrannical Imbud Wand" just WILL NOT get added to my shop.

anyone else experiencing this?

This is the first I've heard of something like this, it might be that the generated text is not updating when your new items are priced.

Is this specific to your tyrannical wand, or are there others? If you restart Procurement, check that the new items/buyouts are there and then update your shop, does it help?
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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The way buyouts currently work, especially for gems, is that when you set a buyout on a gem you will set it for all gems that are exactly the same - since you wouldn't price two of the same gem differently. I hear what you're saying about the excess space being taken up, but by the same token there are lots of users who do want this functionality.

Thank you for answering.

Couldn't an option be added to chose whether we want to duplicate buyout to similar items or not ?
Hello, I have a problem with Procurement can you help me ?

When I change price / add price on some items / or when some items are sold and are no longer in my stash there is no change in the trading script ( I mean ' forum export ). is it normal ? because at the first use it was done automatically when I start Procurement, ( I tried to clic on ' all stash ' and deselect it again and again but it has no effect.. )
Última edição por PistacheCoco em 31 de out de 2014 06:08:07
Funadept escreveu:
The way buyouts currently work, especially for gems, is that when you set a buyout on a gem you will set it for all gems that are exactly the same - since you wouldn't price two of the same gem differently. I hear what you're saying about the excess space being taken up, but by the same token there are lots of users who do want this functionality.

Thank you for answering.

Couldn't an option be added to chose whether we want to duplicate buyout to similar items or not ?

Yeah I was actually thinking that it could be a setting, that way you get the best of both.

Hello, I have a problem with Procurement can you help me ?

When I change price / add price on some items / or when some items are sold and are no longer in my stash there is no change in the trading script ( I mean ' forum export ). is it normal ? because at the first use it was done automatically when I start Procurement, ( I tried to clic on ' all stash ' and deselect it again and again but it has no effect.. )

You need to login/update Procurement after you've sold items, in order for the changes to reflect. You can also rightclick the tab the item was (if you're logged in) and click refresh in order for it to update, and then untick and tick the tab in the trading view to get the generated code to update.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Sticky, I think you're a bit of a legend.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
Hi OP.

I like procurement but there seems to be few things still missing out for search such as belts and elemental damage with weapons. Would be great also if you can sort the advanced search list by alphabetical order.

Thanks still overall for the great program!
Última edição por Shogen em 1 de nov de 2014 12:37:37

I keep getting a error message when trying to update my shop via procurment

Here is whats in the DebugInfo

Error updating shop thread: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.postToForum(String data, String url)
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.UpdateThread(String threadID, String threadTitle, String threadText)Error updating shop thread: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.downloadPageData(String url)
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.UpdateThread(String threadID, String threadTitle, String threadText)

I have tried reinstalling but it keeps happening.
update, weapon elemental damage missing too


Advanced Search missing mods

- + all attributes

- % of physical attack damage leeched as mana

- accuracy

- weapon elemental damage
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