PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

NoLifeNiffler escreveu:
just uploaded an updated version of my procurement guide, with the new features included.

Nice one, I've added it to the links.

aimedbownage escreveu:
Any plans to get developer support for an android app?

I've strongly considered a mobile version of Procurement, but how many people would be happy to enter their account details into a mobile app? There is sessionID, but in order to get that you need to be on a pc which if you're using mobile you probably would not.

Short answer : I'd love to do it, but I strongly think that it would require something like an API key like the EVE developers provided their player base.

hotballsjohnson escreveu:
I'm having an issue of one of my tabs not loading. I have checked the box in the forum export tab & have it in my Forum Template with the same syntax as the other tabs have. THe only difference is that it is not a premium stash tab while the others are. Is this a known issue or is there something wrong?

There's no difference between "normal" and premium stash tabs (premium didn't exist when I started Procurement!), so your items should be loading. Are you using the {Stash:} keyword or default template?

orionsky escreveu:
I finally got this now that I feel warm and fuzzy using session ID over login name and password. But I noticed one interesting thing when it started. It said I have 160 exalts in standard. I started looking for all those exalts, but alas I only have 8.

That count is the sum total of all your currency converted to exalt.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Stickymaddness escreveu:
Trollenstein escreveu:
Hi! New PoE player here. Message to OP/Procurement creator:

How To Set Up SessionID/Steam use with Internet Explorer 11

1.Start IE11, open and log in
2.Press F12 to open the Developer Tools
3.Click on the Network button within the Developer Tools
4.Enable capture of network traffic by clicking on the green triangular button in top toolbar
5.Capture some network traffic by interacting with the page
6.Click on DETAILS (tab at top left), then click on Cookies in the same area
7.Look for SessionID information, right-click COPY
8.Paste copied information into Notepad or other word document software, copy the SessionID code
9.Follow steps in the Procurement wiki for setting up UserSessionID

Works perfectly fine, very easy to do.

Hope I helped! Internet Explorer isn't all rage and bad, you just need to know what to do.

Thanks for sharing, I've added it to the wiki!

Belodri escreveu:
Issues with SessionID login

When I log in using the SessionID both the textBox and the passwordBox become disabled but nothing else changes.
Any ideas how to fix this?


bd21maxw escreveu:

I'm currently getting an "Access is Denied" error when trying to use procurement. I have a fresh install of Windows 7, with full admin rights, and with the firewall disabled. I am unable to find a way around this. Before my fresh install, procurement was working fine on the same network.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Run as admin, check firewall/AV isn't blocking the connection.

As stated in my post, I am running everything as admin by default, as well as have firewall disabled. No AV besides windows defender (which I disabled for testing).

I even verified that my MachineKeys folder in the Program Data directory has full rights. Could this possibly be a cert issue? It does attempt to authenticate...but is then denied.

I noticed that there are several people with this issue, but none have seemed to have solved it (prior posting in this thread).

Here is the link to the log error :

Thank you for your help!
Última edição por bd21maxw em 6 de jan de 2015 12:24:22
Hey there,

first off all a big Thank You for the great programm!

and now my problem:

i installed it on my laptop a while ago and setup lots of b/o , today i installed it on my desktop pc and copied buyout.xml and settings but all my buyouts are gone and after an hour of searching the internet i gave up . so your my last hope of getting it working on my "real" pc.
If it matters my laptop is running a 32 bit win7 and my pc a 64 bit win7.

Ty for reply

Cheers Xentos

since my google/reddit/porcurrement-faq searches didnt yield any useful result und the forum search has either 0 or 10k+ results, depending on the keywords, i ask here.

i managed to set the currency breakdown to exalteds via

<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Exalted"/>

which works perfect, only downside is, that ratios between randomorb: chaos ; chaos: ex and randomorb: ex do mostly not match resulting in a rather random number for the currency breakdown. i tried to replace all

<Orb ChaosAmount="3,5" OrbAmount="1" type="GemCutterPrism"/>


<Orb ExaltedAmount="1" OrbAmount="10" type="GemCutterPrism"/>

resulting in windows not beeing able to start procurement.

how can i change all currency breakdown orb values to randomorb: exalted to get an accurate wealth estimation, or is taking the ratio chaos:exalted as multiplier and then do all the math for all ratios by hand the only option?
if so, some people, including me, would probably like the option to set everything into ex, since in permanet leagues and also for temp leagues after the first few weeks everything is about prices and ratios in/to exalteds. if such an option can be done without major time consumption on your end, it might be a nice upgrade to the program. sadly i cant provide anything on that front, since my program skills are "zero" :-)

in any case, your programm is awsome - <3 much love
Última edição por Kalif_Lyx em 6 de jan de 2015 15:22:21
Hi, i have problem. My items doesnt appear in and everything is fine. As you can see in my shop all items are taged with buyout, why i cant find them on
Love Procurement !

Altho even though ive set it to import favorite char and leagues it imports all my chars any suggestions to where i done goofed ?
Última edição por XLer03 em 8 de jan de 2015 11:12:57
Última edição por Beatid em 16 de mar de 2020 12:53:44
Beatid escreveu:
same problem, bra
this huge LOGO of PoE in upper side is very move-move my procuremenet
Don`t no what i need to do, is there anyone who know how to fix this problem?

Go Setting -> Compact Mode -> reset program.
its works.
bd21maxw escreveu:
Here is the link to the log error :

Thank you for your help!

Replied to your ticket, lets solve it there.

Xentos78 escreveu:
Hey there,

first off all a big Thank You for the great programm!

and now my problem:

i installed it on my laptop a while ago and setup lots of b/o , today i installed it on my desktop pc and copied buyout.xml and settings but all my buyouts are gone and after an hour of searching the internet i gave up . so your my last hope of getting it working on my "real" pc.
If it matters my laptop is running a 32 bit win7 and my pc a 64 bit win7.

Ty for reply

Cheers Xentos

Unfortunately buyouts aren't portable across machines (unfortunately), you can try installing the same version of .NET on your desktop as you have on your laptop, but I suspect the 32/64 bit differences will cause the keys to be generated differently.

Kalif_Lyx escreveu:

since my google/reddit/porcurrement-faq searches didnt yield any useful result und the forum search has either 0 or 10k+ results, depending on the keywords, i ask here.

i managed to set the currency breakdown to exalteds via

<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Exalted"/>

which works perfect, only downside is, that ratios between randomorb: chaos ; chaos: ex and randomorb: ex do mostly not match resulting in a rather random number for the currency breakdown. i tried to replace all

<Orb ChaosAmount="3,5" OrbAmount="1" type="GemCutterPrism"/>


<Orb ExaltedAmount="1" OrbAmount="10" type="GemCutterPrism"/>

resulting in windows not beeing able to start procurement.

how can i change all currency breakdown orb values to randomorb: exalted to get an accurate wealth estimation, or is taking the ratio chaos:exalted as multiplier and then do all the math for all ratios by hand the only option?
if so, some people, including me, would probably like the option to set everything into ex, since in permanet leagues and also for temp leagues after the first few weeks everything is about prices and ratios in/to exalteds. if such an option can be done without major time consumption on your end, it might be a nice upgrade to the program. sadly i cant provide anything on that front, since my program skills are "zero" :-)

in any case, your programm is awsome - <3 much love

Haha, thanks for the support. The issue is a internationalization fail on my part, use . instead of , for your ratios and that should sort it out.

Galdoranarion escreveu:
Hi, i have problem. My items doesnt appear in and everything is fine. As you can see in my shop all items are taged with buyout, why i cant find them on

You need to talk to xyz for poe issues, I have nothing to do with that. Most likely you need to bump your thread a few times.

Mr_Meatflick escreveu:
Love Procurement !

Altho even though ive set it to import favorite char and leagues it imports all my chars any suggestions to where i done goofed ?

Glad to hear it! Favourite character merely sets it as the IGN name to use when generated a shop thread. To only download your main, edit the settings file - check the wiki on google code on how to do this.

Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :

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