PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Mindfire escreveu:
everday escreveu:
Is there a way to go around the loading of inventories? Should be a setting for that right? Anyone know how to make that setting in the xml since I can't reach settings without logging in...

Actually I'll stop myself right there, found it and fixed it.

In the folder for procurement, open settings.xml in notepad or whatever, in the user settings group find the following line:

<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="true" />

And and set it to true (false by default) You then probably have to make sure no characters are selected.
I'm guessing below this line is where any character names might be listed:

<List name="MyCharacters" />

Should fix things by simply not loading character inventories until procurement adjusts for what I'm guessing is a GGG change.

actually that don't work for me becouase i did already tried to change that check i did even try to reload download it and login from that one without getting past the fail to load char inv

Are you getting the Error from loading character inventories then? Cause this should stop it from trying. Either It's my miss on the list part or you are not getting the same error I had. If you got a completely fresh settings file the list part should not be a problem though :/
Hi, I get an error upon the loading of a tempest character, I don't care about my characters inventories, so I'd like to disable it from setting, here is my current settings file, but it still tries to load character inventories upon longin.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Settings.xsd">
<Orb type="Mirror" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="450" />
<Orb type="Eternal" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="50" />
<Orb type="Imprint" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="0" />
<Orb type="Exalted" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="20" />
<Orb type="Divine" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="8" />
<Orb type="GemCutterPrism" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="2" />
<Orb type="Chisel" OrbAmount="2.5" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Regal" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="2" />
<Orb type="Chaos" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Regret" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Blessed" OrbAmount="2" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Scouring" OrbAmount="2.5" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Fusing" OrbAmount="2.5" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Alchemy" OrbAmount="2.5" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="AlchemyShard" OrbAmount="40" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Chance" OrbAmount="8" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="JewelersOrb" OrbAmount="10" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Alteration" OrbAmount="20" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="Chromatic" OrbAmount="20" ChaosAmount="1" />
<Orb type="VaalOrb" OrbAmount="1" ChaosAmount="1" /> "
<Gem name="Cast when Damage Taken" />
<Gem name="Cast On Critical Strike" />
<Gem name="Blood Magic" />
<Gem name="Item Quantity" />
<Gem name="Life Gain on Hit" />
<Gem name="Life Leech" />
<Gem name="Multistrike" />
<Gem name="Reduced Mana" />
<Gem name="Spell Totem" />
<Gem name="Chain" />
<Gem name="Faster Attacks" />
<Gem name="Greater Multiple Projectiles" />
<Gem name="Lesser Multiple Projectiles" />
<Gem name="Added Chaos Damage" />
<Gem name="Item Rarity" />
<Gem name="Concentrated Effect" />
<Gem name="Elemental Hit" />
<Gem name="Elemental Proliferation" />
<Gem name="Elemental Weakness" />
<Gem name="Multistrike" />
<Gem name="Temporal Chains" />
<Gem name="Faster Casting" />
<Setting name="AccountLogin" value=" ---------- " />
<Setting name="AccountPassword"

value=" ---------- " />
<Setting name="AccountName" value=" ---------- " />
<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="True" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Tempest" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="false" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Fusing" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="False" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />
<Setting name="Enabled" value="False" />
<Setting name="Username" value="" />
<Setting name="Password" value="" />
<Setting name="Domain" value="" />
<Shop League="Standard" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<Shop League="Hardcore" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<Shop League="Bloodlines" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<Shop League="Torment" ThreadId="" ThreadTitle="" />
<Shop League="Tempest" ThreadId=" ---------- " ThreadTitle=" ---------- " />
<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Tempest" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters">
<Item value="HateHard" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />

edit : solved, removed whats bold
Última edição por EnafAequi em 23 de jul de 2015 07:17:19
everday escreveu:
Mindfire escreveu:
everday escreveu:
Is there a way to go around the loading of inventories? Should be a setting for that right? Anyone know how to make that setting in the xml since I can't reach settings without logging in...

Actually I'll stop myself right there, found it and fixed it.

In the folder for procurement, open settings.xml in notepad or whatever, in the user settings group find the following line:

<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="true" />

And and set it to true (false by default) You then probably have to make sure no characters are selected.
I'm guessing below this line is where any character names might be listed:

<List name="MyCharacters" />

Should fix things by simply not loading character inventories until procurement adjusts for what I'm guessing is a GGG change.

actually that don't work for me becouase i did already tried to change that check i did even try to reload download it and login from that one without getting past the fail to load char inv

Are you getting the Error from loading character inventories then? Cause this should stop it from trying. Either It's my miss on the list part or you are not getting the same error I had. If you got a completely fresh settings file the list part should not be a problem though :/

well as you sad it's false by default, but i have tired the "fresh" install still gives the same but i might have forgetten to add my char to the list silly me :p
[Error] No characters found in the leagues specified. Check spelling or try setting DownloadOnlyMyLeagues to false in settings.

I've tried changing the settings file to only download my League characters

I've removed the leagues out that I don't want, leaving only Warbands

I've tried using Session ID to log in, but still doesn't work.

I have the game through steam, and my character is on Warbands but even my one on Normal and my tempest one won't work either.

Name is entered correctly and case sensitive etc is fine because it logs in until it hits the character load part and then crashes.

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help
For some reason only my linked gear is showing up POE trader, neither my uniques or gems are showing :\ What could be the problem ? I have all the uniques in a tab wide buyout.
I dont know what i'm doing wrong, i downloaded, linked my thread id and title, entered personal URL and priced some items. Then uploaded it all to this thread Tho if i search for my item on i cant seem to find them? did i miss something?
[Error] Error reading character data for <Name>, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

at POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetInventory(String characterName, Boolean forceRefresh, String accountName)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.LoadCharacterInventoryItems(Character character, Boolean offline)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<LoadItems>d__6.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Login>b__1()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Última edição por Quasar27 em 23 de jul de 2015 21:35:31
everday escreveu:
Is there a way to go around the loading of inventories? Should be a setting for that right? Anyone know how to make that setting in the xml since I can't reach settings without logging in...

Actually I'll stop myself right there, found it and fixed it.

In the folder for procurement, open settings.xml in notepad or whatever, in the user settings group find the following line:

<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="true" />

And and set it to true (false by default) You then probably have to make sure no characters are selected.
I'm guessing below this line is where any character names might be listed:

<List name="MyCharacters" />

Should fix things by simply not loading character inventories until procurement adjusts for what I'm guessing is a GGG change.

this man is a genius, worked for me
i can't login, and i turned my firewall off and that kind of stuff thanks

ERROR The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
Última edição por jatoro em 24 de jul de 2015 04:04:17
I think, authors of this awesome tool should also include archive of images ("Common" folder). As it takes WAY TO MUCH time to download them one by one, if its first-time-launch.

I started mine new instance of Procurement 1.5 hours ago (at time of writing this post), and it still downloading them images. The funny thing is, common folder size is only 8MB. Which i could download in second if it was archive, but no, tool downloading them images one by one..

Also, for some reason, programm freezes when i try to browse any char on my account. When i browse stash - runs perfectly fine and smooth and fast. But when i open any char - freeze. Eventually, char page opens, but it takes a while.
Is it known problem?
Última edição por InkaGuard em 24 de jul de 2015 10:55:42

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