PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!


Procurement cannot distinguish my clean 20/20 Flame Surge and my corrupted 20/20 Flame Surge. I can price them differently at 2ex and 1.5ex prices respectively but when I go to the trading tab in procurement and uncheck/check my poe stash tabs to update the prices, both of them get priced at 2ex. I've a third 20/10 corrupted Flame Surge and it's price stays at 1ex.
i made the change on true-false on download but when i got in the proc. and changed the settings for recipes and for fav chars and which leagues i want to check it just fcked everything up...are they even tryin gto fix it ?
OH MY GOD after trying for hours i found boesersven post on the editing the whole data thing and changing from false to true it truly works i was able to open up .xml documents with notepad and then did it there. Also i can see how notepad and stuff can confuse people but just right click the file then go to open with then click on notepad and change "DOWLOADONLYMYCHARACTERS" FROM FALSE TO TRUE

govi1997 escreveu:
OH MY GOD after trying for hours i found boesersven post on the editing the whole data thing and changing from false to true it truly works i was able to open up .xml documents with notepad and then did it there. Also i can see how notepad and stuff can confuse people but just right click the file then go to open with then click on notepad and change "DOWLOADONLYMYCHARACTERS" FROM FALSE TO TRUE


idk if it happens only to me but after doing that ^
while you re in the procu. fixing your setting, fav char, league etc etc, somehow the settings get changed or broken and proc gets the same error while the DOWLOADONLYMYCHARACTERS is set true
Is it possible to sort the items in the forum thread vom left to right instead of displaying them one below the other? cause i've seen some people doing that

Is Procurement automatically selecting/deselecting stash tabs?

I had no one send any tells at all today, I also searched an item that I was selling and didn't see mine listed in the index, then I just now noticed that in the Procurement program (under the Trading tab/Forum Export/Stash Tabs it had deselected my tab that I had designated to sell items in and had selected another tab altogether, automatically. I seem to remember this happening in the past as well. (In the previous league.)

(I have one tab labelled 'Procurement' and it deselected that one and selected tab6... Which happens to be the one above Procurement. Hmm, maybe it does it if you rearranged your tabs then? That must be what's happening!)
I cannot Get this sword to show up in procurement. I can set a buyout, but it will not list the sword on my page.

Any help? I tried changing the template to just onehanders and it still doesnt show up. Nothing makes this show up except manually editing it onto my page. Otherwise it wont show up on PoE Trade or on my page at all.

Thats annoying. I'm about to just see if my friend can list it instead.
Última edição por Destructodave em 6 de ago de 2015 05:14:00
Destructodave escreveu:
I cannot Get this sword to show up in procurement. I can set a buyout, but it will not list the sword on my page.

Any help? I tried changing the template to just onehanders and it still doesnt show up. Nothing makes this show up except manually editing it onto my page. Otherwise it wont show up on PoE Trade or on my page at all.

Thats annoying. I'm about to just see if my friend can list it instead.

Open up data.xml and add an entry for "Grappler" under swords, and Procurement will pick it up.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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hey, first of all great job u did with the procurment keep on doing :)

but now i have a question.

I cant refresh my stash tabs. I put some items in the stash tab, ( 8 9 10) but its not shown in the procurment programm. I waited 1h and tryed again to refresh, i closes the programm reopend it and again.. only items befor 1 or 2 hours are shown up. what im doing wrong? :)

best regards
GrayScar escreveu:
B4al escreveu:
[Error] Error reading character data for XXXXXXXXXXXXX, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

Broken Procurement ????????????

Did the guys creating it come with the wonderful idea of updating it to break it ?

Workaround Solution to that particular error, 2015-04-22

(within Procurement folder)(version.1.9.0)
0)- this might work for other versions too
1)- make a backup copy of - Settings.xml (in case of messing it up)
2)- open - Settings.xml (with text editor)
3)- find line: <Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" /> (set false to true)
4)- find line <List name="MyCharacters" />
(make sure no characters are listed below at this particular section)
5) feedback, this worked for at least 3 different cases, if you run into any problems tell. if it works, please give feedback.
6) Yes, no characters will be listed now, that's why i call it a Workaround Solution.


Fixed my issue. Thanks for the workaround mate :)

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