PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Hello! I got a problem, when I press F12 and get the dev tools popup, go to sources then I cant find the PHPSESSID anywere. (Don't know if I should post this here) (already read the wiki). Thanks in advance
DrMedikk escreveu:
Hello! I got a problem, when I press F12 and get the dev tools popup, go to sources then I cant find the PHPSESSID anywere. (Don't know if I should post this here) (already read the wiki). Thanks in advance

chrome - F12 - applications - cookies - - POESESSID
nykep escreveu:
DrMedikk escreveu:
Hello! I got a problem, when I press F12 and get the dev tools popup, go to sources then I cant find the PHPSESSID anywere. (Don't know if I should post this here) (already read the wiki). Thanks in advance

chrome - F12 - applications - cookies - - POESESSID

No, that's not working for me.

Edit: installed firefox and did it, thanks.
Última edição por DrMedikk em 23 de out de 2016 14:42:51
HI I would like to hopefully get this to you as I have tried making myself aware on Github for support but as such have not received any confirmation that this is being looked at. Here is the link to the support.

As you can see I am not the only person who is having the same problem.

FYI I only use Procurement to compare Unique equipment from various leagues as this is a lot quicker that switching leagues in game. ut alas i cannot do this anymore.

Please help us, I am fully aware that there is a paid way to sell and a competitor program, but both of these are not a viable option for me.

It would be a shame to see this program die...

Regards & Thanking you in advance Gleb/Aka Alorg
Thank you for your wonderful program.
Will update? Procurement doesn't see a few fragments of maps.

Offering to the Goddess
Volkuur's Key
Eber's Key
Yriel's Key
Inya's Key
Última edição por saradeus em 16 de nov de 2016 18:47:44
Hello Sir,

I have problems finding the items that I am selling in POE trade.

Whenever I am online in POE and in the forums and my procurement program is logged on, i tried to search for the similar item that I am selling but the items only appear in POE trade under "offline" sellers .

The issue is that I am online, yet POE trade search results shows that I am an offline seller which makes it difficult for buyers to locate my items unless they specify the search filter group > MISC > online only > OFF. But, who will do that?

I have already configured the procurement settings and trade settings with my personal URL from poexyzis and thread ID and name but the problem still persists.

Could you help me on this ?

In my case "online status" work most of times , but not everytime . I using second program only for online status "Acquisition" .
I think the developer of this program gave up..

Online status not working, divination cards not getting recognized and other bugs...
Última edição por emulatin em 20 de nov de 2016 09:00:36
so far the past several updates i have been trying to find some way to import my buyouts to a newer version, but have not been successful. I have found several things through google which say to copy over your buyouts, forum template, settings and common folder. When i do this, it imports my account information, thread numbers, etc, but does not change over any buyouts as far as i can tell. It is a severe pain in the ass to reprice 20+ pages worth of stuff every time it upgrades. Is there something i am doing wrong? the text file for the buyouts seems to have all the information in it it is just not actually applying it in the program
Ill start by thanking you for one that to me is a mandatory program to play poe.
I would like to ask if this works with the new tabs. the quadruple ones?

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