PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Although this fix by "caliark" was a bit sketchy, as I cannot see what is the content of this .dll file, I have to admit that it does work and I am now able to log in on the first try without any errors, so thank you for that. Hopefully we will get an official update from StickyMadness somewhere in the near future so that there is no need to find fixes ourselves.
Última edição por Bashmaistora em 27 de abr de 2020 14:29:43
Although this fix by "caliark" was a bit sketchy, as I cannot see what is the content of this .dll file, I have to admit that it does work and I am now able to log in on the first try without any errors, so thank you for that. Hopefully we will get an official update from StickyMadness somewhere in the near future so that there is no need to find fixes ourselves.

I understand why it may seem sketchy. However, when you hover over the CloudflareSolverRe.dll in the official Procurement release you will see under the "Company" tag "Company: Zaczero, RyuzakiH" ...

I searched for the Github for CloudflareSolverRe, and found the official Github page with RyuzakiH, and the page with Ngosang (CloudflareSolverReNgosang) who posted the fix on RyuzakiH's GitHub.

Interestingly, a Nuget package is just a compiled version of a source archive... And that makes it convenient, considering not everyone knows how to compile DLLs here.

The source of the DLL happens to be at this Github page If you were hoping to look inside the DLL -- well, there it is.
Today receiving the "One or more errors occured" message agein and pressin login button many times doesn't seem to help.
Would like to get some support.
FadingDuch escreveu:
Today receiving the "One or more errors occured" message agein and pressin login button many times doesn't seem to help.
Would like to get some support.

I'm getting the same. Perhaps this is better left to the author of Procurement.
Same here, hopefully it'll be solved soon.
"[Error] Cloud flare clearance failed, please wait one minute and try again"
Any soution for that problem?
roqi001 escreveu:
"[Error] Cloud flare clearance failed, please wait one minute and try again"
Any soution for that problem?

I've had this one couple of weeks ago. Getting new CloudFlare library or whatever helped that time.
changed the cloudflare dll
receiving the "One or more errors occured" message
Última edição por The_Almand em 19 de mai de 2020 12:53:27
anyone have any luck logging in?

Getting this every time

[23-05-2020 18:24] Failed to build HTTP request and get response for: method=GET, url='', allowAutoRedirects=, requestData='': The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.
[23-05-2020 18:24] System.Exception: Cloud flare clearance failed, please wait one minute and try again ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> CloudflareSolverRe.Exceptions.CloudflareClearanceException: Clearance failed after 3 attempt(s).
at CloudflareSolverRe.ClearanceHandler.<SendAsync>d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.CloudFlareSessionIdLogin()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.CloudFlareSessionIdLogin()
at POEApi.Transport.HttpTransport.Authenticate(String email, SecureString password)
at POEApi.Model.POEModel.Authenticate(String email, SecureString password, Boolean offline, String realm)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<Login>b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
Última edição por cryofix em 23 de mai de 2020 19:15:09

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