PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Stickymaddness escreveu:
iSammyJ escreveu:
Could someone please explain to me how to change/set currency ratios, i dont understand and everything i have tried seems to not work right

Currency ratios is going to be rewritten in 1.3.0, atm it needs a bit of work.

alright Ty

Stickymaddness escreveu:

mustafa2812 escreveu:
Im having a problem where all my items are being double posted when I generate the forum code. I tried erasing the whole thing and rechecking the boxes that I wanted a few times but each time the items were double posted. Anyone else having this problem?

A few people have reported this, I still need to look into it. Does restarting Procurement fix the issue at all?

i have had this issue, it seems to happen when you edit the forumlayout.txt then try to use it, restarting procurement fixes it

edit, seems to happen whenever you edit anything, (like repricing an item, or refreshing stash tabs) AFTER you have already gone to trading and clicked on the tabs to display.

(example, i tick stashe 3/4 for trading, forget to put an item in bank, refresh tabs, go back to trading, try to retick to get it to display the newly added item and itll cause duplicates)

hopefully thats clear enough
Última edição por iSammyJ em 14 de mar de 2014 12:10:27
I found my first 6L item ever last night. It's a white lvl49 EV armor. I was planning to sell it so that I can get a good 5L ES armor for my current char. Problem I'm having is that I can't seem to get Procurement to add it to the store text. I put it in a tab with other stuff I'm selling, and it won't show up in generated store text, but all the other stuff does. So I put it in a tab all by itself, and then just select that tab in the Trading interface, and it still doesn't get added. What the heck am I missing? Does it filter out white items or something?

Thanks for the reply about the refreshing tabs, I actually didn't realise that you could RClick a tab and refresh it like that, do you think you'd be able to implement a refresh all button somewhere in the future?

Also, I was wondering, would it be possible to have the "Recipes" tab have an option to exclude rares/uniques from recipes like the 40%q for orb recipes, as a feature in some future update?
Oh and maybe the ability to set filters for what it excludes (since personally I don't want to sell my hammers for WS because of the chisel recipe)

Obviously there are more important updates that should take priority, like fixing issues for people with Vaal gem bugs, and the NET4.5 thing (though personally I don;t see why anyone wouldn't want to update to Win7 IT'S SO MUCH BETTER YOU CRAZY PEOPLE). You're doing a great job on this program and I love you for it :D


So, procurement has decided to double-list all my items and i can't get it to work properly. Any idea on WTF is wrong?
I keep getting crashes as well as the double postings

Application Version: Procurement 1.2.1CurrentCulture: en-US
CurrentUICulture: en-US
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at POEApi.Model.Settings.Save()
at Procurement.ViewModel.SettingsViewModel.set_CurrentLeague(String value)
at Procurement.ViewModel.SettingsViewModel..ctor(SettingsView view)
at Procurement.View.SettingsView..ctor()
at Procurement.ViewModel.ScreenController.<initScreens>b__0()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)Application Version: Procurement 1.2.1CurrentCulture: en-US
CurrentUICulture: en-US
Ok, I manually added the white 6L item to my Ambush Trading shop. Now I have a new problem. It shows up in listing with the name of my character in Standard. Why is that? I really don't understand how this is supposed to work. The shop has my Ambush character's name as my IGN. Not sure how figures out what name to use in the listing.
Última edição por BaggerX em 15 de mar de 2014 14:45:38
Última edição por BaggerX em 15 de mar de 2014 14:45:17
I have tried several different things from the forums and the issues section. I have followed all setup and get started videos. Nothing worked and only further created new errors. The main error is the one I have posted below. If I set the settings.xml file to only bring up the league I play in it comes back with 'No characters found' error.

I have deleted all other characters from Nemesis that were placed in Hardcore.
I have identified all items in inventory and stash that were unidentified on every character.
All my current characters are on Invasion League.
I am running Windows 8.1 Pro.


System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Procurement.ApplicationState.SetDefaults()
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<Login>b__1()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
BaggerX escreveu:
Ok, I manually added the white 6L item to my Ambush Trading shop. Now I have a new problem. It shows up in listing with the name of my character in Standard. Why is that? I really don't understand how this is supposed to work. The shop has my Ambush character's name as my IGN. Not sure how figures out what name to use in the listing.

Firstly, that's a issue not a procurement one.

Secondly, it doesn't matter which char it lists as long as you still have the char on your account, adding one adds all and same for PMs in game.

Thirdly, I'm not sure but I think it goes from the char shown on your account page (which I think is the highest level char you have) I noticed the same thing with and thats the only logical solution I could come up with.

Personally I changed the Procurement settings for the template to list one of my old Standard chars because it's the shortest/easiest for people to type out in order to PM/add me in game.


I think I found a bug with the recipes.
It shows me a recipe for a Blacksmith´s Whetstone. If I understand it correctly, to get a Whetstone you must have 4 Weapons with a Quality of 40% or more and not a mix of Weapon and Armour. And that Buckler looks like Armour to me :-)

Here´s what procurements shows me:

And this is the item in question.

I run procurement 1.2.1 on Windows 8.1 if that matters.

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