[2.6] Life Elemental Lacerate/BladeFlurry Inquisitor, Great clear/Damage (Guardian/Shaper viable)

Schleimkeim90 escreveu:

Ok thats looks perfect for my mana problem .

Edit: Now lv 75

really simple fix to the mana issue is a mana on hit jewel with some other useful mods. Even with just 1 mana on hit I never go low.
Hi I am loving this build currently 84 running this build poeurl.com/N6T

I am about to get Atziri's Acuity and plan on switching to this build poeurl.com/N6S

If anyone thinks there is a better build to use after the switch please let me know as i wont be able to get the brass dome for a while to make to switch to full armour build.

Última edição por Hawklight1#6578 em 8 de out de 2016 07:17:13
Does having Assassin mark, COH, HOI socketed in the doryani's catalyst make that much of a difference with elemental proliberation? It adds a 10 percent mana reservation for hoi and unless it really helps I will move them
Hey what do you think would be the strongest variant of the build ?

life- Evasion/dodge based
life - armour based (brass dome)
or a CI variant ?

in terms of doing uber lab, guardians, uber atziri?

currently doing evasion based one, with dodge, feels good with 5.2k life, but i am feeling to squishy when doing guardians for example. And scared of beeing 1shot from uber izaro, he never hits me but still...

Iam asking because i think about to switch to dome brass/armour build, but not sure if CI would be stronger. immune to chaos, and a lot of ES (8k maybe?) and not beeing 1 shot sometimes.

what do you think?
[discontinued] Dyadus Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1886525
[discontinued] Flame Surge Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1892524
Life is ethical
Life is Life.
Life is nonMETA.
cr4ck4r escreveu:
Hey what do you think would be the strongest variant of the build ?

life- Evasion/dodge based
life - armour based (brass dome)
or a CI variant ?

in terms of doing uber lab, guardians, uber atziri?

currently doing evasion based one, with dodge, feels good with 5.2k life, but i am feeling to squishy when doing guardians for example. And scared of beeing 1shot from uber izaro, he never hits me but still...

Iam asking because i think about to switch to dome brass/armour build, but not sure if CI would be stronger. immune to chaos, and a lot of ES (8k maybe?) and not beeing 1 shot sometimes.

what do you think?

I'm not sure which version would be best, someone said earlier in the post that they feel CI is the best way to go, but i never tried it.

If you wanna do guardians & uber lab & just the hardest content, i'd say armour version. evasion is probably better for general mapping, might even be better for uber atziri if you wanna do that, with phase acro and maybe arrow dancer, those persky spears 2 shot you in the armour version.
I am preparing to make the switch to the armour version however i currently have intellect on my chest to make the 155 int req, i have taken a look at Redbananaz profile/gear and spec before he stopped playing and cant work out how he reaches the int req with just 66 on gloves and 24 on neck.

Could someone explain what i am missing as it looks like he would be around 145-150 int with those items.

Hi, have two questions. How generate endurance charges to make immortal call works? And if i go armor version, u think brass dome is worth option? Thanks!
Wylajtowany escreveu:
Hi, have two questions. How generate endurance charges to make immortal call works? And if i go armor version, u think brass dome is worth option? Thanks!

We don't get endurance charges, but CWDT immortal call is still worthwhile since you still get half a second or so of immunity, good for "oh shit" moments.

I use brass dome in my armour version, so yeah, it's worth it.
I just get one shot as evasion, my hp is also only 4500. I've picked up all the hp nodes I can I think, don't know what to do to get more survivability

I have been playing this build for about 2 weeks now, and I have to say it is preety awesome. Currently sitting at lvl 92 I am wondering on what else could I change gear/passive tree related. This is what I'm working with :

Passive tree : http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUxBQU1GQVFBQWVBQUdBZHdFc3dVdEJpQUdvZ2l4QzJFTmpSUWdGSFVWOWhmY0diUWFPQm8tSTlNajlpVDlKeThwTGk1VE1Id3lpVFdTTjlRNjJEcmhQQVU4TFQzOFBfeERNVWQtU24xS21Fel9UWkpONDA0cVVVZFctbGZpV0dOYnIxOF9ZbmxsVFdqeWFwTnZKMjg3Y3FsMG9IVHRkOWQzNDNmbGVBMTVhSHk0Znl1Q200TmZnOHlFMllkMmk0eU16NDE5ajJDUVZaSjlsRnlZYjVwcW45LWlBS1pYcVc2dmJMWHl0ejY5TnI2bndCckFac0VFeFBiR3JzeG0wMl9ZdmRyQjNDUGhjLU9mNWNfblZPaG03U0R0UC04TzczendIX0pGOWtqM012bmRfZ3Ital9fZUFwWU1VcEp1bkh1b3VieFcwbnp0WVE9PQAIQUFBQUFRQUEAAA==

In hideout I'm sitting at 15k armor, with 6077 hp. I still get the ocasional instant death for some reason, most of the times I just cant explain the reason why that happened(not reflect for sure).

Any advice is appreciated.

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