[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!
" You were told numerous times about the importance of the helm and boot enchant yet you buy a headhunter? Still wrong boot enchant? Still no +2 barrage enchant? You also do not link flasks, correct vinktar type? Have you thought maybe.. hey if I am running out of vinktar's I should try an overflowing chalice? A secondary vinktar's instead of quicksilver for this harder prolonged boss fights? Maybe dropping some damage going into ES? Maybe buy a correct crystal belt with flask mod rolls on it since you're having an issue with vinktar's up time? Profile is private (shocking), I have a sneaking suspicion we can min max your tree/jewels/flasks some. It's odd that players with worse gear than you are downing shaper, uber atziri, guardians and all content in the game live on twitch mind you without an issue. Yet you're dying consistently. Could there be player skill factored into the equation at this point? Última edição por Solishaw#0089 em 9 de fev de 2017 19:02:05
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I'm not sure that I will stick with this build (i'm not sure how much longer I'll enjoy how it plays), but it is very strong and has been a lot of fun to play. I just downed uber atziri.
Gear used:
It's not very optimal gear; I mostly just threw together what I had to make it, and I don't feel like chroming my items too much >_>;. Última edição por samthedigital#3248 em 10 de fev de 2017 00:15:31
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probably über atziri is the easiest "big boss", just pick x2 vinktars, use tornado shot vs trio; and make sure that you have decent dps. über atziri is just a DPS check / gear check; she is the reason why mirror service business grew so big also.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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how would this gemsetup work with the build ? Curse on hit - Elemental Weakness - Herald of ash ?
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Hi,thanks for awesome build, can easy faceroll all content but sometime have trouble with QoL cos my es only 8.7k and can't understand where i lost so much dmg, my dips on barrage just with auras and golem 67k any big upgrage?
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" Considering that you said that this build can do uber everything even without +2 barrage enchant, with 5L items and with worse gear, it is in my rights to expect that you don't need those enchants considering aswell that: 1) I did 15 uber labs with the twice enchanted prophecy for the barrage enchat = no success. 2) No "life and mana leech" enchant on boots = no no-regeneration maps. Second, flasks are the correct one you wanted: + on switch with taste of hate. Also, I didn't buy HH, I had it already. " That means I have to spend around 3 ex more for vinktar and 15 ex for the belt? Dropping damage going for ES? feel free to suggest what you would change in my tree since there are maximum 2-3 nodes that gives ES and that I didn't pick yet. There you have my profile unlocked. " Yes it is odd indeed, I'm quite a skeptic person I don't believe until I see so if this someone can show up with a live stream, I'm ready to say "hey I was wrong". Última edição por Arazosa#0290 em 10 de fev de 2017 12:25:17
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" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAqeXmct0qE&t=31s 388 pdps bow, less invested than yours and in a temp league. you don't have mana leech in your tree? you path to void barrier, you should instead path up to coordination, remove void barrier, pick up the jewel socket near melding and put 'energy from within' in it to make up for the ES lost, and pick up some jewel sockets else where around the tree, drop the power charge on the far right as well. theres still problems with your gear that needs to be addressed (rings/neck) people are killing shaper with this build and 36-40k dps on barrage on hideout with just auras and golem, and NO skyforth. I personally killed it the first time with 36k dps at level 89, and the video i linked was with 60k-ish dps and you can see it handles shaper easily. I hope this helps, but you really shouldn't be blaming the build.. many people are playing it with far less, and enjoying it. |
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Also I think I see you took a node at the witch tree start "Energy shield and mana regeneration". Dump that node and use the point somewhere else that point there is useless.
Also and I only looked quick your attack accuracy looks somewhat low. I would recommend trying to get 2600ish - 2800ish which works well - with 3300+ seeming godly yet not needed yet I still am trying to test it out on guardians. You could have got some nice mods on a different belt. Headhunters is real nice yet it is not needed at all and without real high end gears IMO it is not worth the loss in stats you can get on other belts to help this build out overall. That is just IMO though. I know I have said this somewhere way back yet attack speed is a real real real good thing!!! Take that point you get back and spec the other way up to coordination like noted above. Take one of the nodes off Evasion/ES and use that for the mana leech node, etc. Also a final thought. If you are having some issues with overall smoothness try out TS over LA. I know a lot of people like LA and it is nice, so is IS, yet for the content you may be doing it may be smoother to have two forms of boss damage vs just the one. It is just a thought. Just with the 2 points in nodes I noted you can get the mana leech node and spec straight up and take coordination (3 nodes) use one of the saved nodes and take the Evasion/ES node off and correct the route you took to the right and up and just go up etc. As noted above the 3 points to get infused is not worth it IMO even with the reach bow. That also is 3 nodes to use in a better place as noted above. Spec down from melding and take the jewel slot. Última edição por NewbieDOTcom#6239 em 10 de fev de 2017 13:42:17
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" Wait wait wait The other guy is telling me to drop DPS for es, and you are telling me to drop ES for attack speed (aka dps). Those 4 nodes in the void barrier circle give me around 400-500 es which is a lot, also I have already an energy from within in the tree. Respeccing the last power charge on far right = 3 points more and I'm taking coordination from the bottom. Mana leech node needs 2 passives, respeccing the start of witch passive is one point, where do I get the other? Edit: I took out only one point in the void barrier circle + witch passive start, is it good like that? Última edição por Arazosa#0290 em 10 de fev de 2017 14:29:42
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" removing void barrier, will give you 6 points, losing 20% ES, then use 2 of those points to grab the jewel slot near melding, if you get a 6% energy froom within for it, thatll give you 21% ES.... and 4 extra points. you are using an energy from within where it gets no benefit, should put a DPS jewel up the top and use that energy from within near the melding :) if you still think you need ES you can use those 4 points to get foresight, which is an additional 20% ES. if you want to use the points for DPS you can go for 2x jewel sockets. one near vaal pact and one near heartseeker. on jewels you can get phys damage with bows, attack damage with bows and more AS or another damage stat, or you can go all out and get 4 stat DPS jewels which will increase your dps A LOT for the mana leech i dont mean the big one, only the small node thats 4% mana and 4% life. sorry if i was unclear before, i hope this is more thorough :) for the record i have 8.9k ES which i feel is plenty for all end game content, but its up to you if you want more :) poeurl.com/2G3 <--- use this tree and put your energy from within near Melding, to the left of shadow area, that will get you more dps, more ES and just overall better quality of life :) Última edição por lolheretic#6491 em 10 de fev de 2017 15:25:05
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