[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!
" I have never said the build cannot do Shaper or Guardians. I guess the numbers I posted on page 154 pretty much speak for themselves, and are accompanied by many people posting here 'Hey how do you get so much DPS/ES/Hitchance etc'. " First off, the ring is probably the best ring you can get for the build. Second, two mentionings on 156 pages doesnt exactly count as spam. Third, if I was so desperate for mirroring I would have made a huge thread with promo. My thread has like 5 posts and bumps in 3 months. " First off, there is no personal crusade, I simply think the guy is disgusting. If you disagree about the personal qualities about this individual, I see no basis for a further discussion anyways. In case you are unsure what I mean, check my signature. Concerning your acquaintance, we have a saying in German: "If you deal with shit don't wonder if you stink". It's out of my imagination how a decent player and streamer can see no problem in being in a guild with someone like that. It makes you look shady, too. If you dont agree, thats your opinion, all good. " As I said above, I dont disagree the build can do Shaper. However you're guide is misleading people into thinking they can run this build with shit gear, there are many posts by peopel who are wondering why their char totally sucks. That's simply not fair towards those players. And there is no way you can tell me a build with 1 million DPS does Shaper as fast as one with 4 million DPS, for example. It's possible to do it but definitely not in the same time. " Many people are playing this build in Standard, and I said I am talking about Standard values in the gear costs. You also linked legacy stuff in your example gear so please dont tell me it was league only stuff. " Leaving the impression I was manipulating those numbers I posted was plain assholish, and shit talking my intentions too. No hard feelings about that. " The future will show... a hint from my side: Maybe try to clarify this is not a build you can do with random gear like 99% of the casual players have. Also you already admitted that not mentioning accuracy on gear was a problem. The issue I have with your guide is that you don't make it clear to people that you need really good gear in every slot to make it all work: Enough ES, enough damage, enough resists, enough accuracy. And thats why there are so many questions and complaints, people don't see this at a first glance. Again, as I said, if you have some decent gear this can be a really fun and powerful build. I even play it AND like it, although you say I am biased. I hope this ends the bitchfight for now. If there is anything you want to talk about feel free to PM me. Take care J IGN: @JanusHuntress Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj Última edição por Janus171#4754 em 22 de fev de 2017 03:57:51
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sarang and janus,
why don't you make your own build and be busy with it? seriously, why do you free bump this thread all day? 1- have anyone said this build is good for starters or budget friendly? no, blast and i say from the start the opposite and i'm trying to do everything to discourage starters to play this build. so why is janus here? to ad an opal ring without accuracy? ok good luck with that. but the more you ad that ring while giving the argument that this build requires a lot of accuracy, the more it makes you look... "confused." also thanks for dps testing with different gear, really appreciated. Sarang? what do you do here? I dont know man, it is really low that you try to pick one instance of what i said and try to generalize it as if i know no shit about the game. It is funny that, i have shit loads of knowledge about broken stuff of bow builds, i just shared 2 of them with my friends, one resulted Signalshot(i was using life version and if i had written my own guide, it wouldnt be as impactful(even half) as blast did for sure! - making the build for CI and how he represented the build by his streaming is awesome), the other one resulted the hall of grandmasters char Danzig. and 2 weeks later FW + LA got fixed. Mathil claimed he found out the mechanic by himself(while whole pvp scene have been aware of it since 3 years - but its true power has never discovered fully) It is funny that you try to tag me with some self claims about what i lack, and what i am. Oh i read your guide too, ahhh, i dont know man... i havent read such uninspiring build since long time. sorry to say that. (the guy who i adviced to delete leech nodes was lacking dps, and since i never run out of vinktars(even non leg and even with white harbinger - i dont know how people run out of vinktar charges while map clearing!) i think those who lack dps big time should be focusing on having flask duration on belt + collecting dps while ignoring leech nodes in tree this is what i adviced to him and that is still a great idea i think.) this whole knowledge of broken shit is not because i'm a strategical genius, because i enjoy pvp even though its broken and the only thing we do there is to exploit the skills which has "programming" imperfections like LA, ice shot, molten shell etc. I just have decent bow gear. I make things happen even though thye look impossible. Then we start optimizing it for pve. in short, the guys i brainstorm with are really amazing. the other funny part is, in guildchat we talk about a lot of build ideas yet we launched only one guide for one, cause because of toxic people writing guides became a really hard thing to do. this makes me really sad. you wouldnt belive how many OP builds havent even revealed yet. i'm really looking forward to see you make one of them viable. good luck. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Última edição por Rupenus#5905 em 22 de fev de 2017 04:48:47
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Come on everyone. All this back and forth is not helping those trying to work on the build. Players can PM players with arguments, etc.
Cheers to all of you yet you are filling the thread with unneeded content :P |
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Is this a pvp thread cuz the comment section look alot like 1.
Thx for the entertainment so far 10/10 A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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" I run leech nodes for a simple reason - I am lvling to 100 with this chr and at lvl 99 1 death takes weeks to get back and I run virtually every map mod except elemental reflect and a couple of others if they still are present like Blood magic, etc. I have found that this game gets some real huge latency spikes occasionally and I would rather drop 6 nodes for leech nodes in general then dying for some reasons that may not be my fault or when I click all 4 keyboard keys and one finger just does not want to click they key. Unless I am wrong macro setups to tie multiple keys together are illegal yet I have never even thought about that part. Other then that that is my reason yet my character can lose some damage and not be bothered. |
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On a side note -> what is the ideal crit chance number with charges up to cap at 95% with a diamond flask. Does anyone know. I never fully understood this mechanic and the checking.
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" Worth noting the crit chance in game is flat out wrong because it does not calculate for crit twice due to accuracy. path of building correct calculates this and this is why your crit is lower in the tool. Your true crit in game is actually crit chance X accuracy . IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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HaHa thanks Guys. I am at 79.8 percent with charges and if that graph is a little off roughly what number does hit close to the 95% cap.
79.75% with 3300 accuracy with charges up - where does that leave me? Última edição por NewbieDOTcom#6239 em 22 de fev de 2017 17:49:07
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quick question, any opinions on assassin for this build? I'm thinking of going that + reach, assassin would solve that crit problem, wouldn't need skyforths either. U do lose quite some stuff on the other hand, that's why I'm asking. :P |
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" barrage deals more than 1 attack per click. you cant get benefited from 50% more crit chance thingy of assasin while using barrage. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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