[2.5] Dela's Beastmode CI Regen Inquisitor ALL CONTENT
Great build! (I'm sorry for my poor English so that please don't mind - -! )
but i have a question about EE: orginal vortex hit is fire type; ignite is fire type; vortex dot is cold type; How could them work on EE? For mapping,we offten use vortex directly without orb of storm,so the vortex hit first,the ignite might make less damage,am i right? Maybe you can use orb of storm first,but for BOSS we can't kill them by oneshot,right? For Boss,we use vortex one by one,and then how the EE work? Última edição por happylowe329#3447 em 21 de fev de 2017 01:37:17
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Id like to get in on the action and just say this build is fucking amazing!
To everyone that keeps talking about Uber Atziri, I must have to say I dont understand why you would choose this build for that, since the strength of this build is to 1 ones with a big ignite and move on. It can prolly be done with OPs gear, but there are alot of other build that have WAY easier time on things like Uber Atziri. For Phoenix we encounter the same problem with Ignite. But that makes it 2 bosses that is a little tough. That you might aswell just skip or get better at, since there is no reason to do Uber Atziri in the first place really. And if that is what you want, like I said there are other better build for that (Aka. psn etc :p). I Havent tried very late game like alot of you, but I am now setting on 9.5k ES and I cannot really die. I find this amazing, since I suck at playing and on top of that, I play on a potato :D It is by far the strongest build I have ever tried. With the one weakness that things that cannot be ignited die a little slower. And it also seem that some of you forget that the idea of this build is that we want as high regen as possible, that is why we go Inq, and on top of that it boosts out ignites alot on Conc ground! :) Hope this clarifies some things. I might have forgotten alot of thing, I kinda forgot why I started writing this lol. Peace out! Ill try to help if anyone need help :D Edit: Also to answer happylowe329. The way I find EE works, is that you drop ORB which gives -fire/cold, and then you ignite with your vortex, is that makes it -light, but then your ORB will hit another time within secs and this makes it -fire again, from light AND the cold dot. So even if you spam vortex more or less it shouldn't be a problem to max dps on bosses. I usually move a little anyway to not facetank everything I dont need to, and by then I will get another STRONG ignite. Larger bosses I dont 1 hit. Im only on a 5L which makes we weaker obviously. But until tier 10/11 I kill most bosses within seconds I believe. Uber LAB takes some time, but that get easier with a 6L and more jewels + gem lvls. I did my first full key Uber lab as lvl 72 actually on a 5L. I also always use Orb on pack when mapping, before I vortex. Since we charge into them we have 30% cast speed, so its no problem to drop an orb first, and then obliterate them with a vortex ignite afterwards, which is boosted by EE. Also don't forget to switch to ConC on bosses, its helps alot. A fun fact, with no real relation to anything, just a fun thing. On Catarina missions. When you have to rerive monsters, kill them and then revive them again. Since we kill them with an ignite, dont revive them right away because the ignite actually remains on the monsters even after they die, so eventhough theyre freindly on revive they can still die from the first ignite, lol :D Just wanted to share this :p Última edição por Leeown#6438 em 21 de fev de 2017 09:30:18
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I agree this build is fantastic and has only two flaws uber atziri and phoenix, but you can still kill phoenix it will just take more time and you can switch to scorching ray 21 for a little bit faster kill.
Uber atziri isnt worth farming imo and as mentioned above you can farm her with other build much easier. Thanks for the build and it's surelly one of the strongest i tried. |
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" I've completed it once. I died twice. I know Atziri fight pretty well, and it requires a lot of dodging since she hits super hard... being ignite immune doesn't help the clear time. She is kill-able, but there are better farming builds for her. I can post a video if I get another set. " It will be 4% from ground, 4% from pious path, and 3.2% from Beast Fur Shawl (40%) totaling 11.2% regen " Pathing out of Maurader start would be annoying, and less dps overall. That said, You'd likely be quite tanky. I think it would work, I just prefer Inquis. " Elementalist is more damage, that's for sure. Inquis is WAY more quality of life (status immunity) and defense (WAY more regen). " Ignite immune enemies are a weakness of the build. Swap chance to ignite for Elemental Focus gem if you decide to attempt them. Scorching ray can be a decent swap for your main link as well. Phoenix isnt too tough if you know the fight, it just takes awhile. Uber Atziri on the other hand is a mechanical fight and is also a gear/dps check. There are better builds for uber, especially for farming it, but it is do-able. " Here is a breakdown of EE. If you are clearing white packs/trash your first vortex hit will do fire damage, and hopefully ignite. The cold dot from vortex will now benefit from lowered cold resist. It is true that the ignite will do a bit less damage, but for trash it is a non issue. For anything harder than trash, throw down an Orb of Storms. It lasts 10 seconds, "procs" and chains very often (usually as fast or faster than you can cast) and you'll virtually always have the EE debuff benefiting you. Alot of bosses will be, throw down orb, pop a flask or two, cast a few vortex and let the ignites/dots go while you kite or dodge his moves. If you don't like the playstyle of EE feel free to drop it- but EE does provide a huge DPS boost for bosses/tough rares. " @Leeown and @TheRahr thanks for sharing guys and providing feedback! Spot on! Glad the build is working for you. |
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u can get enchants consecrated ground on gloves + go witch and u have more dmg
also why no CWC? sorry for reapeting myself but yeah i am really curious and i like the build idea |
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the consecrated ground is half as strong on witch, and you don't get status immunity from standing on it.
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" " Thanks a lot~ Cold DOT maybe do lowest damage - -! i have checked wiki about EE and get two points: 1:Multiple EE strikes will overwrite each other. The effect lasts 5 seconds or until being overwritten. 2:Only a hit that deals damage is required to apply these resistance modifiers. DOT cannot trigger EE~ (Luckily ORB is not DOT damage) Only for BOSS combats,we often use vortex one by one without ORB,and there is only fire damage - -! What a pity! We should keep ORB working to refresh EE(-fire/cold) and our vortexs could do amazing damage~ For mapping(T11+),i think i will get one light-damage on gears for Shield Charge to trigger EE and then cast a vortex~ Year,what about CWC? Scorching Ray(1 level)+CWC+vortex+chance ignite(Elemental Focus,Avoid Status Ailments map)+aoe+fire pen No mana problem;3 vortex/sec;10% more damage; Última edição por happylowe329#3447 em 21 de fev de 2017 20:55:54
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Noob question here, will Vitality give an increase in ES regeneration? Is it worth it if it can be found as an enchant on items?
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@Happylowe329: I have no problem keeping up EE on bosses. I might not understand what it is that you are seeing as a problem though :p For trash pack, your idea with +light dmg on charge is fine if you dont want to cast an orb. You can always tweak for your play style! :D Orb isn't only for EE though, it does also provide a curse, not that it is needed tough for trash and neither is EE really, most packs can be 1shot even without anything, just charge and boom. I just like the playstyle of casting orb first and blast. EE and orb-decurse is mainly for tough rare/blues and bosses ofc. Atleast that is my experience. If you have a 6L this will be even easier.
" About CWC, I my self must say I cannot see the appeal. I think it would be harder to keep EE effective and on top of that I do believe it would slow down mapping because you would have to stand around doing nothing. Generally I also think it would make the gameplay clunky and make it harder to survive and dodge, but if you prefer CWC, Im sure you can make it work. Also, we have no mana problem. I run without Clarity. OP stated that he just use it because he likes it. I have no mana issues without it. And to answer the Elementalist question. I actually did the calculations on path of building. And I used the same tree but with elementalist ascendacy instead. And according to this Elementalist isnt more dmg even. It has less survivability also. Fully buffed I do 276k ignite on a 5L as InQ and with the elementalist, same gear and fully buffed, even with Pendulum of Destruction, it is still less dmg than the InQ. In my gear and the same 5L I would do 246k ignite. I might have done it wrong, if so please let me know. But as far as I can see, I do not see any benefit from going Elementalist over InQ. About Vitality it isnt worth it, it would require more mana reserve notes and even at max the buff would be very small. Vitality is atm a really bad aura unfortunately :( With my setup and ON Conc ground it is only around 210 more regen, so its not worth it to have to sacrifice alot of dmg notes or something else to get mana reserve notes. Última edição por Leeown#6438 em 22 de fev de 2017 08:47:42
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I use Temp Chains and my ES regen is 1235 and my tooltip is 21k.
I drop Temp Chains and use Vitality and my ES regen is 1370, tooltip no change. Completely understand tooltip is a "bad" guide but the nice boost in ES regen cannot be ignored? Wonder what, if anything, i can use in my helm instead of temporal chains? i suspect nothing. |
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