[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

fabi06 escreveu:
which chests do you guys prefer?
like which one is the easiest to get with mag dmg colours ( 3r 2g 1b) ? cant decide :D

I recently 6L a Bronn's Lithe and I was running 2B3R1G on Tabula previously...so it's going to be hard to roll the right colours on this Bronn's Lithe of mine - as mentioned by Kira in the guide ><
Vakturion escreveu:
There's two way to have gems in the build a version with ignite and one without, which one does better against bosses?

For boss, pure damage is better.


AssassinPride escreveu:

What would you guys try to add on this? i can craft like armor% / armor+eva% / armor+es% / eva+es% / phys leech as life 0.2-0.4% / phys leech as mana 0.2-0.4% / armor / energy / eva (with master crafting tool)
And which glove should i use between those 2?

Armor gloves better for the build.


Kurnis escreveu:
Okay, noob reporting in again!

I was checking in Path of Building, and exchanging fire pen for added fire damage is pretty much ALWAYS a damage gain, except against shaper (in which case its even). This damage gain is true in both chest 6L for cyclone, and molten burst. So why use fire pen when added fire damage is just better?

I've already learned so much about mechanics in this thread, I would love for one of you poe gurus to help me out :D Thanks in advance!

On Shaper, Fire penetration does more damage. On regular mobs, Added Fire does more. But honestly, if Molten Burst does 200K damage on Shaper, and the mobs only has 100K life, you will still one shot them. :)


Hitoseijuro escreveu:

So I was running the numbers on POB and Impresence + Avatar + Anger + Watcher's Eye should beat out Xoph pretty hard on mapping mobs(50-100k difference) and on bosses it should be much closer, but the Anger/Impresence combo should win against Xoph(somewhere around 20k-ish), this is on Cyclone, for molten burst the gap is still there. Xoph gives 20% more fire damage when ashe is applied but Watcher's eye gains up to 40% of physical damage as extra fire damage, so that's pretty big.

Also a lot of Xoph's damage is in its Ashe since we can get the avatar of fire from the tree at minimal cost. If you're dodging a majority of hits from a boss, you're probably better off going with Anger/watcher set up.

The only thing that Xoph has going for it is that it can bring Vaal lightningtrap. Anger/Watcher's eye I believe will need enlighten support gem due to its hefty 50% mana reserve cost on top of ash's 35%. However, if you can make it work it could be an alternative cost to buying Xoph's(100-200 c vs 450+c).

You can drop Flammability in Xoph's Blood setup and pick Anger with Watcher's Eye. You will still do more damage on Shaper.

As for regular mapping, you really don't need more damage on white mobs. Doing 500K will one shot them. Doing 900K will also one shot them. But when the 900K does lesser damage on Shaper, I will definitely stick to the Shaper ready setup. :)


dSOTM89 escreveu:
Any suggestions on which new abyss jewel that would be best to use?

Check out the Abyss Jewels section. :)


mwmorais escreveu:
Haven't gone through all 300+ pages yet, but this may have already been answered.

Is there a reason we aren't using Hatred over HoA or Ancestral Protector over Warchief? Both give bigger numbers in PoB (although I'm not sure how the overkill burn works for HoA and how that gets factored in).

Also, I don't have Xoph's yet, but managed to get my Bronn's 6L w/ 3r2b1g. Is conc/inc aoe better than ele focus when mapping? Will I be shocking enemies and even if so, will it be worth it? Seems crazy to give up 50% MORE dmg from focus with how shock works now

For Warchief vs Protector, you can definitely go for Protector. Warchief was used because of its wider range and AOE.

Hatred consumes 50% mana reserve and the overkill damage from Herald of Ash helps to clear map faster so the choice is pretty simple over there.

When you don't have Xoph's Blood, you use Avatar of Fire skill tree and follow the same gems setup as Xoph's Blood. You can check out my Abyss SSF character iShallNotBeNamed. He currently has 5827 life at level 87 and running the build on a 4L Bronn.


B0rknagaR escreveu:
acuity build still works?

and how much crit chance (with elemental overloard) ill need to sustain the life leech from acuity?

Yes. Acuity setup still works. > 15% crit chance will provide good uptime but even without any investment in crit chance on your gears, you will still be able to proc Elemental Overload very often during boss fight.


CatBastet escreveu:
Which gems should I prioritize getting to 20q?

Check out the FAQ. :)


PaM3U escreveu:
Hello guys! I follow this sword cyclone build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V109InN8qW0 build in new league. I got only 31k dps in hideout. Can u give me some tips, please?
Right now i'm farming t11 primordial pool. Can go t13.

I believe you posted in the wrong thread as the build is very different.

However, I took a quick look at your character and the glaring thing that caught my eyes is that you don't have much life % nodes on your skill tree.

Even your gears are missing a lot of life rolls.


Azrilkai escreveu:

Did you take into consideration that the impresence can roll like this too?
Thing about impresence is also you can run enfeeble (safer) with windscream + take a essence worm for additional aura so add in hatred.

Anger hatred flammability enfeeble - impresence + windscream + essence worm
Xoph + titan greaves + opal ring (you could say na to essence worm even above)

That is hell of a sick Watcher's Eye!

Running with Xoph's Blood, it is perfectly okay to drop Flammability for Anger. You lose some mapping damage but you will still gain more damage on Shaper.

But yes, many options available out there now and I have to say, GGG overdid the new items. I expect a nerf bat hitting Watcher's Eye in future update.


Totalkobra escreveu:

from which level can we play with cyclone skill?????

It is mentioned in the guide. You can use it once you hit level 55 and able to wield Ngamahu. You can level the gem when you reach level 28.


JrFryta escreveu:
I just wanted to say that this build is amazing and just to share my idea for better dps: using lvl 21 anger with those

gives you probably most dps in a non-hexproof map. I got those corrupted in like 11th try (1 alch and vaal per try so it's really cheap)

Very nice gloves you have over there and yes. That is a very good setup for Xoph's Blood! I will be including your input into the guide. :D


fabi06 escreveu:
what gem setup should i ran with bronns lithe?
nice guide ! kepp it up <3

Check out the gems section for 5/6L chest. :)

For highest damage on Bronn, 3R2B1G provides the most damage.


ryukenden escreveu:
What gems do you recommend getting a quality version asap?

Check out FAQ.


CatBastet escreveu:

Hitoseijuro escreveu:

Molten Burst:

-Fire Penetration
-Concentrated Effect
-Weapon Elemental Damage
-Elemental Focus
These 4 all give the same % increase in damage to your molten Burst

-Physical Projectile Attack Damage
slightly less than the other 4(its minimal difference to be honest)

Cyclone Damage:
-Elemental Focus
-Weapon Elemental Damage
-Concentrated Effect(boss fights)

These 3 give the same % increase in damage to your cyclone

-Melee support damage
Slightly less than the other 3(also minimal difference)

Herald of Ashe:
Unlike the other gems which only affect their main gem, HoA actually affects both Molten Burst procs and Cyclone. This should probably be your first gem to upgrade unless someone can think of a better reason not to.

It was added into FAQ a few days back with a reference to that post. :)


Sily_ escreveu:
What mods should I be looking to get on Watcher's Eye?
Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Physical Damage as extra Fire Damage
Damage Penetrates % Fire Resistance

For a High budget version, what two mods work best together, as I see it can roll 2 of them.

The image posted by @Azrilkai is the best roll.


nanpuka escreveu:
looking for answer last 15 pages and cant find, say me pls why noone dont use vaal pact?

Vaal Pact is not used because... it is not required. :)

But if you feel your leech is lacking, you can always pick it up.


NVD escreveu:

Uh, also, how do people get used to using potions and skills. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, and I hit the wrong keys. Or sometimes I double tap potions and waste charges. This is especially an issue if I'm in a situation where I can die fast if I stop leaching for that split second.

The above is how I setup my skill and keys. Maybe that will help?


fabi06 escreveu:
1 Question,

whats kind of best for endgame : ignite build, life build - or max dmg.?
playing sc...

thanks for help!

You can go for pure damage.


Hitoseijuro escreveu:
Okay so I redid the numbers(was using a higher number value, oops), as far as I can see Anger/watcher's/Impresence is still doing the same damage as Xoph(just slightly less) but this isnt factoring the 10 to 15% damage penetration to fire res. Unfortunately I cant get that to work yet, Im assuming its a PoB thing that needs to be updated(tried to type it out as Xoph's description as well, nothing).

Unfortunately the prices are going up for watcher's eye so doubt it would be an alternative to Xoph. There are a few for 3-5 ex though but they don't have the penetration, that's half the price for Xoph for roughly the same damage, if you can snag one for that, might be worth. YMMV

However if someone with Exalts to burn is looking for something to play with. The build should average more damage against bosses for those who are veteran's at dodging and avoiding damage as you kind of need to get hit by a boss to proc Ash effect from Xoph. Either way the damage is even without considering the damage pen which could swing huge for The Watcher's eye.

POB requires an update but tweaking the numbers, Xoph's Blood + Watcher's Eye provides the most damage against Shaper but Impresence + Watcher's Eye is a great alternative.

And honestly, I don't know why GGG created so many power creep items in this 3.1 league cos the end game bosses were already killable. These new items will just make them trivial...


Anbokr escreveu:
I'm putting my cycloner on the side for a bit as I play around with a max block DW gladiator, but I suspect that gloves corruption (grats to the guy earlier) ele weakness + Anger + Watcher's Eye + Xoph's will probably yield the most damage.

You need to incorporate Xoph's, Anger, and Watcher's eye for maximum damage, so trading out blasphemy-flammability for level 10-12 ele weakness seems like the easiest "loss" to take rather than dropping Xoph's, dropping a monster ring for essence worm, or dropping lots of points + enchant into mana reservation.

Yes. Elemental Weakness corruption + Xoph's Blood + Anger + Watcher's Eye is a very good combo.

Do note that curses loses 80% effectiveness on bosses like Shaper so you can really drop Flammability and Elemental Weakness when fighting against him.


Vakturion escreveu:
Would it be worth using a brute force solution jewel to get the intelligence in order to run the Enhance - Elemental Weakness - Blood Rage - Blasphemy set up?

Would the elemental weakness enchantment be worthwhile if you're doing this setup?

What're the best boss killing enchantments? Would it be the Cyclone damage and the damage penetration?

You can if you so choose. But losing a jewel to Brute Force is huge damage lose.

I would say Elemental Weakness is a better setup for Elemental Overload skill tree.


fabi06 escreveu:
is there a way to run anger, flammability + herald of ash?

Various ways to do that, you can:

- use Cast When Damage Taken to apply Flammability curse and run Anger and Herald of Ash as aura.

- Use Anger in Essence Worm.


Emek escreveu:
decided to play this build again after enjoying it last season.

I see you've updated it for 3.1 and have the new neck\jewel up there. I was just wondering what you though of running the lich belt and using passive tree jewels for resists? honestly, my belt gives 75 hp and 6 fire\phys damage to attack rolls, it's INSANE damage, but if i use the belt then the neck\new jewel is out of the question i think b\c i wont have the resists. which one should i do you think?

The lich belt is good if you have insanely great Abyssal jewels.


fabi06 escreveu:
which chests do you guys prefer?
like which one is the easiest to get with mag dmg colours ( 3r 2g 1b) ? cant decide :D

Belly of the Beast is the easiest to get 3R 2G 1B but Bronn provide the most damage. Carcass Jack isn't hard to color too if you use Vorici.
Última edição por kira1414#3753 em 17 de dez de 2017 22:03:23
Why don't we use ancestral call for more molten strike balls?
essencevox escreveu:
Why don't we use ancestral call for more molten strike balls?

Molten Strike is a single target skill with AOE counter part (balls).

Molten Burst is the counter part and Ancestral Call does not work on it. Another reason it won't work is because Molten Burst is a triggered skill and not a self cast skill.
How will the slayer and leech nerf affects the build?
kira1414 escreveu:

Hatred consumes 50% mana reserve and the overkill damage from Herald of Ash helps to clear map faster so the choice is pretty simple over there.

Isn't the aoe aspect of HoA a burn which we can't apply due to having ele focus? Correct me if I'm wrong. Always been a little confused about HoA aoe
I haven't reach to end game with this build. however i have a question.

For the ascendacy point, why is Brutality Fervor > Impact nodes. The aoe increased node on Impact does improve the cyclone aoe right? a total of 30% increased to the nodes.

the 100% increase leech is a big different maker on a big boss fight?
kira1414 escreveu:
essencevox escreveu:
Why don't we use ancestral call for more molten strike balls?

Molten Strike is a single target skill with AOE counter part (balls).

Molten Burst is the counter part and Ancestral Call does not work on it. Another reason it won't work is because Molten Burst is a triggered skill and not a self cast skill.

have you by any chance seen molten strikers as main clear skill? you use molten strike with AC to target the ground before target and you create much more balls. https://youtu.be/oQeJoVHaqxY?t=2m49s just as Mathil explained for example that it might be a bug but it works for now.
Can volley support gem be used to support Molten Burst ? If yes has anyone tried and is it useful ?
kira1414 escreveu:

POB requires an update but tweaking the numbers, Xoph's Blood + Watcher's Eye provides the most damage against Shaper but Impresence + Watcher's Eye is a great alternative.

And honestly, I don't know why GGG created so many power creep items in this 3.1 league cos the end game bosses were already killable. These new items will just make them trivial...

Yea this was more along the lines to find an affordable alternative to using Xoph. Which Impresence + Watcher was til the Jewel sky rocketed(can probably snag one for 200c though) and as I said still does more or about the same damage as Xoph, of course this is just Xoph alone wasnt factoring in using watchers + Xoph as that is an expensive combo already and not what the evaluation was about.

Enthusiast build will definitely be something like Xoph + Watchers + Anger + elemental weakness Tombgloves.

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