[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

JOHNADAMS2007 escreveu:
I'm fairly new to the game. I ran your chieftain version of this build last season as my first character ever. I'm really enjoying the champion EO version right now. I killed my first solo red elder last night and it was deathless. I'm looking to move into farming uber elder. My POB dps is ~240k which seems really low for uber elder (unless I didn't set POB up correctly). I can't really afford GG opal rings or 4ex enchanted devoto's right now, but I'm currently saving up for those and a watcher's eye. Would you recommend RT slayer or EO champion for an uber elder farmer? I realize there are WAY better builds out there for that, but I REALLY enjoy this playstyle.

Also, does everything look good so far with my gear/gems links? It's fairly budget outside of Bronn/Xoph. I was fortunate enough to get some expensive div cards and a watcher's eye to fund the build so far.


Thanks for the build! Much appreciated!!!!

Gears you can upgrade:

- 3R2B1G on your Bronn will give you a lot more damage.

- Fossil crafted Stygian belt will further increase damage.

- Opal / Steel rings will help too.

- Taste of Hate instead of Basalt flask will serve you better.

- Writhing Jar is huge damage buff for Slayer. Especially during boss fight.

- Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets


Ming_the_Panda escreveu:
So I'm curious because I'm at the point where I can either get a six-link Starforge or a xoph's heart. Between this build and ahfak's crimson cyclone(starforge variant), which would scale harder with upper tier gear? I started out with this since Ngamahu's were only like 3 c, but now I've got a couple exalts to my name, so I'm wondering which is going to have an easier time with the endgame.

I see that you have gotten Xoph's Blood. The next upgrade will be 6L Bronn / Loreweave.

Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets will give you more damage and toughness too.


DoraBuilds escreveu:
Quick Question but what is the reason we don't click on "Iron Reflexes" in our tree? I did it (out of curiosity) and felt much tankier but I could be crazy.


Iron Reflexes is a personal choice. You can definitely pick it up for more physical defense.

3000 armor is enough for the build. For Iron Reflexes to be effective, you will want your armor to be over 20K, otherwise having some evasion will be better in my view.


JonathanPDX escreveu:
Which armor would be best for uber lab farming?

Any armor will be fine for Uber lab. Run Enfeeble for lab as that will effectively increase your eHP by 30%.

For a balance between damage and survivability, I would say Loreweave or Carcass Jack.


LeoFantucci escreveu:
The slayer version with consecrated path is kinda strange to me..

Why pick avatar of fire if we use ngamahu's for 50% conversion + nattural skill conversion?

Can you review your pob tree for slayer without xophs or do a real consecrated path tree?


As you mentioned, if you go for Consecrated Path, you will pick Xoph's Blood skill tree but drop Xoph's Blood from your gear setup.


Jin86 escreveu:
Hi guys,
I noticed the enormous difficulty of the builds in the maps with elemental damage reflection, is there anything that can be done or should we simply skip it?

As mentioned by @GoldenGonzo, it is a lot easier to just re-roll elemental reflect map. :)


GoldenGonzo escreveu:
This is one of the best guides I've ever seen. I know Cyclone and melee, in general, is rather tough in Syndicate at the moment, but this is the first guide I've ever used and it spoiled me. Nothing else compares to your depth, thoughtfulness, and explanation.

That being said I had a few questions. Is there any way to make getting the Endurance charges easier, or more automatic? As it stands now, I'm having to make sure my Blood Rage stays active, and have to stop spinning in or near a pack to cast Enduring Cry for the charges. When doing all this, I more often than not forget (or don't have time, or are moving to fast) to even cast my totem.

Secondly, since the Vaal skill gem changes, have you considered adding a part about Vaal cyclone in the build? I don't mean changing the build completely, but it might be worth adding it in as an option. The 23% quality alone is worth it, but I pop Soul Catcher flask then Vaal Cyclone on a boss and it kills just about everything before they can even get into their phases. It's very strong.

Thank you and keep up the great work.

Endurance Charge on Melee Stun will be a great and cheap option for gaining charges. You can swap Melee Physical Damage with that.

You can link Blood Rage with Increased Duration + CWDT + Immortal Call. This will extend the duration of Blood Rage.

For Totem, I only use it in fights that will last a while. Otherwise I do not plant the Totem at all.

Vaal Cyclone is very good. Especially for Delve outposts.


Piotruuu escreveu:
Can do uber lab also with Cons. path?

You can but Cyclone will probably perform better during boss fight.


arcadiyan escreveu:
Since i wanna use consecrated path should i use bronn's lithe ?

Yes. Consecrated Path is a movement skill and it will benefit from Bronn.


hassasyn escreveu:
Hello, so i'm at lvl 87 with this build. Was trying tombfists, some jewels and flasks combinations but still the boss dmg is really low. I'm almost getting oneshoted by them at t11+. Is there any way to increase the dmg output? Mapping is amazing, everything is dying in second but boss fights are just a nightmare.

here is pastebin for PoB with my stats https://pastebin.com/2DGDbdRX

3R2B1G + switching Faster Attack and Increased Area gems to Melee Physical + Concentrated gems will increase your damage by at least 45%.

I recommend running Enfeeble instead of Flammability when you are leveling your character. It increase your eHP by at least 30%.

Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets will also give you more damage and toughness too.


gobbles04 escreveu:
So first time player here really enjoyin the build, thank you for this! I do have some questions. Im sure a lot of it has to do with my not having a xophs or 6L bronn's but when i look at my character sheet damage for cyclone its almost a 1/3rd of what im seeing on the guide. I keep feeling like im messing up my tree or gear? I have made a few changes since im new and dont know many of the boss mechanics as i added iron reflexes, and vaal pact. Any help would be super appreciated. Also i currently have about 2ex currenty if that helps. Also is running watchers eye with physical converted to fire under anger useless with avatar of fire? I'm also having problems getting 1 shot by stuff, even things in t9 maps.

Edit:I forgot to check damage while stacks were up, im at about 65k cyclone damage.


Skill tree is fine. Besides 6L Bronn, the color setup that you are running now is also hindering your damage.

For 5L, 2R2B1G will give you more damage.

Fortify + Elemental Damage with Attack + Elemental Focus + Concentrated + Cyclone.

You will also want to focus on life rolls in your jewel sockets.

It is possible to reach 6000 life at level 90 and I see that you are only running with 5000 life.

You will want high life rolls on all your rare slots as the skill tree is heavily invested in life % nodes.

You can also run Enfeeble instead of Flammability for toughness.

Writhing Jar will also help to improve your damage during boss fights.


M4ke1ch escreveu:
Hello, this is amazing league starter build. At the 5 day of league i'm switched to consecrated path with Disfavour.
My items

//Phase run for delve



Path of Building

Guardians+Shaper,Red Elder, U-Atziri killed

Very nice tweak you have over there with the build. Thanks for sharing. :)

You can also consider running Tectonic Slam. This skill got a really nice buffed in 3.5.


Startez escreveu:
Hi, I was wondering if this build can be altered to use the Starforge Sword or Atziri’s Disfavour? I’m a new player so sorry if I’m asking a stupid question, please forgive me. Thanks in advance!

Starforge will require you to re-spec axe nodes into sword nodes.

For Disfavour, you do not have to change much of the skill tree. If you intend to run Consecrated Path or Tectonic Slam.

You can check out @M4ke1ch's post above for reference.


Mistweaver escreveu:
Kira, if going Consecrated Path, what would you change up besides the 6L chest?

Any different gear or talent tree decisions? Which helm enchant do you think would be ideal?


The gears used by Cyclone will fit nicely with Consecrated Path. You will use Xoph's Blood skill tree but drop the amulet instead since with Consecrated Path, you will be at 100% fire conversion.

Helm enchant with 40% increased damage for Consecrated Path will be good.
Im running an extra herald of purity with enlighten 4 in my setup. I have slight issue with mana if i dont hit anything . What do u think would be the best idea to fix it? would a jewel with mana gain on hit make it better or should i try to get a veil mod like gain 6% of dmg taken as mana or sth like that?

In addition i was wondering which corrupt implicit are good on ngamahu axes. would u recommend sth like life gain on hit , bleeding dmg?
Última edição por Schattenpanda#5955 em 29 de dez de 2018 04:38:46
Schattenpanda escreveu:

In addition i was wondering which corrupt implicit are good on ngamahu axes. would u recommend sth like life gain on hit , bleeding dmg?

I'm pretty sure any "socketed gems supported by (insert gem here)" wont work because molten burst is not a socketed gem and we only put support gems in our axe. I tested this with a fortify corrupt implicit and nothing happened.

I think "Culling strike" corrupt implicit would probably work and be the best one ?

Hi, recently found some high-value items that sold for a few exalts and decided to respec EVERYTHING and switch to this from Hank the Tank double strike. After the switch and some practice, I went from dying to physical reflect and elemental damage on t13 maps to a HUGE damage increase and CAKE corrupted t15 map runs. I actually even managed to (barely) complete the Hall of Grandmasters. I'm fine with losing the tankiness. Can't hurt me if they die too fast ;) thank you for putting a tremendous amount of effort into an easy to understand and follow guide that I assume hundreds, if not thousands, of people are currently using. Anyways I have a few questions regarding progressing further in tankiness/damage.
1) Why are Titan Greaves preferred? Is it for a specific lab enchantment? The gauntlets are explained but not the greaves.
2) I've managed to find a lot of items that are following your build, but I see that you recommend 3k armour. I only have 1057. My evasion is decent (thanks Bronn's Lithe) but I feel life would be easier if there was a way to get both armour and increased damage. What should I do to be able to maintain damage output while simultaneously maintaining defenses? I got Xoph's blood and ended the east side of the passive tree at Primeval Force and am in the process of getting level 92 so that I can get Vaal Pact. I got the Watcher's eye you described and even have The Red Dream with Diamond skin. Not sure there's anything I can do with my passives. I noticed you mentioning earlier to get a tombfist with TWO abyssal sockets (After I got the one with a singular socket, soml). Will getting the Maim socketed as well increase my damage output enough to try and search for a stygian vise with armour and lose the 42% elemental damage increase? Maybe I shouldnt be loading all of my resistances into my rings, boots, and a bit of my vise. I'm basically unsure of where to go from here lol.
Forgot to mention that my life pool is just shy of 4.9k right now. Would really like some recommendations to get to the next level and maybe do t16 maps, uber atziri etc. for the first time.
Última edição por YaBoiHenny#3413 em 31 de dez de 2018 08:35:04
kira1414 escreveu:
M4ke1ch escreveu:
Hello, this is amazing league starter build. At the 5 day of league i'm switched to consecrated path with Disfavour.
My items

//Phase run for delve



Path of Building

Guardians+Shaper,Red Elder, U-Atziri killed

Very nice tweak you have over there with the build. Thanks for sharing. :)

You can also consider running Tectonic Slam. This skill got a really nice buffed in 3.5.

Wow thanks for info. Tectonic slam also have good clearspeed, and more damage than Cons path(almost 2 mln shaper dps). i Will try Uber Elder
Updated items

Updated PoB
Última edição por M4ke1ch#0901 em 31 de dez de 2018 09:35:10
Hi All,

Thinking of starting this (in this point in league).

I have been playing POE for 2 years now and the closest i have ever come to doing END Game content is kill 1 guardian....its sad and pathetic.

I want to do this build and i am hoping to do ALL CONTENT and FARM currency/good gear as that seems to be the biggest problem i have...

Any advise/words of wisdom would be appreciated.

PS: As per last post, are we to modify this build for the most DPS with Tectonic Slam as main skill with Atziri's Disfavor?
Última edição por dawg87#2773 em 31 de dez de 2018 18:40:28

I have thoroughly enjoyed this build - however I am looking for a few pointers as to my spec.

I know I am missing Xoph's blood, 6L Brons and the dual Tombfist. I went the Champion route as opposed to the Slayer Spec.

Could anyone have a look at my gear / passive tree and see if I am on the right track?
What should I swing and wear to play on HC?
Я хочу пососать писюн
Última edição por BEBRAMET#6774 em 2 de jan de 2019 12:53:47
we're not taking "Iron Reflexes" anymore?
why is that? i have 2.8k armor without it
can somebody explain in detail pls
Última edição por dadasa#4299 em 4 de jan de 2019 22:57:02

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