[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +
I just want to thank everyone who is enjoying this build and is looking past all the hate recently. I dont get it either. It blows my mind where this all came from, but as long as the most of you understand how this build works (from what im reading most of you do) That makes me happy. *p.s Trees at bottom not updated yet thanks for bring that to my attention.
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" The negativity exploded when you went full retard in changing what was a respectable starter build, with potential, to a full out sheet-dps, non-realistic playing experience that's only going to frustrate people with incredibly non-existent expectations via Path of Building. Twitch streamers are scummy with trying to bait clicks to their 'heliocentric' mindsets. Just admit it, you're not doing this as anything practical. |
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" -You were only advertising your stream in the past and barely gave feedback -FAQ was long needed but you decided to just advertise your stream if ppl had question and put a command in there to answer questions -You never got a char with that good gear, not even close -You do Builds with 121 Stats, yet you never reached level 91 or higher -your builds are on absolut maximum of damage which is not achievable for anyone in this game and never will -you're only on 17 achievements this season which gives many ppl an idea that you don't know what you are talking about dunno if I missed sth, but that's my point of view. Would be awesome if you'd just stop putting out builds everywhere which have perfect gear in any way, then ignore everything written in the comments and just advertise your stream. Also just play your own build and kill shaper/uber izaro/uber atziri if you are already saying "Fast clear speed all content". I think nobody has yet killed Uber Atziri with this build, since you just 1shot yourself all day, you should give an alternative for this. If you do a build, be responsible for it, or don't even do one in first place and let ppl waste their time cause you "think" sth is viable and you fap to high dps numbers while missing out everything else. Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw My Builds 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647 |
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Let me give you some feedback:
To set some ground rules, there are two pillars to a build guide: product and presentation. product: This is the build itself, meaning active and passive skill selection, ascendancy, item choices. There isn't one universal goal, but several goals that can be targeted (clear speed, boss killing, league starter viability, uber lab). Compared to my similar characters in 2.6 (archer and HoWA) your build shares the defensive weakness of the archer, being life/evasion based which has inherent issues. There's only so much you can do to increase the HP pool and leech back to full within split seconds. You're much more likely to die to one-shots then armor or ES-based builds. That makes it weaker and not just different on the defensive end. The less stuff you have to manually avoid, the higher the defense score for your build. On the offensive side I feel unqualified to comment, I may or may not experience the Shaper on this char to get a feeling for the damage potential. Also, why not use different weapons in the second weapon slot for single target? There's no point to Touch of Anguish's chain, right? presentation: This is how you explain the mechanics of the build and your choices. This is where you provide an actual service to the community. Compared to other builds there's only one thing I like and that's the amount of passive trees that you provide for the leveling process. You give some additional hints for leveling but they're kind of hidden. I mean, when I read a guide the first time, I read everything, but when I get back to re-read a certain section, I want to find it fast. What you could improve: Write something about the skill gem setups. There are more than 5 relevant support gems for Frost Blades. Yes I can plug them all into PoB but it would be nice to read something about which gem is good for which situation or why you picked it. Give alternatives for people who may not have the right colors. Explain your 4L and 3L setups, their purpose and what one might change so that one can make an informed decision without knowledge from other sources than your guide. For example you could incorporate a defensive curse into the CWDT setup. Or put Flame Dash anywhere to jump down a ledge. How do you handle Kaom's Root? Which 4L combo gets the shaft? For the passives it would be nice if you'd make a priority list for the last 20 points. Not everyone will get to 100 and I'd rather pick the best 5 points from 80 to 85 instead of 5 random of the best 20. Again, I am capable to check PoB, but you as a guide writer would do a better job if you performed that service for your readers. Item selection: Write something about each slot, describing a BiS case, useful uniques (and why they're useful), cheap alternatives and level up gear. Pantheon: You forgot that? So, to sum it up, thanks for your build and effort and I hope you take this in a positive way. |
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" Thank you for the feedback, will deff look into this. As for gem choices the main one is Icebite over Cold pen and i explained plenty of times why Cold pen is better. As far as Item options and choices check out my most recent build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1968608 and read the item section, is this what you are talking about? I could do this for frost blades but it only comes down to why not to pick something and prob weapon choices. Now the part about weapon swap on bosses you can do that yes, but people are already crying over "high gear" they will just complain more if you add a 5x+ claw to the mix So i try to stay away from that. Cheap alternatives I recently added at least for ToA as thats the most complained about thing. And leveling up gear is very simple, Tabula with Ewars and upgrading ur OH as you level thats really it. As far as leveling trees go,you think 40 points is 2 big for the first tree? I mean that takes less then a hour of play. |
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" Of course I died countless times in the beginning :) I still do die sometimes when I try new maps and bosses. Thats why I only do new ones when I just leveled, to find out what I can do somewhat safely at least. My point was, that you can do content as long as you know what you are doing. At least as far as I played for now. Última edição por D3s7r0y3r#3492 em 22 de ago de 2017 09:01:00
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" I understood, a lot of thanks sir |
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" I also have questions like this and more added in the FAQ sections. |
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" I take acrobatics so i can dodge some attacks. (Dodge =/= Evasion) I haven't been one shotted except high level maps that has insane damage mods or ele reflect mobs, fighting minotaur with abyssus and tanking shaper yellow balls. Other than that you shouldn't get one shotted as long as you have 5.3k + life. |
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I'm using the cheap claws, and I added the snakebite's to support them. I'm not convinced it's working though, i.e. I don't see much poison effect and chaos damage happening. Those effects are subtle though and I may be missing it. Obviously this is a boss killer mechanism, packs die too quickly. Does anyone have any feedback on this combination? Thanks. |
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