[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build
From Baeclast prior to 3.7 launch:
"Base stun duration from Melee hits is now longer whereas the base stun duration from Spell hits is shorter. You also need less damage from Melee attacks to stun a target compared to damage from Spells. Also, Elemental Damage has less weight contributing to a stun whereas Physical Damage (including Physical Spells) has more weight contributing to a stun." Does anyone have any numbers for this? Specifically the physical damage vs elemental damage. I've read melee has 25% greater damage in terms of stun calculations, but what about physical melee? Does it add up to greater than 25% for stun calc? |
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" After the patch, physical attack damage has 125% effectiveness at stunning, non-physical attack damage and physical spell damage stays at 100% effectiveness, and non-physical spell damage has 75% effectiveness. The originally planned stun duration change didn't make it to the actual patch, so stun duration remains the same. |
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36 challenges! nice brightwaha! seems you enjoy this league alot more than last <3
any updated thoughts? league of cyclone feels too good but the buffs to this skill make it an off meta melee in a league of big 2h elder swords |
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" Well, this league is definitely quite a lot better than Synthesis. I hated Synthesis so much that I didn't bother trying systhesizing items even once. The melee buffs made our defense so much better, which helped me push for 100. At the same time, it's disappointing that the melee league we expected turned out to be a Cyclone league - now I want to make another build but nothing really beats Cyclone at the moment. GGG really should learn from the previous leagues and stop pushing for certain meta. Looking at level 100's on poe.ninja, 60% use Cyclone (15% Tornado Shot and 12% Essence Drain and Blight), 50% use Headhunter (32% use Temp Chains self-curse) and 55% use swords (22% bows). This is probably the worse meta I have ever seen? So, I don't know, from the mapping perspective this league was fun. But from a theory-crafting perspective this league was a disaster, just like pretty much all the previous leagues after 3.0. |
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" For theory-crafting and possibilities, Synthesis was really really good. Could do best in-slot for every pieces. Just too complex, non intuitive, worst league start and needed more trade than ever, even with buying ALL the bases which were for sales, there weren't enough... About the meta, they surely shouldn't push league as "melee league" "caster league" & cie, but people are a bit dumb too, when you see 50% of players just following streamer's current build, it's crazy. And most of the time it isn't even the best build for the league.. People should play what they feel fun, especially when they will never do shaper/elder or push level 95-100. Literally everything is viable. Ok maybe not heavy strike for mapping if you aren't masochist. |
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did they change something with mana used.
Bevor patch with my -7 mana ring i dont use mana with cyclone. After patch my mana goes down if i use cyclone (in hideout both times) |
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" I don't believe they did, at least it can't be intentional. I can't prove it as my character was losing mana by holding down Cyclone anyways. But from the fact that I don't see similar reports on Reddit / global chat, I guess it's more likely that you changed your setup somehow? |
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How good is this build for HC Legion?
-53 chaos resistance seems to be a problem, tho. |
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" This build received many buffs this patch, and is now pretty safe for HC. I believe I didn't die at all when I went from 97 to 100 in SC Legion (except suicidal things like HoGM right after leveling up). We don't have to worry about chaos resists at all, especially if you play Slayer. We have a high life pool and with Slayer leech you won't really notice any chaos damage. Generally the only risk while mapping is a fully blown Legion encounter. But with flasks popped usually I would only go down to around half hp if hit simultaneously by many rare Legion mobs. Syndicate encounters are also trivial with Slayer, excluding Catarina, where you need to play the mechanics. At early stages of this build (without essential gears and low levels) things might be a little bit different. But once you have a 5-link Tidebreaker and Kaom's Heart, as well as getting Fortify nodes from the tree, your gameplay is going to feel quite safe. To give you a better idea of what's "quite safe", here is the list of encounters I would do at lvl 99, 90% exp in softcore: 1. Any T16 without temp chains or cannot be stunned or cannot leech mods; any Minotaur without multiple damage mods. 2. Delve depth 300+ (that was how deep I went, not sure about deeper delve encounters). 3. Shaper for friends 4. Any safehouse / incursion temple 5. Uber Lab for friends Here is the list of things I wouldn't do: 1. Uber Elder; there is a chance of dying here if you make mistakes. 2. Uber Atziri; chance of dying to Flameblast. 3. Mastermind; I still don't know this fight very well. 4. HoGM; I was never able to do it. |
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Been following your build for a number of patches now and I'm a fan. Never tried to copy it though, but I just happened to stumble upon a Fortify corrupted Tidebreaker this league, and it keeps me thinking :) So... I'm trying to build around Vengeance with pretty much everything, as I love Insobyr's POTCG vengeance build a lot, and I started wondering... Could the self procced Vengeance setup of his build work for Tidebreaker? I'm not used to crunching numbers in POB, so I figured I'd ask you. Idea would be to go crit (slayer/Berzerker/jugg all have their merits), so we can ignite on crits and with Eye of Innocence hit ourselves, and use cyclone so we can proc Vengeance on cooldown (with max rolls of cooldown recovery boots/belt + helm enchant, vengeance cooldown is 0.7s, with only helm, it's 0.92). Veangeance has a giant chunk of added physical damage and a good multiplier too, and we can link it with Stun support 24/7 as it's not the main/only source of damage output. The whole thing is pointless though, if I can't stunlock shaper, so I'm here for advice. Is it doable? Slayer has the most reliable crits, Zerker the biggest hits and Jugg the longest stuns (and doesn't require investments in accuracy) Setup would look something like this:
Tidebreaker (fortify + endurance charge on stun):
Cyclone - MPD - Pulverize - Infused Channeling - Chance to Bleed - increased crit/conc effect/inc aoe (can't link it with Brutality, else I won't be able to ignite, chance to bleed can be dropped if we have access to bleed elsewhere) 6 link chest (with maim support): Vengeance - Bloodluse - Brutality - MPD - Stun - Ruthless/Endurance Charge on Stun Abyssuss should be easily managable too with everything stunned, and endurance charges stacked up, I actually just picked a Vengeance enchanted one up after thinking about it There is no real need to focus on crit chance/damage beyond the point where Vengeance procs are reliable. I wouldn't want to be overly focused on DPS aspect, I just want to see if I can stunlock endgame bosses while cycloning. Thanks in advance, if you find the time to answer :) EDIT: after looking more into it, it looks possible, probably jugg is the easiest way to do it. Última edição por Zoda_Jones#5011 em 8 de ago de 2019 02:21:46
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