[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build
i been looking abit around diffrent types of gloves instead of the Empire´s grasp. what is your oppinion about Shaper´s Touch? it is somewhat a great amount of extra phys dmg like 34% at 170 dex ( what i currently have ) aswell as 1 life per 4 dex. idk if there actually is other good gloves out there but it seems a little bit useless with Empire´s grasp on bosses as with the speed and movement u can fast enough get over to them and keep hitting before it break out of stun. :) hope to hear back from u with a reply on this =D
( ps. sorry my poor english and gramma. newly educated and still half drunk =D ) Life is short. Do something about it!
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" Shaper's touch is pretty bad. Low life, no resists, and the phys dmg is very underwhelming. I recommend Tombfist if you have enough resists from elsewhere. The Intimidate effect offers around 10% more damage (so equivalent to around 80% increased damage). Rare gloves can offer a ton of life and resists, which is a good choice if you're having a hard time capping resists. Another good choice is finding a pair of rare gloves with Essence of Insanity mod - socketed gems have more attack and cast speed. If you socket Leap Slam in the gloves, it greatly helps the speed of our Leap Slam, which significantly boosts our mobility. If you're rich, a vulnerability curse corruption is a huge upgrade. It's generally easier to find curse corruptions on uniques, so you will likely end up finding this corruption on Tombfist. |
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I'm not sure if there's a bug with repl.it...
Lots of rambling:
I was playing around with configurations and testing PoB results yesterday in your script, and I found some numbers that worked well. I came back today, ran the same numbers and the results were BAD. I still had the browser history of yesterday's run and I pulled it up, and the scripts appear to be identical, but are giving different results. I have copied the scripts into notepad++ and done a comparison to ensure I didn't accidentally delete a line or something with a keyboard fat finger. The scripts are identical. I also tried simply coping the damage numbers from the 'bad' script into the good one, or vice-versa, but no luck in making either one perform like the other. See here: Good script: https://repl.it/repls/RuralTanPortablesoftware Bad script: https://repl.it/repls/InterestingTediousCompiler Also note that when commenting out main() at the bottom and trying to run only_shaper() (just for the sake of faster calcs), the good script responds to this. The bad script appears to ignore this and runs the full set anyway, which suggests that it's not running the up-to-date script shown on the page, but running something else. Maybe an old cached version, I really have no idea what's going on here. Either way, this isn't your problem. Just something to be aware of... I ended up saving the script offline and running it locally in python 2.7 and it's giving the same results as the good script version. EDIT: I figured it out, partially. If you download the bad script using the "download zip" function, the script is some old/cached one... the config dmg values are these:
#damage and stun settings---------------
mh_hit_damage=[200259, 644983] #read from PoB; 2 integers. mh_att_per_second=3.61 #read from PoB; decimal number. stun_threshold_reduction=122 #read from tooltip; integer. stun_duration_modifier=33 #read from tooltip; integer. And of course at the bottom, the commenting for main() and only_shaper() is not changed, which is why the full set of simulations was being done.. Needless to say, the script shown on the site and the one actually being run are two different things. Not sure what caused this bug. I ctrl+A copied the entire shown script to a new repl.it python instance, and it runs properly. So if anyone somehow runs into the script bugging out on them, this may help. Alternatively just run it locally. It's a very useful script to have in your PoE build folder anyway - thanks so much to OP for writing this! The bad script has since re-synchronised with the one being displayed, and it's now running what it displays. Última edição por Bobblybook#7889 em 28 de jun de 2018 06:42:35
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" Glad to see a comment about the simulation code - and to see it being useful. About the bug: I checked the bad script link and it's also not responding to whatever changes I make. I also noticed a couple of seconds of loading time whenever I make changes. Weird. It's an interesting find. Not sure what caused this as I don't usually code on this website (who does?); it should be a bug of repl.it, as you suggested. |
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So I imported your character and with all flasks turned on and all buffs active this build
(also fixed one of the support gems instead of dmg on full life multistrike is much high dps and so are a bunch of other options) You have around 970k dps ( with weight of the empire you have a 40% chance to deal "double damage" ) Im not entirely sure if that was already factored into the dps or not but lets say hypothetically its not maximum dps is 1.9 mill when you pop the "deal double damage" I've already got 2 mill dps on heavy strike doing dual wield no double damage shenanigans required I think theres a better way to make this build and its not with berserker Im fairly certain that either juggernaut/champion/scion would be the best possible options Im not sure that tidebreaker would be the best weapon unless its got the supported by stun support gem Even that alot of math would be required to check the dps of that vs dual wielding and using a stat stick off hand to beef up the dps and doing crit. |
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" On my PoB page, I am seeing 1.7 million dps without Vaal Haste. I don't know why you're getting 970k, I guess you didn't have the correct config options set up. I need to see your PoB so we are at the same page. And you mentioned you "fixed one of the support gems instead of dmg on full life multistrike is much high dps". I suspect that you're not that experienced with stun builds. Multistrike is very bad when it comes to stunning enemies, as damage per hit plays a more important role than attack rate. (You should probably have more trust in my expertise in stun builds as I have done a ton of math as well as played stun builds for hundreds of hours over the last year; it's not likely that I make such obvious mistakes regarding support gem choices.) Jugg and Champion doing crit can achieve pretty high dps, but it's difficult to achieve high dps as well as high r.E.S.T. and survival. Generally, non-crit versions are easier to gear and perform more consistently. Tidebreaker is good for the r.E.S.T. (30% + 19 from ECoMS Support) and 4% more damage per endurance charge from ECoMS Support. Damage-wise, Tidebreaker is already pretty good; the r.E.S.T. makes Tidebreaker the best 2-hand for stun builds. Dual Wielding can offer good dps, but it can be difficult to find both dps and r.E.S.T. from one-hands. The biggest weakness of dual wielding is that you will not be able to switch weapon to switch between 6-link Heavy Strike and 6-link AoE skill. So unless you find a pseudo-6link from gloves or helmets, your dual wielding Heavy Strike build has no AoE clear. Also, to avoid using Heavy Strike with your offhand, your statstick has to be either a claw or a dagger. |
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Hello everyone!
That's propably a noob question - but can Shaper and his Guardians still get stunned in 3.3? |
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" Yes. Patch 3.3 introduced only a couple of minor buffs to this build. I would say this build is stronger than it has ever been. (Although most other builds are also getting stronger due to power creeps.) |
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" Thank you! I was getting the (apparently wrong) information -from reddit I think- that the endgame bosses were/are stun-immune. Thats a relief to hear that this build still works as intended. Would have been a bummer if such a good bosskiller just would get neutered. Another question: I think it is mentioned in the build but bosses consisting of multiple entities (atziri trio etc) are a bit of an uphill battle. Is UberElder among the those encounters as well that are a bit more of a struggel to do? |
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" Uber Elder is the most difficult content for this build (besides HotG). The Uber Elder fight requires either insane tankiness (elemental mitigation and extreme sustain) or the ability to avoid incoming damage. It's just the worst it can get for a slower paced melee build without exceptional elemental mitigation. Stunning helps a bit, but there will always be 1 of the 2 bosses that are immune to damage and will force you moving to dodge their skills - so that you cannot perform stun-locking on the other boss. It almost feels that the fight was designed to counter stun builds. So I wouldn't recommend this build if you want some Uber Elder farming (just play some RF or summoner builds for Uber Elder, tbh). If you have good skills and are patient enough to play the game mechanics, it is possible to do Uber Elder, but it won't be easy. Other bosses with multiple entities are usually easily doable. Atziri isn't hard to deal with at all because we can stun the flameblast clone right when it comes out; Trio is probably the most annoying fight besides Uber Elder, but can also be dealt with relatively easily if you know the fight well. |
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