[3.2] Deadeye Windripper solo MF
thanks for hte explanation. i'll be able to equip a lot of the items soon enough, will let you know how it goes.
on the other hand, i tried to self-corrupt sadimas too, bought about 30 and corrupted em all. i think out of all of them, i only got curse on hit like 2-3 times, and they were curse on crit. i also fused and socketed/chromed them all so it ended up getting quite expensive. tbh, i think the chance of getting it are pretty bad, i read somewhere it's like 1/52 or something, and even then (if you didn't fuse and stuff beforehand) you will have to use level 8 vorici and the costs will go up again. think it might be better just to buy one |
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Oh i also have a drillneck +1 arrow that i had from my last LA character. shall i just sell it and get a rare, or continue to use it?
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where do you get enough strength for Kaom's heart from? even with your equipment and jewels that's only like 73 str or osmething, and i'm currently at 94, so even if i threw all your stuff on i wouldn't have enough for kaoms
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i have taken master alchemist for normal and cruel ascendency, but i'm not sure what to take next. i can't find in your build anything except nature's andrenaline, halp pls
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" Veteran Bowyer and Nature's adrenaline for last 2. " two +30 str nodes + heavy belt with strength roll. " Sell it, its pretty crap. Use a rare similar to this: " yea, try to buy one, i got lucky. But the cost for socket/fus with vorici 8 is only 15 vaal orb, 5 fus and 10 jewellers. Don't bother linking it first, just corrupt. |
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hey, just a little update. i'm lvl 78 atm, and it's pretty good fun. not evne using kaom's yet, so i've only got 3.3k life (using greed's embrace) but it's going pretty smoothly so far. currently levelling and farming with shaped marsh t8, as i'm looking to sextant t9-t10 maps, can't really deal with it just yet. think i'll wait for my final ascendency to go a bit more ham, maybe equip the kaoms if i really feel like i need the tankiness (over mf). the only issue that i can't get my head around atm is my mana problem, i've got vinktar but for bosses i can't always keep it up, or sometimes i seem to run out of mana. sorry if this is a daft question, but what do you do for this?
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actually, it turns out i got a bit more to say than i thought. thanks for the build, i actually quite enjoy it, and can definitely see the potential. just wondering what you think of using a pariah as 2nd ring? (i ended up picking one up as i was levelling, and by chance got it to white socket so i figured i'd throw it on). also, i'm okay most of the time, but eery now and then in breaches or beyonds, the stuns mess me up a bit
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update: done my final ascendency, can keep vinktar up all the time throhughout mapping. mana problem seems solved
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" Good, if not - just use one point on the mana leech node on bottom right just over the bow crit nodes. " Nice :) Pariah is not recommended, but not horrible. If you decide to use it, then socket wrath in there. This build is resist starved tho so id much rather use a ventor with iiq and res then that ring tbh, or even a rare ring with life, wed , res and IIR. You should really equip Kaom's it will increase your survivability alot, u get 20% more movespeed and you need about 5-6k hp to avoid stuns. Stuns in this game is based on % damage taken of your max HP pool so the higher the better. |
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hey thanks for getting back to me. yeah i'd been using wrath, i've basically got all of my equip gear now, but needs a few brush ups. still got greeds on, and i'm using a circlet with +2 nado but it's lacking the 3rd res, leaving me on 141-169-133 in hideout. i figured 133 is enough because i have 24/7 vinktar uptime, and the damage is very suprisingly good, able to kill bameth in about 2seconds in shaped primordial pool. i've left greeds on because i'm still able to clear pool (which is what i made this char for) with loads of sextants on it (without too much issue). it's still a problem running double beyond, so i'm hoping that when i upgrade my helmet, and maybe my belt (which is so-so) then i should be able to run it without dying too much haha.
i think for hte purpose of my gameplay, which is running pool, greeds should be sufficient because i'ms till missing 3 jewel sockets as i'm lvl 83. once i get those in, i think i should be able to run it with the double beyond, the only issue i have now with it is that i die a fair few times. i iamgine with the extra jewels, i'll be able to cap res and hit about 4.3k life ish, maybe 4.5k if i'm lucky. i've also equipped an immortal call CWDT and enfeeble setup, since i have my greeds open slots. feel free to have a look at my build from my profile, and do let me know if there's anything i'm doing horribly wrong XD. so far, i'm really really liking the build, and it's exactly what i was hoping for. sustaining the pariahs, bisco and ventor, along with the MF gloes and boots just fine so far. i think i'll be fine for the mana for now, as i'm not going for higher tier maps (maybe later) where i might need to do more sustained boss fights. thanks again for the build dude, i'd worried my damage might lack a bit as i was levelling but it seems to do just fine for what i need it to. |
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