[3.9] The Bringer of Leech - Blade Flurry -League Starter -Budget-New Player Friendly!
Okay thanks.
Still confused about the claw. Looking on the market the highest lvl claw i can search for is lvl72 and after looking at 22 pages of them none exceeded 200 dmg. The best ive seen is the bloodseeker. What am i missing here? Lol |
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" You said you're on consol right? Are you on Ps4 or Xbox? It might just be that there isn't much that people are selling at the moment. I have no idea what the economy of Ps4 and Xbox look like. You just might have to wait till someone shows up on the market, or pick up every claw that drops, ID it and hope you get a good one! |
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Found one thats 220 atk and up to 50 cold dmg. Put it as main but in doing that i lost alot of res cuz i pimped out my old claw to hit res caps. Funny part? My ability to survive got way way way WAY better. I only have 50-59% of each res and -40 chaos now (before i was about 90% to each, but chaos always -40 somethin). So i am guessing that was such a high dps bump that it makes the life leech aspects of this build keep me alive better?
I still dont understand the map device end game stuff (gunna read a guide at some point) but prior to switching those claws i could barely, or not at all, complete a rare map. Now i breeze thru the maps ive used alch orbs on. This build is a fantastic starter build, and the more i invest the more i love it. Última edição por SYSTEMATIC_#3709 em 15 de mai de 2019 02:35:49
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" Yea, maps are pretty straight forward, get a hideout, place your map device and pop in the maps and run em. The phys dps on Bloodseeker is decent, so the other claw you had must have had really low phys dps if you feel that much of a difference! Congrats though, keep grinding and yes, this build feels better and better the more damage and life you stack onto it! Everything makes you tankier. |
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I had bloodseeker in main hand and a 173 top phys dmg claw in offhand. I moved the new claw i mentioned to mainhand and bloodseeker to offhand. I was surprised the difference like 50 top phys dmg can do lol.
So i got a game plan on how to get my res’s back to 100 each, aside chaos. What is that even? I never seem to run into it cuz i no longer get 1 shotted and with -40% res to chaos im pretty sure that would 1 shot me. If i do need it soon, how? I only ever see it on the one type of ring. Sometimes i see it as a mod but its never more than 10%. And if i get the rings thar come with it and also craft some to it the %s are so low id be losing ALOT of other res for small amounts of chaos res. So ur advice? |
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" Yea, the phys rolls matter a lot on this build. Add up the low and top phys damage, then divide by 2. Then multiply that by the weapons attack speed. This will be your average phys DPS. This is what you want a lot of! You can literally ignore chaos resist. Most players run around with -60% and it's fine as long as you have some sort of sustain. Sure, chaos dmg can kill you, but not any more than any other type of damage. Now, Chaos Inoculation node is strong because it allows you to have 1 less thing to worry about killing you, but you have to invest heavily in ES gear which can get really expensive at mid-high tier gear. |
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Well i decided i am going to see how far i can take this build. Glad to know i can basically ignore chaos res.
I dont want to get the chaos node cuz i had to grab one more int node than the 2 u told me before. It took 2 points so now i strayed 2 points from u build for now. This is cuz none of gear i have has int. My ammy gave me 42 but replaced it cuz aside the int all it gave me was 6% to all res and 62 hp. The new one is mana regen instead of int, 20 less hp, but 37% lightning res, 15% fire and ice. This change brought me to cap on all 3 and 90 for lightning. I will have a hard time upgrading gear now. Everything is a perfectly fit puzzle piece. Finding a gear with the right sockets, links, colors, and better values for the mods i already have will either be really expensive or really impossible to self find xD Next to the claws, what is the next gear i should focus on making top noche? Cuz i want to focus on each slot one at a time, taking it from the current to where i wont need to upgrade it again. So i wana save up currencies and then buy the “perfect” ring. Then save up and buy the “perfect” belt, ect ect. So which gear would benifit me the most, next, assuming i make it nearly the best it can be? Hope that made sense. I wana go from where i am to “end end game” one gear slot at a time lol |
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" Those INT nodes are pretty normal to get for this build, it's a lot easier to grab those than to have one more thing to worry about on your gear. The gear slot to upgrade really doesn't matter, so don't get tunnel visioned on saving up for the ring for example, just be opportunistic when shopping. All we need is LOTS of life on our gear, and LOTS of phys damage to attacks on gloves/rings/amulet. All while keeping our res capped. So, if something within your price range pops up and has significantly more life/phys damage/attack speed than what you have just grab it. |
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Have you looked at Damage On Full Life Support instead of Infused Channeling? PoB shows it a huge damage increase if I check "on full life". With our over leech is seems like it should be up most of the time.
I just grabbed a gem to start leveling, so I haven't been able to try it yet. |
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" It's really up to you but I wouldn't run it. Infused gives us 39% more dmg, and some extra defense. Dmg on Full gives 49%. So, we're basically trading 10% more dmg for some extra defense. I'm not gonna crunch the numbers, but I assume not being at full life for even a small part of a boss fight makes it not worth. Say over the course of a 30 second fight there are a few times where you get hit, and take a fraction of a second to leech back to full. All those small instances add up to a few seconds of damage loss. I'd rather have the consistent damage, especially since we are just rushing to get enemies to that sweet 20% mark for the super cull :) |
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