[3.0]Roicki's Starforge BM cyclone GUARDIANS / SHAPER / UBER IZARO / UBER ATZIRI / VIDS

Hi fellas,

First of all I want to inform that my english is not even near perfect so please be kind to me ;)

After few years of playing hipster builds, I wanted to made solid one that can take me to 100 (93 atm) without too many deaths and clear all content the game has to offer.

For me it's strongest build that I've ever played in terms of balancing deffences and offences with very fast clear speed. It can be done in ~40 chaoses and that variation could clear every maps with guardians included, ofcourse my variation could be worth few hundred chaoses and trust me, all content is a joke there. If many of you guys will be interrested, I could add few videos.

I know it's a starforge cyclone build, nothing new. But little adjustments of gear could make high impact.

Current Gear

A litle bit of gear description :

Death's Oath armour - underrated armour that is very powerful. Just look at this stats and think that You can sustain it's degen and blood rage with only life regen + you have all the leech for yourself.

Starforge - nothing special, Couse of Brutality support gem it's best in slot. Unfortunately it's pricy. Very good and cheap variant is Kondo's Pride, becouse We use bleed and on it's own weapon is amazing, ( good dps+leech+dmg against bleeding enemies ).

Devoto's Devotion
Chosed this only for movement and attack speed for cyclone, before that I was using rare helmet that I've bought for 15chaos ( with 40% cyclone dmg enchant ) and it was more than fine.

Rest of the choices could be anything. For pure dps you need to look for the retch + carnage hearth combo.



- Reflect proof ( slayer ascendancy ( 50 % ) + 25 % from new system ( those balls that Sin gave us from killing bosses :))))))))))) )

- Very fast movement speed so clearspeed is very good ( 20 % devoto, 30 % boots, 20% from onslaught ( slayer ascendancy + flasks )

- Can clear all content game has to offer

- High deffences : 8+k armour without flasks and 7k+ life without Kaoms and heavy investments

- Leech is amazing without VP, slayers are just OP.

- Culling monsters at less than 20% of their HP.

- No mana problems couse of BM from tree


- End game gear is not budget friendly ( starforge - 320c + 6l Death's Oath - ~ 300c too <---- still better than belly of the beast whitch cost over 550 c :)

- Cannot run any auras without essence worm ring

- Using cyclone you are brawling with monsters face to face, ofc. you can use other skills but cyclone is just so much fun :)

- Brutality gem doesn't get you much boosts from aurabot

- No regen maps can be annoying. You need to heal yourself from flasks a bit.

Oak - Could be done with 2 passive points but life regen + phys reduction + phys damage sounds too good

SLAYER - Endless Hunger > Brutal Fervour > Bane of Legends > Headsman


DPS is a bit higher couse of 8 bleeding stacks. What is important it hits every second even if you are not hitting the target any more so in shaper or atziri fight, when you need to dodge alot it's very effective.




Deathless Pit of the Chimera

Deathless Lair of the Hydra

Shaper himself ( in 10-30 seconds it freezes. Youtube doesn't like me... Died once couse I jump on fire ;P )

Uber Atziri ( not deatless becouse like i write at the begining of the guide, that was my second kill ever and didn't know much about boosted uber atziri mechanics, also from my perspective being melee is not so great while she blast whole map )

More videos will come soon, existing ones just proves that damage and survivability is there, if I with my dodging skills was able to take it down deathless, anyone can do it ;)

Leveling section

Leveling with this character is a joke. Just don't take any specific nodes on the tree ( swords, maces, staffs, axes, one ) and use weapon you get. Stats should be life and resistances. Using cyclone with blood magic from tree early in game is great if you have leech from ascendancy ( real easy to get after the 3.0 normal and cruel lab changes. )

After 61 lvl pick

It's cheap even in second day in league start, I bought mine for like 4 c ( now great rolls cost 2 alternation orbs ^^ )

Tree around lvl 30-40 should look like this :


From my perspective important to write is that with this build, and average knowing about game mechanics early maping is real simple and fun. Just roll a decent movement speed and 30 seconds beach map is possible ;)

GEMS for leveling:

cyclone > faster attack > added fire > added cold + lightning > ruthless > maim > inc. area > brutality

Preaty much everything that gives you damage. Please notice that brutality wipe out other source of dmg than pure physical so take it up at point when you have decent weapon and Blood Magic from tree.

GEM setup and a bit of explanation

Simple cast when damage taken setup, FLAME GOLEM + MINION LIFE SUPPORT + CWDT + VORTEX

We are increasing our dps with flame golem, that We don't want to cast when fighting strong plus vortex is increasing our survivability by chilling monsters ( small temporal chains curse ^^ ). It works just great with cyclone. We don't use immortal call, becouse We don't realy want to lose charges that reduces our dmg taken all the time. With slayer when you are leeching life so fast, for me personaly it's better to maximize reduced dmg taken than get 1 second of immortality. Especialy that We are phys. reflect immune ( remember phys reflect map still can be problematic ).


Vaal skills are increasing our survi and dps at the beggining of the fight. Blood rage is just to gain % life leech + attack speed bonus. Cherry on the cake is increased duration gem that makes it few seconds of heaven longer.


Firtify gives 20% of hit dmg reduction, so We want it to have as often as possible. Frenzy is good vs bosses to provide 12% more dmg + attack speed, even if We waste a 1 second to gain it in fight with t16+ when the fight is longer it's verty profitable. Leap slam is just for movement while providing fortify.

Cyclone > Melee dmg > INC/CONC are of effect > Ruthless > Brutality ( far here becouse you can't use atziri flask with it ) > Maim

Probably most profitable is to get gems with order from cyclone to maim.

Idealy 6l Starforge has almost same gem setup as Our cyclone, but We change maim for bloodlust becouse We can get 8 stacks by ourself and bloodlust will have more dmg multiplier, . Enduring cry will exchange minion life in our golem + vortex setup when We get that precious 6l starforge :).

It's my frist build guide so it will probably lack alot, I will try my best to andswear questions ( if there will be some ^^ ).

Torment IGN: BorsukMiodowy

' It’s impossible to fail, as long as you never quit '
Última edição por RoickiD#5704 em 26 de ago de 2017 03:42:22
Último bump em 18 de set de 2018 18:52:03
I wish it would become a standard to post videos with guides. Otherwise nice guide
Like i said, if someone will be interrested i might consider adding videos. Just working over hours and it's so much work with that.
Torment IGN: BorsukMiodowy

' It’s impossible to fail, as long as you never quit '
Killing Guardians Videos, please!
do you feel the points u spend on all those bleed nodes are worth it?I understand for bosses i guess but most of the game is spent killing non-bosses. Looks pretty interesting though, would love to see some uber boss vids
PoB Pastebin would be nice :)
Really looking forward to a Starforge Guide, playing Totems right now with it and need something new. Will prolly compare it to a Cyclone Raider, but i need to get a PoB going for that first ;)
IGN: Maphan_Meep
Hey man, how are you getting that path of building dps in your screenshot? I just imported ur char to my POB and even w conc effect the dps is 300k or so, nowhere near the total you've shown here.

I league started with a variant of this char and ironically tweaked my own into a similar setup as what you've shown here, but i cant seem to break the 600k dps mark on my own char. The link below is best ive come up with, issue however is a lot of that dps isnt available for bosses (frenzy charges, killed recently proc).


Appreciate ur insights!
WalkwithWolves escreveu:
Hey man, how are you getting that path of building dps in your screenshot? I just imported ur char to my POB and even w conc effect the dps is 300k or so, nowhere near the total you've shown here.

I league started with a variant of this char and ironically tweaked my own into a similar setup as what you've shown here, but i cant seem to break the 600k dps mark on my own char. The link below is best ive come up with, issue however is a lot of that dps isnt available for bosses (frenzy charges, killed recently proc).


Appreciate ur insights!

I just clicked two of the dmg flasks, you can check it by yourself by copying all build from pastebin.

Those bleeding nodes are just for increasing dmg output. Not required to take if you lack of deffences. Still for me it's better than stacking life if i can do all content deathless, and I am not even close to mathil's amazing playstyle ;)

it's probably around 10-15% of your whole dmg, and like I said earlier. You are not attacking end game bosses all the time. So if you stack bleed it will dmg target for 5 seconds while you jumping and trying not to die.

Torment IGN: BorsukMiodowy

' It’s impossible to fail, as long as you never quit '
Hey thaks for a guide but I have one question. How exactly do you apply bleeding? Cant find it anywhere.
Hey man,

Thanks for the reply, I've just re-imported it again and clicked the two flasks and its still only 600,000, I've copied the screenshots below:


I even included intimidation as if you were using belt of the deceiver, I appreciate u helping me figure out how the dmg is so high as I would love to finish off my char and not reroll to another for more dps! thanks again man!

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