[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

Soulafein_Ld escreveu:
Dexteriss escreveu:

I am curious about my situation. I get destroyed super hard by every melee hits from bosses on maps above t11. Is it normal? I know my gear is not that amazing but It's not bad either.

Even with fortify against the Minotaur boss on cyclone, he two hits me.

I do not want to sound salty, but you clearly didn't read the whole build. I'm gonna take my time telling what you're doing wrong.

1. Don't run fortify with cyclone. Run it with leap slam, you're wasting dps. Swap it with "melee damage on full life" or "chance to bleed" in that particular order.
2. Blood rage is not as good as vaal haste for this build. Try vaal haste instead, because blood rage fucks your life regen, very needed in this build because you need:
3. Daressos' salute, 60% more damage on full life is no joke, besides 2 top resistances and whatnot. Extra leech from carnage is not really needed and you're wasting 20% damage and 20%~30% ele res. The int stat you need--->ring.
4. CWDT+Immortal call fucks your endurance charges most of the time. You are better with 3 endurance charges than the extra duration of immortal call. A very good setup for cwdt is lighnthing golem low level and maybe vulnerability if you don't like having it as an aura (so you could enable haste, for example).
5. Belt of the deciever is a joke if you're planning on doing guardians... Get, at least, a good tri-ele (or bi-ele) high hp phys belt. A decent stygian belt with a +# to # physical jewel. 60~ life on a belt vs guardians is hilariously bad with your current gear.
6. The boots you have are not very good, you need the most movement speed you could get, in this case 30%; because, while doing cyclone, you loss movement speed, try to get 30% movement speed with life and, at least, two high res (30+35%+).
7. Your rings are not good either. You need +# to # physical damage in both rings (iron rings would do the deal 'til you get steel rings) with +30+ int, life and at least one res. Le Heup of All is a jack of all trades except it does not grant life.
8.Your flask choices are not good. Cap your ele res with gear and get rid of the wise oak (I'm saying cap, but I mean 95-110% ele resis). Get a ruby flask with movement speed instead. And you're probably better with a regular life flask with instant recovery on low life rather than the Blood of the Karui.

If you are not going to read this I don't know what are you expecting for, tbh.

Thanks a lot Soulafein_Ld.

This is the first time I play this game for real and I have to be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing.

The reason why I went for Belt of the deceiver and Carnage Heart is because the guide gave them as solutions if not enough currencies. Fortify is also recommended for higher maps bosses.

Don't get me wrong, I made that post to get recommendations and I am really happy you took your time to write those awesome tips.

I'll fix my build as soon as I can!
Última edição por Dexteriss#5605 em 13 de mar de 2018 21:20:01
I saw somewhere you said gear priority for Disfavour and Kaom's are equal, but what if I only have enough currency for 1 of them? I have 5.5ex and a Disfavour costs 5ex, while Kaom's is 3.7ex.

I have devoto, daresso, retch, and hezmana already. So should I use all my currency on disfavour or save some with kaom to get other gear? Maybe Disfavour and then get belly of the beast?
Última edição por Ryuusaki#3834 em 14 de mar de 2018 06:08:49
Soulafein_Ld escreveu:
kamilgol1 escreveu:
Hey i just started playing this build, and gameplay is great so far(never played cyclone before). Could you by any chance tell me, what should i go for in passive tree now? I'm missing Hematophagy, Crimson Dance, Bloodletting and Jewel slots, so im thinking i should first go for Jewels and than i have no clue, it would be great if you could guide me in the right direction.

Edit: Also, what should i put in my helmet (curse gems etc) if i don't have double curse and i won't have it for a while?

Thanks in advance!

Read carefully the build, the answers are there. He even split the trees every 20 levels or so, just follow his steps. Hematophagy 1st, Crimson Dance 2nd, the last one Bloodletting (and at level 89 or so). Get some %life jewels for the socketed passives, cheap ones, you could replace them later and at level 75 you should have every single jewel slot because well... he friggin' explained it by splitting the tree into not one, but two different skill trees...

About gems... it is also explained, just click "gear" spoiler and/or "gems" spoiler.

Also about the curse, two post or so back I did explained why you just don't really need two curses just for leveling:

2. Forget about two curses if you don't like the ring or whatever. Daresso's Salute corrupted is RNG at it's finest and the ones around there are 20ex~. Instead of that just run blasphemy with enfeeble (if you don't have a Kaoms', in that case just run blasphemy with vulnerability and you're ok) AND Haste with a pair of rare gloves granting mana leech. You don't have enough pool for blasphemy + haste? Run vaal haste instead, it is even better, just saying because I'm lazy.

Yes i've read it, but it even says on the leveling trees that they are outdated and if you compare to path of buildin they are different. So thats why i'm asking, also some things might have changed. It's great and well written guide, but noone is updating every guide after every patch so thats why i asked.

Also i didn't ask how gems should look like, but what should i prioritize in passive tree i even wrote that i think i should first go for jewel slots. It seems like you didn't read my question..
Última edição por kamilgol1#0574 em 14 de mar de 2018 15:51:00
Hey question about a part of the build.
(Character is FuryLlama if you want to see my profile)

I am trying to run immortal call + CWDT to proc the Arachnoxia aspect of the Akaralli pantheon. What level should I cap these two gems at for optimal performance?

fyi, that part of the pantheon states:
50% increased Recovery of Life and Energy Shield if you've stopped taking Damage Over Time Recently

Also, because I'm doing this, my Ancestral Warchief is now on a 2 link instead of a 4 link. Which one support gem should I link to AW for the greatest benefit?


P.S., I'm not finished this build yet so hold any criticism on other errors you find for now =)
After deadly twins prophecy fucked up one of my first runs on uber elder as gc miner, i knew, one day I will take my revenge on him!

Here u can see, this build can do everything in this game!

Twinned Uber Elder fight
I'm level 53 and for the life of me I can't figure out how you guys don't run out of mana. The guide says that .04 from gloves and .04 from tree should be enough but I'm out of mana with none left to spin against every single-target fight. I can't even finish the second Lab because I'm constantly out of mana.

I'm trying to click shorter distances so I don't get stuck in the animation spinning away to nowhere, but as soon as I stop spinning I'm dead.

Am I missing some crucial regen item, or node, or something?
Dexteriss escreveu:

Thanks a lot Soulafein_Ld.

This is the first time I play this game for real and I have to be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing.

The reason why I went for Belt of the deceiver and Carnage Heart is because the guide gave them as solutions if not enough currencies. Fortify is also recommended for higher maps bosses.

Don't get me wrong, I made that post to get recommendations and I am really happy you took your time to write those awesome tips.

I'll fix my build as soon as I can!

This game lack of many info and the tooltip is kinda useless. Nice to see I was helpful, tell us later.

kamilgol1 escreveu:

Yes i've read it, but it even says on the leveling trees that they are outdated and if you compare to path of buildin they are different. So thats why i'm asking, also some things might have changed. It's great and well written guide, but noone is updating every guide after every patch so thats why i asked.

Also i didn't ask how gems should look like, but what should i prioritize in passive tree i even wrote that i think i should first go for jewel slots. It seems like you didn't read my question..

Sorry mate, I didn't thought about the poebuilding tree, you're right. You have to focus on what you need first, we don't know if you're ok with life, or mana sustain, dps... my advice is to not underestimate jewell slots (basically +%life more and other sweet mods, like attack speed and/or phys damage) and the keystones order I said two posts above.
While going for the keystones pick the jewell slots in your way, you do not have to rush every keystone necessarily, neither the jewell slots. I don't know if this answer now your question. Again, as I stated, not english native so...

JonathanPDX escreveu:

I'm level 53 and for the life of me I can't figure out how you guys don't run out of mana. The guide says that .04 from gloves and .04 from tree should be enough but I'm out of mana with none left to spin against every single-target fight. I can't even finish the second Lab because I'm constantly out of mana.

I'm trying to click shorter distances so I don't get stuck in the animation spinning away to nowhere, but as soon as I stop spinning I'm dead.

Am I missing some crucial regen item, or node, or something?

Slitherpinch gloves grant mana leech and could carry you through the acts and even low tier maps. You will not need them at prolly level 70-75 (the more dps you do the more you leech) and that's all.


Slitherpinch gloves grant mana leech and could carry you through the acts and even low tier maps. You will not need them at prolly level 70-75 (the more dps you do the more you leech) and that's all.

That's exactly what I'm wearing but I'm still running out of mana. I know I must be doing something wrong, I just don't know what it is. :) The only mana I have reserved right now is for Enfeeble via Blasphemy, and my Cyclone is linked with Maim, Brutality, and Melee Physical Damage.

Soulafein_Ld escreveu:

kamilgol1 escreveu:

Yes i've read it, but it even says on the leveling trees that they are outdated and if you compare to path of buildin they are different. So thats why i'm asking, also some things might have changed. It's great and well written guide, but noone is updating every guide after every patch so thats why i asked.

Also i didn't ask how gems should look like, but what should i prioritize in passive tree i even wrote that i think i should first go for jewel slots. It seems like you didn't read my question..

Sorry mate, I didn't thought about the poebuilding tree, you're right. You have to focus on what you need first, we don't know if you're ok with life, or mana sustain, dps... my advice is to not underestimate jewell slots (basically +%life more and other sweet mods, like attack speed and/or phys damage) and the keystones order I said two posts above.
While going for the keystones pick the jewell slots in your way, you do not have to rush every keystone necessarily, neither the jewell slots. I don't know if this answer now your question. Again, as I stated, not english native so...

Yea, thanks! For now im fine with mana, i lack HP for sure so i will focus on jewels now for sure, but i'm not sure with keystones, it seems like if you take Crimson dance you should than later go for Bloodletting cuz they have synergy together and than for hematophagy, but i guess i can get all of them till lvl 90 so i'm fine!
hi,explain please, why Damage on Full Life is better than ruthless gem?

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