[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

So what are the best mods to multimod onto this? Is the front page crafting guide still up to date?
Hey I was wondering, why do we run Impale linked to Ancestral Warchief?

Hi, how can I improve my build? I currently only have about 25% dmg reduction from armour and 4.6k life despite trying to get as much life as possible in my gear and I get 1 shoted quite a lot, especially by porcupines. Been stuck at lvl91 for almost a week now.

The last time I play this exact same build, I manage to reach level 95 with ease but I but things change, I think I am doing something wrong here.

And for my weapon, I currently only have 3ex. Do you think I should save it to buy disfavour or craft elder vaal axe?

I just got my Enlighten to level 3 but due to have 2 -mana cost rings I don't need it to run all gems mentioned in this guide. Have people been replacing it with vaal grace?
Nosferat escreveu:
Nosferat escreveu:

Where should I put this for maximum damage,and is it worth it? Compared to other jewels?

I have a hard time figuring these new jewels out. I get that it gives channeling+area damage, so it should be good, but I don't know where to socket it, to make it give me the damage it should.

Played around with this and
this as well. Some of the mods are awesome, some not so much.

From a pure damage perspective, militant faith somewhat delivers, I'm not good with pob calculations, but simply looking at my tooltip dps,with auras activated, went from 167K to 180K if I put it near golem's blood.

The other one also gives a small dps boost, but that has other properties,like a ton of life, life regen and resistances, depending on the location of the jewel socket and what it corrupts.

Anyone?....Is there a place where I could see what these new jewels do specifically and how they help this build in general?
Nosferat escreveu:

Anyone?....Is there a place where I could see what these new jewels do specifically and how they help this build in general?

it's impossible to tell. it depends on what seed of jewel you have which will determine if it is better or not. lethal pride can be good on the left sided jewel socket but for a crit build tempered flesh will be better 99% of the time - unless you get a ridiculous seed on the lethal pride. then that is up to you to check yourself as people can't really help you it. some of the mods to look out for are double damage and fortify effect. one i had gave me 10% double dmg across two nodes

same goes for brutal restraint. it can be good in the socket below duelist start but of course once again it will depend on the seed of the jewel. the one i have was trash but you can get flask nodes, crit nodes, and a few other good stuff. note that the keystone second sight for this can be good. 25% more critical chance takes me from 41% crit to 58% crit which is pretty huge, but again, it will depend on what else the jewel can give you

but really, everyone should be using glorious vanity. lethal pride, militant faith and brutal restraint barely, if at all, beat out any good rare jewel whereas no rare jewel can compete with giving you up to 1.7k more EHP.

the jewels are interesting but the way GGG has implemented them is complete trash. you have no fucking clue what ones on the market can do, you have no way to see if yours are good in a random jewel slot across the other side of the tree and spending one divine to get another conquerer and seed is a complete waste of currency. if you do want to test these jewels the best way is just to set up a whoop on poe trade. buy all the lethal prides that show up. test them in the left side jewel. if it sucks, flip it, repeat until someone sells you a good one without them knowing it was good
Última edição por crazypearce#3760 em 26 de jun de 2019 01:43:46
ressiv escreveu:
crazypearce escreveu:
ressiv escreveu:

If I craft this I need 3 exalted orbs:
-Can have multiple crafted modifiers (2 exalted)
-(8-10)% chance to deal double damage (1 divine)
-Adds (18-24) to (36-42) Physical Damage (4 chaos)
-(13-16%) increased attack speed, (13-18%) to quality (1 exalted)

Do you mean I should craft hit's cant be evaded? Is it necessary? I have 40% increased accuracy implicit and could work some accuracy onto my items.

that works fine to be fair. you can hit 100% hit chance with only 330ish on gear + a lvl 1 precision gem. so that doesn't take much investment at all.

If I do this on the Reaver sword and switch to sword nodes do you think I would be stronger than my current setup with Sinvicta's.
I see you took Impact instead of Brutal Fervour, should I get that too with the new setup?

Does anyone know this?
ressiv escreveu:

If I do this on the Reaver sword and switch to sword nodes do you think I would be stronger than my current setup with Sinvicta's.
I see you took Impact instead of Brutal Fervour, should I get that too with the new setup?

Does anyone know this?

you will have like 100-200% more dps just switching the weapon and tree to crit.

and i dropped brutal fevor becasue of the glorious vanity jewel plus soul tether belt. it lets you keep the leech without taking the nodes. if you can't get both of those then i'd just keep brutal fevor but impact is good as well. it's just personal choice
Última edição por crazypearce#3760 em 26 de jun de 2019 01:52:26
Pagranduks escreveu:
I have might of the meek to spare. Is there any place where I can put it? Is it better than rare jewels in this case?

Okay maybe I'm blind or just being really dumb and overlooking it but when you switched to crit you obviously dropped res tech but maintained your 100% chance to hit without accuracy? How so?

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