your screenshot are too small can you fix it ?
Última edição por kond0#6090 em 17 de dez de 2017 18:04:03
Postado porkond0#6090em 17 de dez de 2017 18:03:20
Hi! i really like this build but, as a noob, i don't understand one thing. I want to do it with the gladiator ascendancy and when i take "Outmatch and Outlast" i can drop Blood Rage, but what other gems i could use instead of it?
Postado porCoyoteGti25#5637em 17 de dez de 2017 20:41:04
CoyoteGti25 escreveu:
Hi! i really like this build but, as a noob, i don't understand one thing. I want to do it with the gladiator ascendancy and when i take "Outmatch and Outlast" i can drop Blood Rage, but what other gems i could use instead of it?
Not much really. At the moment I am Gladiator and use Outmatch and Outlast. I still use Blood Rage for the attack speed increase. Feels more comfortable with it. I use it in a CWDT-IC-Blood Rage setup in my weapon. You could swap it out for a golem, molten shell, stick in another vaal skill or whatever.
Postado por7thDayTheory#1858em 18 de dez de 2017 04:04:07
Been busy with work and have been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition recently, but will have to do a major overhaul of the guide when I get the time to play more.
Postado por7thDayTheory#1858em 18 de dez de 2017 04:10:38
7thDayTheory escreveu:
Been busy with work and have been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition recently, but will have to do a major overhaul of the guide when I get the time to play more.
you play gladiator with this build?
how the leech?
i think to convert from slayer one handed to galdiator one handed because the bonus that give the gladiator but i very love the leech in the slayer.
Postado porkond0#6090em 18 de dez de 2017 06:23:52
kond0 escreveu:
7thDayTheory escreveu:
Been busy with work and have been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition recently, but will have to do a major overhaul of the guide when I get the time to play more.
you play gladiator with this build?
how the leech?
i think to convert from slayer one handed to galdiator one handed because the bonus that give the gladiator but i very love the leech in the slayer.
Leech is fine. Have a few shaper sets laying around so I might do one run later to see any differences from 3.1. If anything I think the build should be stronger. Vulnerability now maims as well which is great.
Meanwhile you can have a look at my character. It's the setup I currently use. The character name is Hopekiller.
I have thrown 900 fuses on a Belly trying to 6-link it to no avail. Threw 3 fuses on a Carcass and 6-linked it :(. In desperation i spent 1400 chromes trying to color the carcass FML.
In the end I'm still using a tabula as I consider the six-link essential for bossing.
With a tabula I have 6k HP so I can take some hits as well.
Postado por7thDayTheory#1858em 18 de dez de 2017 09:34:18
7thDayTheory escreveu:
CoyoteGti25 escreveu:
Hi! i really like this build but, as a noob, i don't understand one thing. I want to do it with the gladiator ascendancy and when i take "Outmatch and Outlast" i can drop Blood Rage, but what other gems i could use instead of it?
Not much really. At the moment I am Gladiator and use Outmatch and Outlast. I still use Blood Rage for the attack speed increase. Feels more comfortable with it. I use it in a CWDT-IC-Blood Rage setup in my weapon. You could swap it out for a golem, molten shell, stick in another vaal skill or whatever.
Ty so much, i'll check your current character :)
Postado porCoyoteGti25#5637em 18 de dez de 2017 10:59:09
Thanks for the guide I'll be starting it this week on the xbox. With how bad trade and economy is it is really forced self found. This build looks perfect very little to get started. Made mistake last season with build that took to much gear and never got past magic T10 maps. I'm confident this will easily get me further with less work. And maybe complete a cruel lab this time.
Postado porQuest55#7311em 18 de dez de 2017 11:16:31
i saw this at muliple builds with enfeeble and vulnerability but i you can just applie 1 curse?
can someone explain that to me?
Postado porPacifistm#3326em 18 de dez de 2017 12:03:27
7thDayTheory escreveu:
kond0 escreveu:
7thDayTheory escreveu:
Been busy with work and have been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition recently, but will have to do a major overhaul of the guide when I get the time to play more.
you play gladiator with this build?
how the leech?
i think to convert from slayer one handed to galdiator one handed because the bonus that give the gladiator but i very love the leech in the slayer.
Leech is fine. Have a few shaper sets laying around so I might do one run later to see any differences from 3.1. If anything I think the build should be stronger. Vulnerability now maims as well which is great.
Meanwhile you can have a look at my character. It's the setup I currently use. The character name is Hopekiller.
I have thrown 900 fuses on a Belly trying to 6-link it to no avail. Threw 3 fuses on a Carcass and 6-linked it :(. In desperation i spent 1400 chromes trying to color the carcass FML.
In the end I'm still using a tabula as I consider the six-link essential for bossing.
With a tabula I have 6k HP so I can take some hits as well.
ty! :)
what do you think will be better for us belly or Carcass?
Postado porkond0#6090em 18 de dez de 2017 12:23:17